Summary: Think about the questions that were posed to various people in the bible in the Old and New Testaments. The way the people responded brought about major transformation in their lives and that’s exactly what God can do to those who believe in Him wholeheartedly.

We read in Matthew 9:27-28, When Jesus left that place, two blind men followed him. They shouted, "Have mercy on us, Son of David.” Jesus went into a house, and the blind men followed him. He said to them, "Do you believe that I can do this?" "Yes, Lord," they answered. (GW)

The above mentioned incidence is of two blind men, who followed after Jesus, begging Him to have mercy on them and heal them. When Jesus entered a house they too followed after Him, to which Jesus asked this pertinent question, ‘Do you believe I can do this?’ to which they answered in the affirmative.

In this series we will study in detail the various questions that Jesus asked. The questions Jesus asked help us understand many important matters pertaining to God and to our lives.

An introduction

The first question God asked

Adam and Eve were walking in unison and fellowship with God, but when they disobeyed the only command that God gave to them, they hid from His presence, for their intimate communion with God was broken. The question God asked Adam was, ‘Adam where are you?’ God could have ignored Adam and Eve, or could have destroyed them that very instant for their disobedience, but God in His love decided to come searching for them. It was not that God did not know where they were, He knows everything, but He had to ask that question to help Adam realize his fallen state.

Our relationship with God is broken when we too like Adam and Eve choose to walk away in disobedience, and rebellion to the commands of God. The question God posed to Adam is one that we too should ponder on. It is a question that should make us analyze if we are those who do the will of God, or are in disobedience to His will. Are we those who obey God no matter what, and are we those who in spite of every loss or difficulty we still are walking in obedience to God instead of living a life that is humdrum?

The question God asked Moses

If we read the book of Exodus, there is a detailed account of Moses, and the way God used him to deliver the Israelites from the hand of Pharaoh. When Moses was tending the sheep of his father-in-law Jethro, God met Moses in a burning bush. Moses was terrified when God called him to go back to Pharaoh to lead the people of Israel out of slavery, for Moses knew better than anyone else the power, and strength in the hands of the harsh Pharaoh, as he had grown up in that very same palace as the king’s son.

God had to perform the first miracle for Moses, just to make him believe that it was He who called him. So God asked Moses this question, ‘What is in your hand?’, and Moses replied that he only had an ordinary shepherd’s staff or rod. In other words, Moses was telling the Lord that he was only fit to be a shepherd, who could tend sheep. The Lord had to remind Moses that the one who called Him was the ‘I am’ and so He told Moses, throw your rod down. When Moses did that he must have been stunned to watch the rod turn into a snake. It was only then He understood that God had a greater plan for him, and through him. God then asked Moses to bend down and pick up the snake, and it changed back into a rod in the hands of Moses.

Many of us may not be aware of this, but on the crown of Pharaoh, King of Egypt is the figure of a snake. The Lord was reassuring Moses that the authority of Pharaoh, would be brought under the hand of Moses, and the rod in his hand was more than enough for God to achieve it.

The question that God is asking us today is what do we have in our hand? Regardless of what little we have, the Lord is willing to take it and use it if we allow Him to do so. We thank God for the questions recorded in the word of God for they make us ponder, and realize that the God we believe in is an awesome God.

The question God asked Elijah

Elijah was a mighty prophet of God, whom God used singly against the hundreds of prophets of Baal to establish that the God of Israel was the true and living God. However, when faced with a threat from Queen Jezebel, he ran as far as he could and hid in a cave. The question God had to ask Elijah was, ‘What are you doing here?’ for Elijah forgot his position and standing that he had before God.

Sometimes, we too when challenged with difficulties or some people, try to run away from them. As believers, let us decide not to flee from hardships and trials that we may encounter, but instead stand firm, for the one who is in us is greater than the one who is in the world. We will encounter accusations, insults, oppositions or problems, but we must keep running this race looking only to Jesus. If we trust in the Lord and learn to commit everything to Him, He can turn it all around for our God, and bring to fruition that which seems withered.

The question God asked Jonah

Jonah was also a prophet of God, but Jonah decided to run away from God. When he went back to Nineveh, and the people of Nineveh repented, Jonah was angry and upset with God for being gracious to the people. The question God asked Jonah was, ‘Why are you angry?’

In our relationship with God we sometimes forget who we are, and who God is. Often we too like Jonah struggle with anger, and must remind ourselves that we worship a God who is gracious and slow to anger, who calls us to follow in His footsteps.

There was no need for God to take time to question and explain to Adam, or Moses, or Elijah or Jonah, but God in His love decided to do so. His questions helped them realize their situation and convicted them when they were wrong.

The two blind men

This incident as recorded in Matthew chapter 9 is of two blind men who followed after Jesus, shouting out to Him, declaring Him to be the Son of David, and begging for mercy to be healed. There were many who had physical eyesight who followed Jesus, but it was the two blind men who in spite of their physical blindness, perceived the Jesus was indeed a king. The two blind men recognized that just like David was the King of Israel, Jesus was no ordinary man, but was the King of Kings, who had come down from God.

If we think about the situation of these two blind men, it must have been pathetic. They had to depend on others for their daily movement, to carry out their day to day chores, they might have tried other ways to get their sight restored, but, as was often the case in those times, they were reduced to begging, for their livelihood. They had to spend their lives depending on the sympathy, and benevolence of others.

When they heard about Jesus and all the miracles He did, their hearts were filled with faith that He was able to do something for them, and heal them of their blindness.

If we desire to receive something from the Lord we must firstly like the blind men comprehend who He is, the authority that He holds, and the splendor of His majesty. Many find it hard to read and understand the Bible, but it is only when we do so, can we grasp as to who this God is whom we believe in, and all that He is able to do for us. For instance, if someone purchased an expensive mobile, but did not read the manual, and used it just to make calls alone, it would be of no value as the mobile is not being used to the full potential as it was meant to be. So also, we must understand that the Bible is God’s manual in our hands that teaches us how to live the life that God has designed for us, and if we have no time or desire for it, our lives will certainly go haywire. On the other hand, if we spend time reading the word of God, and apply it to our lives, we will be able to fulfill the purpose for which God created us. The more we read the word of God, our faith will grow, and this faith will overcome the world.

When faced with those trying situations in our family, about the future, our health or anything else, it is only when we are rooted in the word of God, can we encounter these challenges without any trepidation.

We read in Matthew 9:27, When Jesus left that place, two blind men followed him. They shouted, "Have mercy on us, Son of David." (GW)

As the two men follow after Jesus crying out to Him, it seemed that Jesus was ignoring them. There may have been those who may have been annoyed with them, and even tried to dissuade them from going after Jesus, but the men did not give up.

Some of us are in that place where we began praying about something, but when the answers were not in sight, we gave up. Let us persevere in prayer, never lose heart because God is faithful, and will give heed to our prayers in due time. When God is silent, it does not in any way mean that He has turned a deaf ear to our prayers, because He is a loving God, and will most certainly respond in His perfect time.

The question Jesus asked the two blind men

We read in Matthew 9:28 Jesus went into a house, and the blind men followed him. He said to them, "Do you believe that I can do this?" "Yes, Lord," they answered. (GW)

When Jesus entered a house, the two blind men followed after Him. Jesus then asked them this question, ‘Do you believe that I can do this?’

Think of that big burden in your life that you are trying to handle on your own, which upsets you, and gives you sleepless nights. The question the Lord is asking such people is, ‘Do you believe that I can do this?’ Many of us are so engrossed in our problems, and we spend so much time analyzing them, and our faith grows weak. We have a God who specializes in doing wonders, and who can change any situation around, no matter how complicated it may seem.

A similar question that Jesus asked Martha

We read in John 11:25-26, Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life. Those who believe in me will live, even though they die; and those who live and believe in me will never die. Do you believe this?" (GNB)

This question that Jesus asked Martha was somewhat similar to the one he asked the two blind men. The situation here is that Martha’s Brother Lazarus died, and was now buried in the tomb for four days. When Lazarus was sick, Mary and Martha sent word to Jesus, but Jesus tarried deliberately. Martha told Jesus that if He had come earlier, her brother would not have died. It was to this that Jesus responded and said to Martha, "I am the resurrection and the life. Those who believe in me will live, even though they die; and those who live and believe in me will never die.” The stone that was rolled over the tomb spelt a finality for Mary and Martha, but the Lord intervened to bring Lazarus back to life.

The word of God that comes as an assurance to us, is that in those hard and impossible circumstances that we encounter, the Lord is able to change and transform instantly. There may be spouses praying for each other, or parents praying for their children that they should be saved. Never give up even when things don’t change, but continue fervently in prayer for God will surely intervene to change those hopeless situations, in His perfect time. May be there are those tomb like situations, that spell doom, but the Lord assures us that He is the resurrection and the life who can bring life and hope to all those seemingly dead circumstances.

The answer that the two blind when Jesus asked the question, ‘Do you believe I can do this?’ answered in the affirmative and said ‘Yes Lord we believe.’ So also Martha replied to a similar question with her assent that she too did believe. The blind men and Martha received their miracles that day, simply by putting their utmost trust in the Lord. The blind men received their sight, and when they rolled the stone away, Mary and Martha, received their brother back to life.

The question that the Lord puts forward to us is ‘Do you believe?’ and if we really do believe, we will most certainly see the glory of God in every area of our lives. Like that stone that was rolled over the tomb, if there is unbelief in our hearts, we must cast it aside with the word of God and by our faith in the Lord Jesus. Every time we spend time with the word of God, our faith is strengthened, and we are charged to face any and every challenge that comes our way.

David was a young shepherd boy, but while the entire army of Israel was intimidated by Goliath, his structure, armor and strength, David saw the mighty God who was on his side. With God’s strength David overcame the giant with just a tiny stone. The Lord reminds us that the battle is not ours, but belongs to the Lord, and no one can stand against Him.

We must be reminded that irrespective of what our problems are, and how complicated they may be, if only we cling on to the Lord and His word, believe on Him with all our heart, He can change and truly transform every one of those impossible situations for our good. Just imagine there was a person who had a huge overhead tank, filled with water and was complaining to everyone that he had no water to use, simply because he did not open the tap. Sometimes we are like that, we are connected with Christ, the God of the universe, but are unable to enjoy these blessings, and allow the problems and pressures of life to overwhelm us only because we don’t know whom we have on our side.

We read in Mark 9:23, And Jesus said to him, "'If you can'! All things are possible for one who believes." (ESV)

Jesus told Martha that there is nothing impossible with God, and in the above mentioned verse He told the father of a boy who had an evil spirit, ‘All things are possible for the one who believes’. It is only when we believe that we become a child of God. We must believe God in spite of all the trials, weakness, confusion and hardships that surround us.

All of us have the gift of imagination, which extremely vital part of our lives. Most of us have television at home, and we know that these days every TV comes with a remote. However, there was time before remote was discovered, every time we wanted to change the channel one had to go to the TV box, and change it manually which was quite bothersome. Someone, who watched this for while let his imagination take over, and came up with this innovative idea of a remote control.

On the basis of the word of God, if we too can imagine, and believe that God can step in to change those seemingly impossible situations, we too will end up with a remote in our hands, for the Lord will give us solutions to all those insurmountable circumstances in our lives. Let us wholeheartedly believe in the Lord, and commit every one of our burdens into the Lord’s hands to experience His mighty intervention and deliverance.

Rev. F. Andrew Dixon