Summary: "Reviving the Apostolic Fire" calls the church to reignite early church passion and power, uniting revival, mission, and empowerment, urging today’s church to rise as a transformative force impacting local communities and the world."

The story of the early church is one of passion, power, and relentless pursuit of the mission Jesus gave them. From the upper room in Jerusalem to the ends of the earth, the apostles carried a fire that could not be quenched—a fire that transformed lives, shook cities, and changed the course of history. That same fire, that same apostolic power, is available to the church today. It is not a relic of the past; it is the legacy that Jesus left for His church, a call to be a people who live in the fullness of the Spirit, who walk in His authority, and who transform the world with the Gospel.

In Acts 4:31, we see a glimpse of what it looks like when the church is truly alive: “And when they had prayed, the place was shaken where they were assembled together; and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and they spake the word of God with boldness.” The early church was a praying church, a Spirit-filled church, and a bold church. They were not content to stay in the comfort of their gatherings; they went out and preached the word of God with courage and conviction. They faced opposition, persecution, and challenges, but they never wavered because they were driven by a fire that came from above.

This sermon is a call to revive that apostolic fire—to return to the passionate, Spirit-empowered, mission-driven faith that defined the early church. It’s a call to embrace the fullness of what God has called us to be and to rise up as a church that doesn’t just exist but transforms the world. As we conclude the "Apostolic Awakening" series, we are reminded that God’s call is not just to understand the apostolic blueprint but to live it, to embody it, and to carry it forward with the same power and boldness that shook the world two thousand years ago.

1. Rekindle the Passion for God’s Presence

The early church was known for their deep passion for God’s presence. They were not content with a shallow, superficial relationship with God; they wanted to know Him intimately, to experience His power, and to be filled with His Spirit. This passion was what drove them to the upper room, to gather in prayer, and to wait for the promise of the Holy Spirit. When the Spirit came, their passion ignited into a fire that could not be contained—a fire that spread from person to person, city to city, and nation to nation.

Rekindling the passion for God’s presence means returning to a place of deep intimacy with Him. It’s about setting aside distractions, carving out time to be in His presence, and cultivating a heart that is hungry for more of Him. The early church was not satisfied with tradition or ritual; they wanted an encounter with the living God. They understood that everything they did—their preaching, their ministry, their witness—flowed out of their relationship with God. A church that transforms the world is a church that prioritizes the presence of God above all else.

For us today, rekindling that passion requires a willingness to go deeper, to be more intentional, and to seek God with all our hearts. It means that our gatherings must be more than events; they must be encounters with God’s presence. It means that our prayer times must be more than a formality; they must be moments where we connect with the heart of God. A passionate church is a church that is alive, vibrant, and filled with the joy and power of the Holy Spirit. When we are passionate about God’s presence, it will overflow into every area of our lives, and the world will take notice.

Passion for God’s presence also means that we are willing to be led by His Spirit, to follow where He leads, and to obey His voice. The early church did not make decisions based on human wisdom or convenience; they followed the guidance of the Holy Spirit. They were a church that was willing to be interrupted, redirected, and led into places they never imagined. Rekindling the apostolic fire means that we, too, must be a church that is led by the Spirit, willing to go wherever He calls and to do whatever He asks.

2. Speak the Word of God with Boldness

One of the most striking characteristics of the early church was their boldness. In the face of intense persecution, opposition, and threats, they did not shrink back; they spoke the Word of God with courage and conviction. They were not ashamed of the Gospel, and they did not water down the message to make it more palatable. They preached Jesus—crucified, risen, and coming again—without apology. This boldness was not a product of their own personality; it was the result of being filled with the Holy Spirit.

To revive the apostolic fire, we must recover this boldness. We live in a time when the truth of God’s Word is often questioned, dismissed, or distorted. Yet, the world desperately needs to hear the Gospel—the true, unchanging, life-giving message of Jesus Christ. A church that transforms the world is a church that is not afraid to stand for truth, to declare the Gospel with clarity, and to confront the lies of the enemy with the power of God’s Word. Boldness is not about being aggressive or abrasive; it’s about having the courage to speak the truth in love, even when it’s unpopular.

For the early church, boldness was not an option; it was a necessity. They knew that the Gospel was the power of God unto salvation, and they were willing to face any obstacle to share it. For us today, boldness means that we are not afraid to be different, to stand out, and to be voices of hope in a world that is often filled with despair. It means that we are willing to speak up when others remain silent, to share the Gospel even when it’s inconvenient, and to be faithful witnesses of Jesus in every sphere of life.

Boldness also means that we rely on the Holy Spirit to give us the words to say. The early church did not speak in their own strength; they were empowered by the Spirit to declare the message of Christ. When we are filled with the Spirit, He gives us a boldness that goes beyond our natural abilities—a boldness that enables us to speak the truth with authority, to pray with confidence, and to minister with power. A church that is bold in its witness is a church that will see lives transformed, hearts healed, and the Kingdom of God advanced.

3. Be Empowered by the Holy Spirit for Mission

The empowerment of the Holy Spirit was the driving force behind everything the early church did. From the day of Pentecost onward, they were a Spirit-filled, Spirit-led, and Spirit-empowered community. They did not rely on their own abilities, strategies, or resources; they relied on the power of the Holy Spirit to guide, to empower, and to equip them for the mission. This empowerment was not just for the apostles; it was for every believer. The Holy Spirit gave them the power to preach, to heal, to perform miracles, and to transform the world.

For the church today, the call to be empowered by the Holy Spirit is just as urgent. We cannot fulfill the mission of God in our own strength. We need the Spirit’s power to lead us, to strengthen us, and to enable us to do what we cannot do on our own. Being empowered by the Spirit means that we are open to His work in our lives, that we seek His presence daily, and that we depend on His guidance in every decision. A church that is empowered by the Holy Spirit is a church that moves in the supernatural, that sees miracles happen, and that experiences the power of God in tangible ways.

The empowerment of the Holy Spirit is not just for special occasions; it’s for everyday life. It’s for the moments when we are sharing the Gospel with a friend, praying for someone in need, or serving in our communities. The Holy Spirit equips us for every aspect of the mission, giving us the courage to go where He sends us and the power to accomplish what He has called us to do. A Spirit-empowered church is a church that expects God to move, that prays with faith, and that steps out in obedience, trusting that God will do what only He can do.

Empowerment also means that we are willing to be stretched, to be taken out of our comfort zones, and to be led into places where we must rely on God’s strength rather than our own. The early church was constantly being led by the Spirit into new territories, new challenges, and new opportunities. They did not limit what God could do based on their own expectations; they believed that with God, all things were possible. To revive the apostolic fire, we must be a church that is willing to take risks for the sake of the Gospel, to believe God for the impossible, and to trust that His Spirit will lead us every step of the way.

4. Pursue Unity and Love within the Body of Christ

Unity was a hallmark of the early church. They were of one heart and one mind, united in their love for Jesus and their commitment to the mission He had given them. This unity was not based on uniformity but on a shared passion for the Kingdom of God. They loved one another deeply, they served one another selflessly, and they stood together in the face of persecution. This unity was attractive to the world around them, and it was a powerful testimony to the reality of Jesus.

To revive the apostolic fire, we must pursue unity and love within the body of Christ. The church is often divided by differences in theology, culture, or preference, but the call to unity is not optional. It is essential if we are to be a church that transforms the world. Unity does not mean that we agree on everything; it means that we are willing to put aside secondary differences for the sake of the Gospel. It means that we are committed to loving one another, to serving one another, and to building one another up in the faith.

Unity is not just about getting along; it’s about being a visible demonstration of the Kingdom of God. When the world sees a church that is united, that loves one another despite differences, and that stands together in the face of adversity, they see a glimpse of what heaven looks like. A church that is united in love is a church that creates an atmosphere where the Spirit can move freely, where lives can be transformed, and where the Gospel can be proclaimed with power.

Pursuing unity also means that we are committed to forgiveness, reconciliation, and grace. The early church was not perfect; they had conflicts, disagreements, and challenges. But they were committed to resolving those issues, to forgiving one another, and to maintaining the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. A church that is willing to forgive, to reconcile, and to extend grace is a church that will experience the fullness of God’s blessing. Unity is not just a goal; it’s a necessity if we want to see revival and transformation in our midst.

5. Live with a Kingdom Mindset that Transforms the World

The early church did not live for themselves; they lived for the Kingdom of God. Their lives were not centered around personal comfort, security, or success; they were centered around the mission of Jesus. They understood that they were part of something far greater than themselves—a Kingdom that would never end, a mission that would transform the world, and a Savior who was worthy of their all. This Kingdom mindset was what drove them to preach the Gospel, to endure persecution, to make disciples, and to plant churches in the most unlikely places.

To revive the apostolic fire, we must live with the same Kingdom mindset. This means that we view every aspect of our lives—our work, our relationships, our finances, our time—through the lens of the Kingdom of God. It means that we are willing to sacrifice, to serve, and to give for the sake of the Gospel. A Kingdom mindset is not about building our own empires; it’s about advancing God’s Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. It’s about living with an eternal perspective, knowing that what we do for Christ will last forever.

A church that lives with a Kingdom mindset is a church that transforms the world. It’s a church that is not content with the status quo, that is not afraid to challenge the norms, and that is willing to go wherever God leads. A Kingdom-minded church is a church that sees every opportunity as a chance to share the love of Jesus, that values people above programs, and that is willing to invest in what truly matters. It’s a church that is not focused on numbers, but on transformation. A church that lives for the Kingdom is a church that will see revival, not just in its own walls, but in the community, the nation, and the world.

Living with a Kingdom mindset also means that we are willing to take risks, to step out in faith, and to trust God with the results. The early church was willing to risk everything for the sake of the Gospel, and God honored their faith. They believed that the Kingdom of God was worth everything, and they were willing to pay the price to see it advanced. To revive the apostolic fire, we must be willing to do the same. We must be willing to lay down our lives, to pick up our crosses, and to follow Jesus wherever He leads.


As we bring the "Apostolic Awakening" series to a close, the challenge is clear: it’s time to revive the apostolic fire that defined the early church. It’s time to rekindle our passion for God’s presence, to speak His Word with boldness, to be empowered by the Spirit, to pursue unity, and to live with a Kingdom mindset that transforms the world. This is not just a call to understand the apostolic blueprint; it’s a call to live it out every day. God is not looking for a passive church; He is looking for a church that is alive, vibrant, and filled with His Spirit—a church that will not settle for anything less than His fullness.

Today, the Spirit of God is calling you to be part of this apostolic movement. If you have never given your life to Jesus, He is inviting you to come, to experience His love, and to be part of a church that is on fire for Him. He is calling you to move from where you are to where He wants you to be, to be a witness of His grace, and to be a light in a dark world.

For those who have already said yes to Jesus, this is a call to go deeper. It’s a call to reignite your passion, to step out in boldness, to rely on the Spirit’s power, and to live with a Kingdom mindset. It’s a call to be part of a church that doesn’t just talk about revival but lives it, that doesn’t just preach about transformation but demonstrates it, and that doesn’t just exist but changes the world. If you are searching for a church that is passionate about the Kingdom of God, our doors are wide open. We are a church that longs to see God’s Kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven, and we would love to have you join us.

And if you are in need of prayer—if you are longing for a fresh touch from God, if you are seeking revival in your own heart, or if you desire to be part of a church that is making a difference—come and let us pray with you. God is here, and He is ready to move. The Spirit of the Lord is calling you to be part of His mission, to be a vessel of His glory, and to be a witness to the world. Don’t miss this moment to respond. Come to Jesus, come to the altar, and come to the place where the apostolic fire burns bright and transforms everything it touches. Amen.