Summary: Human beings are created in the image of God and the question is, ‘How are we representing the Lord as His children?’ Only those who understand their true identity in Christ will be able to reflect Him the way they should.

We read in Matthew 22:20, He asked them, “Whose is this image and inscription?” (WEB)

Jesus asked many questions to people in several situations, and we are meditating on a few of them. The question that we are considering is from the above mentioned verse where Jesus asked “Whose is this image and inscription?”

The leaders sought to trap Jesus

In order to understand a little background, let us read Mark 12:13, The leaders sent some of the Pharisees and some of Herod's followers to Jesus. They wanted to trap him into saying the wrong thing. (GW)

The religious leaders in Jesus’ time sought to trap Jesus in His words, and therefore they sent others to question Him. On the surface they appeared to be sincere, but their intentions were false. They did not realize who Jesus was, and so assumed that He too was another teacher like the many other Rabbis who lived in those days.

Even today if we are not cautious, we too can be ambushed by some whose only intention is to make us falter in our faith. These are those who are crafty in their speech, and use it to their own advantage. If we engage in conversations with such people, they can destroy the foundations of our faith in the Lord. We need wisdom that Jesus had, to discern if someone is sincerely seeking or is simply pretentious.

Depend on God’s wisdom and His strength

We read in Proverbs 26:12, Have you met a person who thinks he is wise? There is more hope for a fool than for him. (GW)

Anyone who thinks they are wise in their own understanding, are most pitiable for the word of God says there is more hope for a fool that for such a person. We must desire to be obedient to the word of God, depend on His divine wisdom, and never consider ourselves wise in our own eyes.

We also read in 1 Corinthians 1:25, For what seems to be God's foolishness is wiser than human wisdom, and what seems to be God's weakness is stronger than human strength. (GNB)

There are two parts of this verse, one that talks about the power of our mind, and the other that explains about the physical strength. If we were to compare God’s wisdom with man’s, the foolishness of God is far wiser than man’s wisdom. So also the weakness of God, if at all there is, is far greater than the greatest strength that man possesses.

When the people of Israel were confronted with the tenacious city of Jericho on their way to possess the Promised Land, the counsel that God gave to them was to just walk around the walls of the city. Jericho represented the enormous strength of man, who in order to build it had to use his wisdom and prowess. The method God used to bring down the mighty walls of Jericho, was to simply praise the Lord, which was in total contradiction to human understanding. The shouts of the people in praise was enough for the Lord to demolish, the impassable walls of mighty Jericho.

The instructions of the Lord may seem unreasonable to our so called logical minds, but when the Lord admonishes us to do something, we should do so without any questions or doubts. Today science has advanced and the methods of ultra sound is used to identify all sorts of malfunctions in most of our vital organs, and also used to break down kidney stones. Thousands of years ago God used this technology of sound to bring down the walls of Jericho. Many think that anesthesia is an invention of modern medicine, but in the Garden of Eden the Lord brought a deep sleep on Adam before He removed his rib to form Eve out of it. The wisdom of God is revealed all through scripture, and all of the knowledge we have finds its source in God alone.

Goliath confronted the Israelite army, and belittled them. When the entire army ran away in fear, David, a young shepherd boy decided to go against him, with an ordinary sling and a few pebbles. He went in the strength of the Lord, and a simple sling and stone were enough for the Lord to bring about a mighty victory for His people. The strength and wisdom of human beings can never stand before the might, and wisdom of our Almighty God. If we have the Lord’s wisdom and His strength there will be no problem that we cannot face, and no hardship that we cannot overcome. Let us decide to rely entirely on the Lord, and not on any of our human skills or achievements.

The question about paying taxes

We read in Matthew 22:17, So tell us what you think. Is it right to pay taxes to the emperor or not?" (GW)

The question was a trick question to trap Jesus, and they probably connived for long hours before they came up with this question to Jesus. They thought that their clever question would have Jesus bewildered, not comprehending who the Lord Jesus was.

The Romans who ruled the land, had imposed taxes on the Jewish people who lived in that land. This was a must for every citizen, and the reason they asked this question to Jesus was that if in case He responded by telling them that they need not pay taxes, the Romans would have arrested Him. On the other hand if Jesus told them that they should pay taxes, the Jewish leaders would take offence as Jesus Himself was a Jew.

Instead of giving a straightforward answer Jesus posed another question to those who questioned Him.

We read in Matthew 22:19 Show me the coin for paying the tax!" They brought him the coin, (GNB)

Jesus was an excellent teacher, for there was no one who could teach the way He did. Jesus asked them for a coin, and then asked them the following question.

In Matthew 22:20, He asked them, “Whose is this image and inscription?” (WEB)

Here’s their response in Matthew 22:21, They replied, "The emperor's." Then he said to them, "Very well, give the emperor what belongs to the emperor, and give God what belongs to God." (GW)

The image and inscription on the coin was that of the Roman Emperor Caesar. Jesus then replied to them that they should render to the emperor what belonged to him, and to God what was due unto Him.

Unfortunately, there are those people who still have questions about paying their taxes to the government, and others who have dual accounts to hide their real income. Sometimes when people ask unnecessary questions, we must not feel obliged to give answers, instead be wise and question them back with another question. We too must be cautious that in our work place we must be punctual, conscientious, and give what is due to the ones for whom we are employed. For often the only bible that people of the world may read is our lives, and our irresponsible behavior can become a hindrance from others to coming to know the Lord.

Give God what is due to Him

We read in Genesis 5:1, This is the written account of Adam and his descendants. When God created humans, he made them in the likeness of God.

Just like the Roman coin had the inscription of the emperor, so also each one of us have the imprint of the image and likeness of God in our lives. Therefore, every one of us rightfully belong to God, for we bear in us God’s own image. Every single one of us are unique, and there is no one else who is like us in the entire world. We must constantly remind ourselves that we are carrying with us the image of God wherever we go, for only then our thoughts, word and actions will change to reflect the One whose image we bear.

God created every living thing that lives and moves on the earth, but only man and woman are specially designed in the image and likeness of God. Just as a father or mother rejoices that their baby resembles either of them, the thing that elates the heart of God is when we truly reflect His likeness in our everyday life.

When Jesus humbled himself to enter the waters of baptism, and came out of the waters, the voice of God the Father attested Him with these words, ‘this is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased’. We too must long to receive this affirmation that we are sons and daughters of the living God.

Here’s what the image of God in us implies

1. God has authority and rules

We read in Genesis 1:28, God blessed them and said, "Be fertile, increase in number, fill the earth, and be its master. Rule the fish in the sea, the birds in the sky, and all the animals that crawl on the earth." (GW)

God rules and He gave that authority to rule only to man. Therefore, we are created to rule. All of creation was subject to Adam and Eve. When Jesus lived on the earth, He ruled over the evil spirits, nature, sickness, and that same authority has been handed over to us. The crafty scheme of Satan is to ruin all that God has created to be perfect, and he is the one who also destroyed the image of God in man. May we desire to have that image of God restored in us, whereby we can fulfill the purposes for which God created us.

2. God is creative

We also read in Genesis 1:11, Then God said, "Let the earth produce vegetation: plants bearing seeds, each according to its own type, and fruit trees bearing fruit with seeds, each according to its own type." And so it was. (GW)

God is a creative God, and no wonder then that there are no two trees or flowers of leaves that are identical. Every one of God’s creation is unique. The creative part of God in only found in man, and that is why man is always trying hard to innovate and invent. If we take a look around us, each of us is unique that is why we look, dress and behave differently.

3. God is relational

We read in Genesis 1:26, Then God said, "Let us make humans in our image, in our likeness. (GW)

God is a triune God, and we too have a spirit, soul and body. God therefore, created man to be a relational being, and that is why man is unable to cope being all alone. This relational aspect is also the likeness of God in our lives.

4. God works for others

We read in John 5:17 Jesus replied to them, "My Father is working right now, and so am I." (GW)

Jesus explained how He was working, just as His Father in heaven was working. Jesus was working on behalf of others. When God placed Adam in the Garden of Eden, though he had everything there, God gave him charge to tend the garden. That is why Paul exhorts us in 2 Thessalonians 3:10 that "Whoever doesn't want to work shouldn't be allowed to eat” (GW) Man who is made in the image of God is therefore required to work, just like the Lord is working.

5. God has logical reasoning

God has logical reasoning and that He has bestowed this gift also graciously on man.

Since the image of God has been bequeathed on us, we are required to carry that image with us wherever we go, and give back to God what He has graciously gifted to us. We must be thankful to the Lord for this blessed gift, and willingly give of our time, our love, our energy all for the glory of God, instead of being obsessed with ourselves. It is only when we begin to reflect the image of God will we find true meaning and purpose in our lives.

May our bodies be His holy temple that will bring glory to Him, and may we avoid anything (thought, word or deed) that would bring dishonor to His image in our lives. When the people of the world see us, may they recognize the image of God evident, and shining forth in and through us.

Rev. F. Andrew Dixon