We continue our learning about our God and people as we now look at Judges Chapter 3; please open your Bibles there…….. Read along with me, Judges 3:1-31………..
As we had noted from Judges Chapters 1 and 2 the last couple of weeks, God’s Chosen People disobeyed God by not only allowing the ungodly people in the land to live (God told them to wipe them out) but the Israelites actually married into the pagan people. God’s Chosen People comingled with ungodly people.
Judges 3:1-8 again states the wrongdoings of the Israelites.
v1-4: God left the pagan nations to be with Israel to discipline them; God’s desire was for them to be godly by experiencing the pains of ungodliness!
v5-7: again, instead of obeying God, the Israelites continued with their evil ways!
v8: Because they kept on sinning, God allowed the Israelites to be slaves under a pagan king.
Since Israel finally felt the pain of the consequence of their sin…..
v9a: The Israelites cried out to God for help from slavery!
v9b: God answered their prayers and provided a deliverer who saved Israel!
Let us note that we do not hear repentance from the Israelites; so, you know what will happen later! God knew this of course but yet God provided a Deliverer; this is very telling about God! God is longsuffering, because He is love; but let us never forget that God is perfect and Holy! God is love but is also Holy and will eventually have to judge sin!
Now in v9-10: What can we note about Othniel?
- chosen and raised by God!
- Spirit of God came upon him
- was able to rightly judge and win battles
- there was 40 years of peace for Israel under his leadership!
v12a: but once the Leader Othniel died…….. the cycle repeats…..
v12b-14: consequences to sin – 18 years of slavery!
v15: Israel cries out to the Lord again, God provides another Deliverer, Ehud!
v15-30: What can we say about Ehud??
…. for those of you who are left handed, Ehud is your hero, honored by God!
- Ehud was a left handed godly warrior who represented Israel
- was trusted by Israel to bring a “tribute” (an offering) to their enemy king
- metal craftsman and “crafty” (cunning) – Ehud made an 18 inch double- edged sword, then hid it in his clothes; Ehud was left-handed and a craftsman and so he was “crafty!” 😊
Now, we read that Ehud sent his entourage away to be alone with the king of Moab; what do you think that tells us about Ehud??
- courageous and knowing his plan, Ehud considered the safety of his men
Now look again at v19-20……. I find it a bit confusing, but looking at it in context, it seems that Ehud was bringing the discussion with spirituality in mind, for the king responded for all to be quiet and be alone with Ehud, then the king stood up to hear the word from God! We can also read in v26 that Ehud passed by the idols. And so, I think we can note….
- Ehud was spiritual and so he planned and did what was necessary to rid of evil.
- Ehud was godly led and provided 80 years of peace for Israel!
Now, what do you think is interesting about v31??
v31: God provided another powerful godly leader after Ehud without Israel even asking!
What Biblical Principles from this passage can we note and apply to our lives today? Let us remember that God gave us the Bible so we can know our Creator God, who we are, the created ones, and how we are to live our lives. As I alluded to earlier, God is a loving God but is also Holy and Just! And so, first of all, as we note from Judges 3…..
Let us always remember that God is a loving God!
1. Knowing people would sin, God created them anyway!
2. Knowing Israel would sin, God chose that nation to reveal Himself anyway!
3. God keeps His promises!
4. God disciplines because He desires the best for people!
5. God will empower people who desires to honor God!
6. God will provide godly leaders and peace for those follow Him!
7. God always knows what people need and will provide even if not asked!
We can all be saying, “I’ve heard all of this before! I know God loves me!!” Okay….
We can easily say “I know God loves me! God is good all the time!” but……
Do we grasp God’s love strong enough that we….
a. don’t allow ungodly things in our lives?
b. don’t marry into ungodly people?
c. take God’s discipline seriously?
d. pray to God always?
e. thank God always for giving us godly leaders and giving us peace?
f. allow God’s empowerment to do the right godly thing?
Let us all take a quiet moment to ponder and pray about God’s incredible love for us and how we are responding to that love…….. We can not hide anything from God; it is time to spiritually grow to be more like Jesus Christ! God loves us even while we still sin but God longs for us to truly represent Him in this world. Quietly pray right where you are…….