Summary: The Apostolic Church" focuses on being a church grounded in Jesus, Spirit-led, and mission-driven. This sermon calls believers to embrace their identity as a sent people, united in truth, and empowered to impact the world.

The church is not a building; it’s a living, breathing community of believers united under the Lordship of Jesus Christ. Throughout history, the term “apostolic” has often been linked to authority, leadership, or church structure. Yet, in its purest form, the term points back to the mission, foundation, and calling of the early church—a church that was sent, empowered, and commissioned to carry the Gospel to every corner of the earth. The Apostolic Church is a church that doesn’t settle but goes, a church that moves in power, is grounded in truth, and embraces the call to transform the world with the love of Christ.

In Ephesians 2, Paul reminds us that we are no longer strangers, but members of God’s household, built on the foundation laid by the apostles and prophets with Christ as the cornerstone. The apostolic foundation is not about titles or positions; it’s about a calling to be the sent ones, to be a church that is equipped, empowered, and established on the unshakeable foundation of Jesus. As we explore what it means to be an Apostolic Church, we are diving into what it means to be a church that carries the DNA of the early church—a church that understands its identity, embraces its calling, and moves forward in power.

1. Build on the Foundation of Christ

The apostolic church is built on the foundation of Jesus Christ. Paul emphasizes that Jesus is the cornerstone—the most crucial stone in the foundation that determines the stability and alignment of the entire structure. The early church understood this clearly; they built their lives, their teaching, and their mission on the truth of who Jesus is and what He accomplished on the cross. They did not preach themselves; they preached Christ and Him crucified. Their focus was not on personalities, programs, or popularity, but on the person of Jesus.

Today, we are called to do the same. Our foundation must be Jesus and His Word. The doctrines of the apostles are not merely religious guidelines; they are the unchanging truths that Jesus taught and lived. The apostolic church is not swayed by trends, cultural pressures, or the opinions of men. It stands firm on the solid rock of Jesus Christ. When the foundation is secure, the church becomes a beacon of hope, a place of refuge, and a light in a dark world. A church that is truly apostolic will always prioritize the teachings of Christ above all else, knowing that if the foundation is strong, the church will withstand any storm.

To be an apostolic church, we must return to the foundation of Christ. We must be unwavering in our commitment to the truth of His Word, holding fast to sound doctrine, and allowing the Gospel to be the cornerstone of everything we do. We cannot build on the shifting sands of human wisdom or cultural trends; we must build on the eternal truth of Jesus. This foundation is not only what sustains the church but what propels it forward into the mission God has given.

2. Embrace the Call to Be Sent

The word “apostolic” comes from the Greek word apostolos, which means “one who is sent.” At the heart of the apostolic church is the understanding that we are a sent people. Jesus, the ultimate Apostle, was sent by the Father, and He, in turn, sends us. In John 20:21, Jesus said, “As my Father hath sent me, even so send I you.” The apostolic church is not content to stay within its four walls; it understands that its mission is to go beyond them. It is a church that embraces the Great Commission, knowing that we are called to take the message of the Gospel to the ends of the earth.

To be an apostolic church means that we cannot be passive observers or mere attendees. We are called to be active participants in God’s mission. We are called to go—to go into our neighborhoods, our workplaces, our schools, and our cities with the life-changing message of Jesus. The apostolic church does not wait for people to come; it goes to where the people are. It is a church on the move, driven by the urgency of the Gospel and the love of Christ. It is a church that does not shy away from difficult places or challenging circumstances because it knows that it carries the hope of the world.

Being sent also means that we are willing to step out of our comfort zones. The early church did not have all the answers, but they had the Holy Spirit, and that was enough. They trusted that if Jesus sent them, He would also empower them. The same is true for us. To be a church that is truly apostolic, we must be willing to be sent—to be stretched, to be challenged, and to be led by the Spirit. We must have a heart for the lost, a desire to see lives changed, and a passion to see the Kingdom of God advance. An apostolic church is not a stationary church; it is a church that is always on mission, always moving, and always going to where God leads.

3. Equip and Empower the Saints

One of the hallmarks of an apostolic church is its commitment to equipping and empowering believers. Ephesians 4:11-12 tells us that Christ gave apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry. The apostolic church does not see ministry as the responsibility of a select few; it sees ministry as the calling of every believer. The role of leadership is not to do all the work but to equip the church to be the church—to empower every member to use their gifts, to step into their calling, and to participate in the mission of God.

The early church understood that the power of the Gospel was not limited to the apostles; it was accessible to every believer. They equipped each other, they discipled each other, and they released each other to serve. They did not cling to titles or positions; they were focused on raising up leaders, training disciples, and sending them out to do the work of the Kingdom. An apostolic church is a church that invests in people, that believes in the potential of every believer, and that is committed to equipping them for the work of ministry.

To be an apostolic church, we must be a church that empowers. We must create a culture where everyone is encouraged to grow, to learn, and to step out in faith. We must invest in discipleship, mentorship, and training, recognizing that the future of the church depends on our willingness to equip the next generation. We cannot be content with spectatorship; we must be a church that mobilizes every believer to be an active participant in God’s mission. An apostolic church releases people to serve, to lead, and to make a difference in the world. It is a church that does not hold people back but sends them forward with the power of the Spirit.

4. Move in the Power of the Holy Spirit

The apostolic church was marked by the power of the Holy Spirit. In Acts 1:8, Jesus promised His disciples, “But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me…” The early church did not operate in their own strength; they relied entirely on the power of the Holy Spirit. This power was not for show; it was for witness. It was the power to preach boldly, to heal the sick, to cast out demons, and to demonstrate the reality of the Kingdom of God. They did not merely talk about the power of God; they lived it.

The apostolic church understood that without the Holy Spirit, they were powerless. They waited in the upper room until the Spirit was poured out, and once they were filled, they went out with boldness and courage. The power of the Spirit was not confined to their gatherings; it went with them into the streets, the marketplaces, and the homes of those who needed to hear the Gospel. Miracles, signs, and wonders were not confined to the apostles; they were present in the life of every believer who was filled with the Spirit. The Holy Spirit was the source of their strength, their guidance, and their courage.

To be an apostolic church, we must return to the power of the Holy Spirit. We cannot rely on our own abilities, our programs, or our strategies. We must seek the presence of God, be filled with His Spirit, and move in His power. This means creating space for the Spirit to lead, being sensitive to His guidance, and stepping out in faith when He calls. It means praying with expectation, worshiping with passion, and ministering with boldness. The apostolic church is not a powerless church; it is a church that moves in the supernatural power of God, trusting that what the Holy Spirit did in the early church, He can and will do today.

5. Pursue Unity and Diversity in Christ

The apostolic church was a diverse church, yet it was united under the Lordship of Jesus. In Ephesians 2:19-22, Paul speaks of a church that is “fitly framed together,” growing into a holy temple in the Lord. This church was made up of Jews and Gentiles, men and women, rich and poor, yet they were one in Christ. Their unity was not based on cultural similarities or social status; it was based on their shared identity in Jesus. They were the body of Christ, and every member had value, every gift had purpose, and every voice was needed.

In today’s world, division and disunity are rampant. People are divided by politics, race, ideology, and countless other barriers. Yet, the apostolic church is called to be different. It is called to be a place where every barrier is broken down, where diversity is celebrated, and where unity is pursued. It is called to be a place where people of all backgrounds, ethnicities, and walks of life can come together, worship together, and serve together in the name of Jesus. This unity is not easy; it requires humility, forgiveness, and a willingness to put others before ourselves. But it is a unity that reflects the heart of God and serves as a powerful witness to the world.

To be an apostolic church, we must embrace both unity and diversity. We must be a church that values every individual, that honors every gift, and that seeks to include rather than exclude. We must be willing to lay down our own preferences for the sake of the Gospel and to pursue reconciliation where there is division. An apostolic church is a church that strives to be a true reflection of the Kingdom of God—a kingdom where every tribe, tongue, and nation is represented, worshiping Jesus together as one.


The Apostolic Church is not a relic of the past; it is God’s vision for His people today. It is a church built on the unshakeable foundation of Jesus Christ, sent out into the world with a message of hope, equipped to serve and empowered by the Holy Spirit. It is a church that moves in power, that prioritizes unity, and that pursues God’s mission with passion and urgency. This is the kind of church God is calling us to be—a church that does not settle for mediocrity but strives for the fullness of what He has called us to.

Today, the Spirit of God is moving among us, calling each of us to take our place in this Apostolic Church. If you have never given your life to Jesus, He is inviting you to become part of His family, to stand on the foundation that cannot be shaken, and to receive a new identity in Him. He is calling you out of darkness and into His light, offering you a life of purpose, hope, and grace. Don’t miss this opportunity to respond to His invitation.

For those who have already said yes to Jesus, He is calling you to go deeper. He is calling you to step out in faith, to embrace your calling, and to be part of a church that is on a mission. He is calling you to be equipped, to be empowered, and to be sent. He is calling you to live in unity with your brothers and sisters, to move in the power of the Spirit, and to be a witness to the world around you.

If you are searching for a church home, a place where you can belong, grow, and be part of a community that loves Jesus and loves people, our doors are wide open. We are a church that strives to be apostolic in every sense of the word—a church that is grounded in truth, moved by the Spirit, and committed to God’s mission. There is a place for you here, and we would love for you to be part of what God is doing.

And if you need prayer, if you are carrying burdens that are too heavy to bear alone, if you need a touch from God, or if you just want someone to stand with you in faith, we are here for you. Come forward, let us pray with you, and let’s believe together for God’s breakthrough in your life.

This is a moment of decision. Don’t hold back. Don’t wait. This is your time. The Spirit of God is calling. Come to Jesus, come to the altar, and come to the place where God’s love, grace, and power are waiting to meet you. Amen.