Summary: As believers in the Lord Jesus we are called to keep our lamps burning bright so that those around us who are still in the darkness of sin and unbelief can come into the light. The question is, “Is are our lamps shining bright for the Lord or are we hiding our lamps?

It is recorded in Mark 4:21, Jesus said to them, "Does anyone bring a lamp into a room to put it under a basket or under a bed? Isn't it put on a lamp stand? (GW)

As we meditate on the questions Jesus asked while here on earth, we realize that these questions were asked to help people understand or comprehend some profound truths. The above mentioned question is the one that we will study in this chapter.

The significance of Mark’s Gospel

The Gospel of Mark has an eminent place among the gospels. The one who wrote this gospel was John Mark, who was an assistant to some prominent leaders in the early church. While most people find it intimidating to be a helper, and look for opportunities to get ahead of others, John Mark was a willing helper to Barnabas, Paul and later to Peter in their ministry. The Gospel of Mark is a fascinating or action-oriented one, which does not contain much teachings of Jesus, but beautifully records in detail the wonders, and miracles that Jesus performed. It was probably the first gospel that was written, and the word ‘immediately’ occurs frequently throughout this gospel. The Gospel of Mark is written in such a way so as to motivate a new believers to be strengthened in their faith in the Lord Jesus. As John Mark humbly served alongside other leaders, the Lord blessed him, and honored him to be the one who wrote the first recorded gospel.

The question Jesus asked

The question Jesus asked as recorded in Mark 4:21, Jesus said to them, "Does anyone bring a lamp into a room to put it under a basket or under a bed? Isn't it put on a lamp stand? (GW)

The purpose of a lamp as we all know is to give light, and if it has to function well it needs the following components. 1. A wick 2. Oil and 3. Someone to light the lamp

1. Wick in a lamp – must have no impurity

A wick by itself is something that can actually burn out in a few seconds, but for a wick to burn for long hours it needs to be soaked in oil. Also for a wick to burn well it needs to free of any sort of impurity. I had an experience with a friend who invited me for a barbeque dinner. We were all excited, but after long hours of trying to combust the coals, he just couldn’t get them to burn and was totally exhausted. We inferred then that the coals did not have the ingredient to make it ignite.

So also, if there is sin in our life or any sort of defilement, we will not be able to shine for the Lord as He intends for us to.

The testimony about John the Baptist

We read in John 5:35, He was a burning and shining lamp (ESV).

This is the testimony about John the Baptist, that he was a burning and shining lamp. John the Baptist separated himself from the world as unto the Lord, was rid of all uncleanness and wandered in the wilderness preaching about the Kingdom of God. He was such a shining light that people thronged to hear him preach, though there is no record of any miracles he did, they repented, got baptized and had their lives transformed.

To burn implies that there is no impurity, but to shine signifies fulfilling the very purpose of the lamp, which is to give light to everyone. The burning can be equated to the zeal one has to serve the Lord in various ways, but the shining signifies our personal testimony, and witness before others.

It is good to be zealous for the Lord, but is far more important to have a good testimony, especially among those who are not believers. Wistfully, one of the reasons why many have not yet entered into the Kingdom of God is because of the failed witness of those who are called by the Lord’s name. No wonder then that many are eager to follow Jesus, but shun the thought of being associated with the believers of Jesus. Our testimony must be evident in our family, our work place and in society.

We read in Psalms 104:4, You make your angels winds and your servants flames of fire. (GW)

The Psalmist explains the truth that the Lord makes his servants flames of fire, who will burn and shine for the Lord. In order to be holy, the Lord has graciously granted us the Holy Spirit of God who enables us to live this holy life.

2. Oil in the Lamp – signifies preparation

The second important ingredient for a lamp to burn is the oil. A wick on its own when lighted will turn to ash in a few seconds. However, when this wick is soaked in oil, it can burn for many long hours. So also, when a person is filled and anointed with the Holy Spirt of God, and functions in the strength of the Lord, they can shine for the Lord all the days of their lives. God is looking for those who will love, and serve Him like John the Baptist, who will shine forth as a great testimony to the Lord.

The ten virgins

We read in Matthew 25:8, And the foolish said to the wise, 'Give us some of your oil, for our lamps are going out.' (ESV)

There is a parable of the ten virgins recorded in Matthew 25 all of whom are awaiting the bride groom’s return. Five of them were wise and five foolish. The five wise ones were not dependent on their own rational, but had tuned their minds to be prepared to receive the Lord any time He returned. The foolish ones on the other hand, were dependent on their own wisdom, and were content to have a little oil just for the time being. The bridegroom arrived at a time that they did not expect, and while the five wise virgins who were well-prepared had enough oil in their lamps, the five foolish ones, who were careless, were left outside as they had no more oil to keep their lamps burning, and the door was closed on them.

To explain this let us look at an example from our everyday life. We live in Ooty and if someone was to travel to Conoor by car or bike, and just say that they noted that the fuel indicator showed low fuel. Just imagine that the person ignores this and assumes that he would be able to make it to his destination and back with that limited fuel. However, unexpectedly on the way, he is stuck in a traffic jam, where vehicles are inching their way, and suddenly panic grips him, for he is not sure if he can even make it to the desired destination or is his vehicle will stop midway. Many people live their faith life this way, and so are unable to continue on this journey of faith that they have begun travelling on. All of us must like the wise virgins, always be ready for the Lord’s coming, and have the assurance that we are filled with His Holy Spirit.

Jesus asked this question in Luke 18:8, Nevertheless, when the Son of Man comes, will He really find faith on the earth?” (NKJV) The reason for this question was because many who began their walk of faith, have given up in the middle.

3. A person to light the lamp – follow the true light

If one had the lamp, the wick and the oil but had no one to light it, it would just be a showpiece of no use to anyone.

We read in John 1:9, The true light, which enlightens everyone, was coming into the world. (ESV)

Jesus is that true light who can enlighten each one of us. Hebrews 12:2 describes Jesus as the author and the finisher of our faith, the one who begins the faith and also brings it to completion. Faith is believing in that which is not seen. It will suffice for one to have good eye sight to believe that I am standing here and preaching the word. On the other hand when the word of God says in Matthew 18:20, For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them.” (ESV) and this takes faith for us to believe that the Lord is indeed present in our midst, whenever we gather together in His name. The Lord is the finisher of our faith, for one day we will behold Him face to face, and at that time we will no longer need faith to believe.

We also read in John 8:12, Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life." (ESV)

Here Jesus reinforces the fact that since He is the light of the world, it is only those who follow and walk after Him in obedience will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.

There are three important aspects that are necessary for us to shine for the Lord. Firstly we must be made holy, for the word of God admonishes us that without holiness no one can see God. Secondly, we must always be ready or prepared all the time, and thirdly we must be willing to follow Jesus to the very end.

We read in Matthew 5:16, In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven. (ESV)

Our lives must so shine for the Lord, that people will see our witness, and glorify the Father in heaven.

We read in Mark 4:21 Jesus said to them, "Does anyone bring a lamp into a room to put it under a basket or under a bed? Isn't it put on a lamp stand? (GW)

Lamps under the basket

The rightful place for a lamp is to be set on a lampstand, and not under a basket. Only when the lamp is in its proper place will it give light to the entire room. The basket represents the work that many people are so occupied with. The danger of a lamp being placed under a basket is that it will eventually be quenched because of the lack of oxygen.

There are so many who are so busy only with worldly work, and have no time for God. The consequence is that they have lost their capacity to shine for the Lord. If we don’t prioritize God in our lives, we will be the losers, and instead of shining for the Lord as God purposed for us, we will become dim, and will ultimately be extinguished. The Lord has called us, made us holy, placed His Holy Spirit inside of us, and we are now the temple of the living God, so we can lead those who are in darkness into His marvelous light.

The excuses people make

We read in Luke 14:18-19, But they all began making excuses. One said, ‘I have just bought a field and must inspect it. Please excuse me.’ Another said, ‘I have just bought five pairs of oxen, and I want to try them out. Please excuse me.’ (NLT)

A certain man prepared a banquet and invited people to join in. The excuses they made were so trivial, as one said he had to inspect the field that he had already bought, and another wanted to try out the oxen that he had already purchased.

Have you noticed how when we are not keen to do something, we readily invent reasons to avoid them? Once we have decided something in our mind, we will accordingly create our excuses for not doing something. As long as we live here on earth, we must be constantly reminded that irrespective of what or how much we possess, we can take nothing, when our time comes to leave this world. However, on the other hand if we shine our lights, and lead others into the Kingdom of God, we will have the blessed joy of having those precious souls come along with us into heaven.

Lamps under the cot

The other place that a lamp should not be kept is under a cot. A lamp under a cot represents a person who is lazy, and does not desire to do anything for the Lord.

We read in Proverbs 22:13, A lazy person says, "There's a lion outside! I'll be murdered in the streets!" (GW)

The above mentioned verse in proverbs describes a lazy man, who makes an excuse to not leave his house, feigning a reason that there is a lion outside that could maul him. Many people have resorted to laziness, choosing sleep over work, and are unwilling to let God fulfill His purposes through their lives.

When God placed Adam in the most beautiful Garden of Eden, he did not place a cot in the middle of the Garden for him to rest and relax. Contrarily we read in Genesis 2:15, Then the LORD God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to farm the land and to take care of it. (GW)

God had not called us to be those who will hide under a basket or a cot to be of no use to anyone. Instead He wants our lives to shine and be a blessing to others, and be those who will lead many into the kingdom of God. If you observe the kind of people God called, they were those who were not idle, but those who were industrious and diligent.

It is written in Matthew 5:14, "You are light for the world. A city cannot be hidden when it is located on a hill. (GW)

We are chosen to be the light of the world. We are like a city that is situated on a hill, which can never be hidden. We need to quit worrying about the mundane things like food and clothing, choosing instead to prioritize to seek God and His Kingdom, for only then will everything else be added to us as well. Jesus lived a simple life while here on earth, but through His life he demonstrated that He had the authority over nature, demons, sickness and death itself. God has called us to be those who will live our lives like the sons of daughters of the king of kings letting our light shine, and bringing many into the light of the knowledge of God.

The questions that the Lord is asking us, that we need to ponder on are:

1. Is our lamp burning bright?

2. Have we kept it hidden under a basket or a bed?

3. Is it on a lampstand, the rightful place where it should be?

Let us desire to be those lamps on the stand, who are shining so bright that we can lead people who are in darkness into the glorious light of the risen Lord.

Rev. F. Andrew Dixon