Let us continue to worship our God by listening and learning from His Word…… open your Bibles to Judges 6……….
We noted a few weeks ago…
v1-11: The Nation of Israel sinned again against God and they became slaves to the Midianites!
v12-16: Gideon was called by God to be empowered and lead, but Gideon had questions (a sign of still growing faith).
Read along with me Judges 6:15-24…..
I started with verse 15 because we need to note in….
v15: Lord – “Adonay” – proper name of God! Gideon already indicated that he was talking to God!
But then in…..
v17-21: Gideon still asked for a “sign” that he was really talking to God!
now look again at…
v22-23: Gideon “finally” realized that it was truly God speaking to him; but what was Gideon really thinking??
Realizing he was face to face with God, Gideon had fears about his life!
Now, it does not tell us in Scripture, but why do you think Gideon feared for his life here??
Gideon likely realized how sinful he was with God and so he had fears! Guilt!!
But how did God respond to Gideon??
God promised peace and salvation! and then we read…..
v24: Gideon responded with worship to God’s promise!
Last week we learned from v25-32: Gideon obeyed God by ridding of pagan idols but he still had fears.
Let’s continue to learn from God with the story of Gideon. Read along with me Judges 6:33-40……
v33: The Eastern people gathered to ransack Israel! As far as schedule goes, what do you think is significant about this event??
God orchestrated the attack to be able to work though Gideon!! And so we read….
v34-35: With the power of God, Gideon started to lead Israel!
Everything looked great! God called Gideon! Gideon believed in God! God promised victory over the Midianites through Gideon. The time has come and Gideon is ready to lead Israel!!!
Everything good??
Gideon’s faith was still not strong enough to immediately attack the enemy!
v36-40: Gideon tested God again, not only once but twice!!
We will note next week in Judges 7 that it was God’s turn to test Gideon! Did Gideon’s faith grow stronger?? Stay tuned!!
For now, we can sum up our passage today with this…..
When the Spirit of God led, Gideon was confident! But when Gideon allowed his “flesh” to speak to him, Gideon doubted! The biblical principle here is true for Christians today!
Let me highlight the biblical Principles for all of us to note and do…
First of all, as we have been highlighting with Gideon…
1. Although we already know God, our faith in Him is to grow everyday, to be more and more like Jesus Christ! As Believers of Christ, God already sees us as perfect; the question is, while we are still on earth, are you and I striving towards how God sees us?
How do we see ourselves in the mirror? Do we see ourselves defeated or empowered by God?
How does the world see us? Know how to grow your faith in Christ and do it!
Let us also note back to Judges 6:14…. Gideon’s faith was still growing but God said “Go in the strength you have!!” If we are Believers of Jesus Christ’ we are all capable of doing what God calls us to do in the strength we already have!!!
2. Know God’s promises through Christ! There is no guilt when we are in Christ! Worship God always!
How is our worship of God, not only on Sundays but everyday? Call on and allow God to be in our lives everyday!
3. Be aware of how God is involved in our lives through circumstances. Listen and obey God!
4. Be alert of our flesh misleading us! Yield to the Holy Sprit!