Summary: esus loves and cares for His people and this world way Beyond just Sunday morning service. He wants the church to care for the people around us His way!

Beyond Sunday a CHC Production: Jesus cares about you! - Beyond Sunday!

Thesis: Jesus loves and cares for His people and this world way Beyond just Sunday morning service. He wants the church to care for the people around us His way!

T.S. – Scripture is filled with references to how Jesus cared for others and how we should care for others.

Scripture Texts:

Philippians 2:4

Do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others.

Galatians 6:2

Bear one another's burdens, and thereby fulfill the law of Christ.

Romans 12:10

Be devoted to one another in brotherly love; give preference to one another in honor…

Story of Jesus Caring:

Matthew 9:35-38:

The Workers Are Few

35Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness. 36When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. 37Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. 38Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”

Luke 18:35-43:

A Blind Beggar Receives His Sight

35As Jesus approached Jericho, a blind man was sitting by the roadside begging.

36When he heard the crowd going by, he asked what was happening.

37They told him, “Jesus of Nazareth is passing by.”

38He called out, “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!”

39Those who led the way rebuked him and told him to be quiet, but he shouted all the more, “Son of David, have mercy on me!”

40Jesus stopped and ordered the man to be brought to him. When he came near, Jesus asked him,

41“What do you want me to do for you?” “Lord, I want to see,” he replied.

42Jesus said to him, “Receive your sight; your faith has healed you.”

43Immediately he received his sight and followed Jesus, praising God. When all the people saw it, they also praised God.

We can also mention The Woman caught in adultery and see how Jesus responded to her!

We can look at the Samaritan woman at the well and once again see how Jesus cares for her!

There are many more stories of Jesus showing compassion and care for the people of the world. Jesus cared about people and He still cares about people today!


From the book Caring for People God’s Way – Introduction by Tim Clinton:

“When good King Josiah died around 609 B.C., Israel was prosperous, strong, and safe in the world. Yet the people of Israel quickly declined both morally and spiritually, and their leaders grew corrupt. The whole nation refused to hear the prophets God sent, including Jeremiah, to call them to repentance and restoration. Amid the ongoing search for the good life, a great terror was about to befall them— the complete destruction of Jerusalem and the forced slavery of the Jews by the Babylonians in 586 B.C.— but they would not turn their hearts. Jeremiah 6: 14 captures the essence of that day, “They have healed the brokenness of my people superficially, saying, ‘Peace, peace,’ but there is no peace” (NASB).”

Think about this historical example they ignored the teachings and the warning of the people sent by God to save them from the oncoming destruction but they did not listen instead they listened to those who did not represent God who were saying it’s all good-they give superficial band aids and deceive the people into thinking there is peace. But the truth is there is no peace because of the rejection of God’s words.

Tim adds this thought, “Interestingly, as today’s prosperous generations search for purpose, meaning and value, many are experiencing a pervasive sense of emptiness and isolation. And why shouldn’t they? In a world flooded with distresses like father absence, abuse, violence, marital discord, and emotional problems there is a natural epidemic of escapism through consumerism, drugs, alcohol, sex, and suicide. Earnest Becker accents this thought concluding “Modern man is drinking or drugging himself to death . . . or he/she is shopping which is the same thing.”

Would you agree with his observation?

Tim continues, “Living in denial, today’s powerful and pampered generations have become “tranquilized by the trivial,” though they find neither solace nor healing— crying “‘Peace, peace,’ but there is no peace.”

Dallas Willard alludes to this modern journey in his book on spiritual disciplines and concludes, “Obviously, the problem is a spiritual one. And so must be the cure.”

Last week at the Pastors retreat one of our speakers made the point, “We cannot fix the woes and ills of America with a new president because our problems are spiritual problems and spiritual problems can only be fixed by spiritual means.”

Tim continues, “We agree. In 1978, Scott Peck opened his near-classic work The Road Less Traveled with the profound truth assertion that “Life is difficult.” In the quarter century following, everything has changed. Relativism, cynicism, and the deconstruction of traditional morality have run their course leaving a socio-cultural travesty in their wake. Hence, what was accurate and profound then, “Life is difficult,” hardly grasps the needs or silent cries of many today; the trauma, loss, the present terror of neglect and abuse that touch the lives of so many. Our pressing concern at the inception of the 21st century is that people are hurting— and searching frantically for hope and new life. If there is ever a time for godly leadership, servanthood and biblical counsel, it is now.

The above quotes from Clinton, Tim (2009-09-21). Caring for People God's Way: Personal and Emotional Issues, Addictions, Grief, and Trauma (pp. 2-3). Thomas Nelson. Kindle Edition.

As we look around in our society, look deeply into our communities and families we cannot escape the reality that we are entrenched in a cold hearted society. Would you agree with this statement? Do you agree that the world is filled with a lot of heartache and pain! And for healing to come to this heartache we must have a spiritual answer and that is found in Jesus.

How bad is it? Really it’s not that bad Pastor Mike! Let’s consider the following statistics from the book “Caring for People God’s Way”:

The state of marriage in America is in trouble with about a 45-50% divorce rate. We have all heard this statistic before but it means 50% of homes rip apart as the spouses divorce and in the process many people’s hearts are wounded and torn apart. Reference some friend’s comments about their divorce. Divorce causes severe heartache to kids, to families and to relationships and it even causes destruction for some people.

Today in America we are witnessing the disintegration of the biblical nuclear family. Those who should get married and stay married do not today and those who should not be married get married. Something is wrong in our world and society today! Everything is turned upside down! We have 14 year olds and adults saying they are the wrong sex “God made a mistake” and need to use the other sexes bathroom! Or they want schools and businesses to give them special privileges which is their own bathrooms. Really – Is this not a huge spiritual issue? Do you really think “God made a mistake?” Or are they deceived and misguided? We have yielded to the unnatural ways of deceived people which then infringes on our rights as people leading natural lives.

Fatherlessness has taken over our country with a 72.2% increase in recent years: Each night nearly 40% of children fall asleep in homes were fathers are not present. Studies show that children living in fatherless families are more likely to develop emotional and behavioral problems. They are more likely to experience poverty and even extreme poverty.

Sexual abuse and assault are on the rise: The present evidence of widespread sexual abuse is daunting today. By age 18, 1 in 3 girls and 1 in 6 boys will be sexually abused by someone they love or should be able to trust. Sex slavery is rampid in the world and even in the US. according to some recent studies and news investigations.

In college 1 in 4 women have experienced attempted rape or have been raped.

Domestic violence is on the rise with nearly 5.3 million acts of domestic violence each year which result in almost 2 million injuries and 1,300 deaths per year.

Suicide is ongoing and rising problem: A suicide occurs approximately every 20 minutes in the USA today.

Alcoholism is rampant and has caused 85,000 deaths in 2000. It is reported that 40% of all crimes are linked to alcoholism and 72% of rapes are linked to alcoholism.

Depression is on the rise with an estimated 20% of the population being depressed -- so severe that it disrupts their daily routine.

Demonic oppression is rampant in our society blinding the eyes of many in leadership today. They actually think they are bringing peace to our society with forcing the population to accept unnatural behavior as normal.

We see abject poverty, drug abuse, the huge business of pornography, a rise in racial tension, more life-threatening diseases, the rise in terrorism, and a lack of peace in the entire world. Why? We are in need of spiritual healing and deliverance. The more we drift further from Biblical principles, the more evil, is rising up and the result is we see less and less peace!

T.S. - We can see why Jesus had compassion for our world and for each and every one of us! In our Bible text Matthew 9:35-38 we see his empathy for the world and for us too:

The Workers Are Few

35Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness. 36When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. 37Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. 38Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”

We here at CHC are asking God to send us workers so we can help out those in need around us today – are you willing to be an answer to prayer?

Reference the Keith Green song – Don’t you care that people are drowning everywhere?

Share the story from Brett Hollis – the person who drowned and the people just kept fishing!

Over and over Jesus showed how much he loved and cared for the people He ran into daily! He loved His neighbors and He helped His neighbors!

Let me share another Story of people caring for others from Charles Colson:

Story from Tim Clinton: “Years ago, in one of his columns for Christianity Today, Charles Colson tells the poignant story of an interview on PBS that demonstrates the power of caring, sacrificial love. In pointing out the limits of our best efforts to reform culture through political activism and persuasive argument, Colson asserts that “there is only one way people will genuinely ‘hear’ the gospel message: by observing how the church itself lives . . . They should see in the Christian community a unifying love that resonates with their own deepest longings— and points to a supernatural source.” Then he told this wonderful story: The interviewer had an aggressive manner and a hard expression under layers of make-up and mascara. “How can you be so sure about your faith,” she challenged me. I answered by telling her a story of my time behind bars after Watergate, when several Christian men stunned me with a quality of love I had never known before. I’ll never forget that day because one of them— Al Quie— called to say, “Chuck, because of your family problems, I’m going to ask the President if you can go home, while I serve the rest of your prison term.” I gasped in disbelief. At the time, Al was the sixth-ranking Republican in the House, one of the most respected public figures in Washington. Yet he was willing to jeopardize it all out of love for me. It was a powerful witness that Jesus was real: that a believer would lay down his life for another. As I retold the story for the cameras, the interviewer broke down and waved her hand, saying, “Stop, stop.” Tears mixed with mascara were streaming down her cheeks. She excused herself, repaired her make-up, and— injecting confidence back into her voice— said, “Let’s film that sequence once more.” But hearing the story again, she could not hold back her tears. Later, she confessed that Al’s willingness to sacrifice had touched her deeply, and she vowed to return to the church she had left years earlier. A Christian community united in love attracts attention in the most jaded culture. Sacrificial and caring love does offer up the best remedy to influence and change the hardest hearts.”

Clinton, Tim (2009-09-21). Caring for People God's Way: Personal and Emotional Issues, Addictions, Grief, and Trauma (pp. 11-12). Thomas Nelson. Kindle Edition.

I have been listening to Chuck Colson’s book “The Faith” recently and was amazed as one of the most notorious and rude and heartless men in government was changed by the power of the Holy Spirit and Jesus. Why and How? Love! The key reasons for his salvation and transformation was a group of Christian men who in the midst of Watergate gathered around him and discipled him and loved unconditionally. There prayers, their words of wisdom and love transformed his life!

Question: “Are you investing in someone today? Pouring the Word of life into one in need?”

I. God desires us to care for people His way:

a. Though it appears on the surface to be the worst of times for the church and Christianity in America the truth is people are searching for God.

i. According to George Gallup and Timothy Jones – 82% of Americans desire to have a more intimate relationship with God.

1. Did you hear that – 82% of the people around you want a deeper relationship with God!

a. Truth: maybe God wants to use you to show them how to go deeper in God!

2. They even say that within the last 24 hours 66% of the people around you have prayed to God seeking help.

a. Truth: Maybe God wants to use you to answer their prayers for help?

b. God wants to heal people today through you and I and use their wounded situations to help bring healing to themselves and then to others!

i. 1 Corinthians 4: 1, “Let a man so consider us, as servants of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God”

1. Tim Clinton states, “We often assert in Christian counseling that “God never wastes a wound.” Although he is not the author of evil or sorrow, he is wise to use every kind of wrong suffered and dream dashed to reach out to us to grab hold of his healing hand. He is the “God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort those in any trouble, with the comfort with which we are comforted by God” (2 Cor. 1: 3b– 4).”

ii. Point for us to hear and understand today …. Tim points it out “What a glorious circle of care! God comforts us, enabling us to turn and comfort others with that same care given by God, enabling both to worship God and give to others again. We are his agents, his regents, his care-giving disciples given to a call to “bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ” (Gal. 6: 2).”

1. The above quotes from Clinton, Tim (2009-09-21). Caring for People God's Way: Personal and Emotional Issues, Addictions, Grief, and Trauma (pp. 13-14). Thomas Nelson. Kindle Edition.

iii. We need to pass on to others what we have experienced through Jesus healing touch!

1. Tim Clinton quote: …The church should become ... a spiritual hospital in the best sense of that term.”

2. Clinton: “The church is critical to the care and solace of those suffering with mental disorders. These people are very often isolated, fearful, confused, and in need of unconditional love of Christians to repair and return to vital living.”

a. Above from: Clinton, Tim (2009-09-21). Caring for People God's Way: Personal and Emotional Issues, Addictions, Grief, and Trauma (p. 21). Thomas Nelson. Kindle Edition.

b. Reference the story of Norman!

c. You may be thinking “How do we care for people God’s way?”

i. Here are some basic ways to care for others God’s way:

1. We tell people unashamedly that God is real and He can meet you right where you are!

2. We tell people the truth --- pray works and then we pray for them.

3. We use the wisdom of God to minister to people not the intellect of man!

4. We use the gifts of the Holy Spirit to bring hope and healing to those who are hurting.

5. We bring truth into crisis situations in people’s lives and truth is what sets people free – not lies or deception.

6. We use Scripture as our foundation for life and we use biblical counsel to make right choices.

7. We adopt a biblical worldview. We see everything through the lens of the Bible and the Holy Spirit not through cultures eyes or mans distorted eyes.

8. We understand were peace comes from in life – real peace and joy come from a relationship with the Lord!

a. Bill Hybels shares in his book “Simplify” that in 2012 Gallup poll ranked the United States 33rd in the world in happiness!

i. Yes, the most wealthy successful economic country in the world on the happiness scale comes in 33rd?

1. Money-fame and fortune do not bring peace and happiness to people’s lives!

2. Just look around for the evidence!

3. Look at the magazines on the racks in the stores!

b. The truth is actually 7 of the top 10 happy countries were found in Latin America!

i. Guatemala number 7!

ii. Panama next and so on!

1. If you have not heard what has been happening there do some research – they have been experiencing a great revival in Latin America, people are finding Jesus and the Holy Spirit by the thousands!

2. The Pentecostal church is growing in leaps and bounds in Latin America!

3. Could this be a coincidence or is it because of the great spiritual revival going on down there?

T.S. – Let’s take a moment today and watch and listen to some scenarios of people who need a spiritual solution to their problems and how Jesus can bring hope and healing.

Skit/Production of CHC (all rights reserved): Beyond Sunday

Rocker – Roman – Part One

Roman: (on the cell phone) What do you mean we lost the gig? Tony! (pause as if listening) Of course I did! Tony! I always confirm the gigs! Always! I called that guy twice last week the make sure…(pause again) My fault! This is not my fault! Fine! Do it yourself next time! In fact, find a new drummer! I QUIT! God why are you punishing me? (Laughs sourly) Of course you are. Vengeful God and all that junk. Haven’t I been punished enough? Don’t all the bad things I’ve managed to live through equal enough! Now, my band. Why God? When do I stop getting punished! (Hits the bench in frustration)

**Two young kids sit flanking him**

Kid #1: What’d that bench do to you?

Roman: (startled) What? Where’d you come from?

Kid #2: Geez, why do grownups always ignore little kids?

Roman: What? Where? Where are you guys materializing from? (Swivels head between the two kids)

Kid #1: Dude, calm down. You were so wrapped up in your own little world you didn’t notice us walk up.

Kid #2: Why were you yelling on the phone? We heard you half a block away.

Kid #1 Yeah, you really should keep your private conversations private.

Roman: I’m getting scolded by two five year olds.

Kid #1: Ummmm…I’m ten.

Kid #2: And I’m eleven.

Roman: Don’t you kids have something better to do besides harassing me.

Kid #1: You were harassing everyone who could hear you yelling on the phone.

Roman: Look, I don’t need some smart mouthed kids giving me a hard time. Don’t you have somewhere to be?

Kid #2: Why do you think we’re sitting on the bus stop? We’re headed to help our youth group clean up the park on 5th Ave.

Roman: Aren’t youth groups supposed to stay in church and do…I don’t know churchy things?

Kid #1: Churchy things? (starts laughing) Do you know anything about church?

Roman: More than you know kid. (Shakes his head) Last time I was in youth group, we sat around in church having scripture force fed to us.

Kid #2: Yeah. Our church is nothing like that! We learn scripture and stuff, but we do a lot of really awesome stuff in the community.

Kid #1: Church for us goes way beyond Sunday. You should come.

Roman: What? To church?

Kid #2: No to Wendy’s for a Frosty! Duh! Of course to church.

Roman: No way kid. I did my stint in church. Besides God’s holding a grudge.

Kid #1 to Kid #2: Is he for real?

Kid #2: God doesn’t hold grudges. It says so right in Micah chapter seven.

Roman: Micah chapter seven huh? And you just happened to know that?

Kid #1: Yeah. Tends to happen when you go to church regularly. You learn a thing or two. You might want to consider going back.

Roman: I don’t belong in church.

Kid #2: Everyone belongs in church. Only thing that ever stops people are themselves.

Kid #1: Hey, this bus is taking forever. Let’s just walk. We’d probably get there quicker. (gets up to leave)

Kid #2: Thinking God is holding a grudge is kinda dumb dude. Thinking you don’t belong in church is really dumb. “Who is a God like you, who pardons sin and forgives the transgression of the remnant of his inheritance? “ Maybe church is where you need to be. (Leaves)

The Lost Girl – Hannah

Scene: Hannah –[ working, clearing a messy table, drops the tray of junk. Table of mean girls laugh and point.]

Hannah: {grumbles and mutters under her breath}

Mean girl 1: What was that?

Hannah: I said if I looked like your friend there I’d be laughing too.

Mean girl 2: Oh look, Handed-down Hannah thinks she’s funny. {mean girls snigger}

**Hannah moves to walk away but is block by Mean Girl 1**

Mean girl 1: Poor Handed-down Hannah. Working her pathetic job making her pitiful little wage. I guess not everyone can pull a gig at a five star hotel learning from master chefs. I mean, that is what happens when your dad knows everyone who matters. And Hannah is what happens when your dad knows no one and is no one.

Hannah: Move. Please. Through gritted teeth}

Mean Girl 1: Or you’ll what? You’re nothing Hannah. And that’s all you’ll ever be. Nothing. Now, run along and cry in your car since that’s the only place anyone wants you.

**Hannah storms away to the “alley”**

Hannah: {pacing furiously} Who do they think they are! Pompous, arrogant, spoiled, rich brats! So what I work in a burger joint! That doesn’t make me any less of a person! Who cares if I live in my car! Its better than living with verbally abusive alcoholics! {pauses to catch her breath – breaks down and sits on a crate} Who am I kidding? I’m nothing. No one. I could be abducted by aliens and no one would notice. Or care. I have nothing. I have no one. {by the end of this she is dejected and crying}

**Instrumental of Oh Come to the Alter**

The Angry Teen

Scene: Just outside the teens room – Mom and teen arguing – loudly

Amber: I don’t understand what the big deal is! Why can’t I just leave!

Mom: You can’t leave because one it’s getting dark outside, two it’s raining and you were just sick, and three because I said you can’t leave.

Amber: I’m 17! You’re my step-mom, not my mom! I have my driver’s license. Just let me ask dad for the car so I can get out of here!

Mom: I said no! (walks up on Amber) And, if you raise your voice at me again, you will get to meet Jesus a whole lot sooner than you think. (Mom turns and storms away – Amber slams the door – swipes stuff off of his desk)

Amber: {Cry of frustration (Instrumental begins)} Why can’t she just let me go? I don’t want to be here right now! I need air. I need space! I need to think and clear my head! She’s always saying I have nothing to be stressed about! Like she knows!! With school and work and the stupid stuff kids do at school, I just need to breathe! {Tosses a shirt across the room}

Anger fills my heart and soul

Anger takes a mighty toll

Anger lessens but can never leave

Anger you hope to never receive,

Anger stays forever within

Anger acts with the might of all sin

Anger is deadly to all around

Anger gets mad at the thought of sound

Anger is the thoughts in my head

Anger that’s mine all should dread

Anger for me is different from you

Anger you see tells me what to do

Anger will sit and whisper in my ear

Anger he sits and tells me all that you fear,


He is here

He’s here to stay

Anger is the hole

In which we lay

Anger is

And Anger will

Always be with us

He is in me, and he is in you

He can make you do

What he wants you to

Anger will make you

Make you cry

Anger can make you

Want to die

Anger can make you

Go insane

Anger….. ... A blood filled rain

No more anger

No more…..

Walk to the bright light

Shinning through that door…

Not knowing what’s in store

But even then

Anger lives on

But you… nevermore

Angry Teen Meets Lost Girl

{Lost Girl is sitting on a crate behind the restaurant, sobbing quietly- Angry Teen Walks up earbuds in/head down/hands in pocket}

Amber: Hey, are you okay? {Lost Girl looks up, swiping at running mascara}

Hannah: Yeah. Fine. {Not looking directly at Amber}

Amber: Are you sure? Do you need me to call someone or something? {Looking around}

Hannah: No really, I’m okay.

{Amber sits on a crate}

Amber: I’m Amber.{Holds out her hand to shake}

Hannah: {Hannah looks at her like she’s crazy. Hesitantly shakes her hand} Hannah.

Amber: So, Hannah, why are you sitting in a smelly alley crying? All by yourself. I mean there’s gotta be a hundred other places you could sit and cry, but a smelly alley?

Hannah: {Smiles slightly at the humor} Just having a rough day I guess.

Amber: I hear you. I made my step mom seriously mad last night and she grounded me for the rest of my life. Or at least the rest of the weekend.

Hannah: How’d you escape today? If you’re grounded for eternity that is?

Amber: Just the rest of my life {Amber laughs} Only God can ground me for eternity.

Hannah: {Scoffs} God, huh?

Amber: Yeah, God. What? You don’t believe in God?

Hannah: No. I don’t {Shakes her head, looking at her hands}

Amber: Not trying to be nosey, or pushy, or whatever, but why? Why don’t you believe in God?

Hannah: God hasn’t done anything worth mentioning in my life.

Amber: I don’t believe that. You’re here aren’t you?

Hannah: {Shoves to her feet angrily} Yeah! I’m here! Working an awful job for horrible people. Living in my car because my parents were hideous. No friends worth mentioning. And what about the horrible things I’ve lived through! Survived through! Done! Where was God in all of that!

Amber: {Watches Hannah quietly} Did you call out to Him?

Hannah: What?

Amber: God. Did you call out to Him? Not out of anger or fear, but open yourself to Him, and honestly ask Him to help you.

Hannah: He’s supposed to be all-knowing, right? So, why do I need to call out to him! He is supposed to come to me! Besides, I haven’t set foot inside a church since I was six when my grandmother died. I work on Sundays anyway.

Amber: {Standing to meet her eye} That’s not how it works. God isn’t just in church. And His presence in our lives goes far beyond Sunday. He sees everything. He knows the path He’s chosen for us. It’s up to us to follow it. Did you follow His path? Or your own?

Hannah: What are you? Like a priest or something?

Amber: {Laughs shaking his head} No. Nothing like that. But, my family believes in God. We go to church all the time. We have this awesome youth group that meets every week. The youth pastor is way cool. And our church pastor is so awesome. She’s just super chill and easy to talk to.

Hannah: There’s nothing for me at church {Dejected and defeated sits back down}

Amber: There’s something for everyone in church.

Hannah: Aren’t church people all perfect and what not?

Amber: {Laughs} Um, no. We are normal people. I know I’m not perfect, but God loves me.

Hannah: {Tears up again} God doesn’t love me. I’ve done some horrible things in my life. Had horrible things happen to me in my life. He let that happen.

**Song: If We’re Honest _ Francesca Battistelli**

Amber: Come on. {Holds out hand}

Hannah: {Looks up at her questioningly} What?

Amber: {Reaching down and take her hand and pulls her up} Come on. You’re coming with me to church.

Hannah: {Snatches hand away} You’re out of your mind. I’m not going to church.

Amber: Why not? You scared?

Hannah: No. I’m not afraid of anything.{Tilts chin in a challenge}

Amber: Then come to church with me. I bet something good will happen.

Hannah: And I bet the church will burst into flames.

Amber: {Laughs} If the church burst into flames, it’s probably because the youth pastor tried to cook again. I’ll make you a deal. You come to church tonight, with me, if you hate it, you never have to come back. But, if you feel something, even a small something, then you have to come back to church with me again.

Hannah: I don’t even know you. {Crosses her arms}

Amber: Oh, come on. We’re practically best friends now. {Laughs} Have a little faith. Are you in or out?

Hannah: {Shuffles her feet-uncertain} I guess (mumbles)

Amber: (smiles) I’m sorry. I didn’t quite catch that.

Hannah: Fine! I’ll go. But, I doubt anything good will happen.

Amber: Prepare to be proven wrong.

Hannah shakes her head as Amber hooks arms with her and they walk away.

The Rocker – Roman – Part 2

**Comes back to the bus stop again – Pulls out cell phone to check messages – keeps looking around like he’s waiting for something**

Roman: You’re losing it man. Looking around for random kids.

Gabriel: You know, talking to yourself will make people think you don’t have all of your marbles.

Roman: (visibly startled) Sorry. I didn’t think anyone was around.

Gabriel: Someone’s always listening.

Roman: Yeah, I had a buddy who though the government was using a secret program to eavesdrop on the people.

Gabriel: (chuckles) I wasn’t talking about the government. I was referring to the man upstairs.

Roman: Not you too. (groans)

Gabriel: Pardon?

Roman: Sorry. Yesterday I had these two kids yesterday remind me about God’s omnipotence.

Gabriel: (shrugs) Smart kids.

Roman: Brainwashed kids maybe. But this one kid quoted scripture like it was nothing.

Gabriel: Why did they have to be brainwashed? Because they knew scripture?

Roman: This kid just grabbed it outta thin air and said it like they were her own words. It was crazy.

Gabriel: Ahhhhh. I see. So, you’re scared.

Roman: Scared! Ha! Dude you don’t even know me!

Gabriel: Then tell me, why is it so odd that a child, or anyone, can quote scripture? Don’t you believe in God?

Roman: I believe. Believe He has a serious grudge against me for all of the things I’ve done wrong in my life.

Gabriel: God doesn’t…

Roman: (shoves to his feet) Hold grudges! Yeah I know! That’s what those kids said. Then they quoted me some verse from Micah.

Gabriel: That’s a good book.

Roman: (Scoffs) Not you too. Is God playing some mean trick on me? (looks up to the sky)

Gabriel: He doesn’t play tricks. He may put obstacles in your way. Make you work for it. But He never plays tricks. It’s not His style.

Roman: Obstacles! Obstacles! I’ve seen military obstacles course will fewer hurdles, hoops and hat tricks than my life!

Gabriel: I call those consequences of bad choices.

Roman: You don’t know me!

Gabriel: I know you’re standing at a bus stop yelling at a complete stranger who’s making civil conversation.

Roman: Talking about God ain’t civil conversation. It’s shoving religion down someone’s throat.

Gabriel: (Laughs) It’d agree with you if I were beating you over the head with the Bible making you listen to me recite verse after verse. But I haven’t done that.

Roman: (sits/frustrated) You think this is a joke?

Gabriel: I think it's a sunny day, young man, but you're in the dark.

Roman: What—?

Gabriel: Because you have no purpose. And you don't know who you are—

Roman: (interrupting) How do you know what I—?

Gabriel: Or else you wouldn't be so angry right now. (looking toward the congregation with faraway eyes) Too many young people… Hurting people… Scared people… (turning to look at Roman, who's staring at him) You don't know who you are…or Who you need?

Gabriel suddenly stands up like he sees or is looking for the bus in the distance.

Roman: Who I need?

Gabriel: (checking his watch) Have you never heard about Jesus, young man? That He's coming back? Gonna split the sky and take us home? Oh I know lots of people don't these days, but something in your eyes tells me you've been to church before…

Roman: A long time ago…

Gabriel: (chuckling again as he comes to sit next to Roman once more so he can nudge him with his elbows) Don’t you know why you're here?

Roman shakes his head.

Gabriel: So you can be who he made you to be… (looking up to the sky) You don't HAVE forever, son.

Roman: (putting his head in his hands) Ever since the accident…

Gabriel: (putting a hand on the back of Roman's neck) You can let the Father of Lights adopt you…

Roman: (looking up) I don't even go to church.

Gabriel: (chuckling again) What do you think we just did? This was my pew and pulpit; I preached a message of redemption…and, God willing, a seed was planted. Church isn't just on Sunday. And it's not a BUILDING either! Church goes beyond Sunday. It is where we are. It goes where we go.

Roman: So what are you saying? That I should fall before you? Give my life to Christ?

Gabriel: (chuckles) Fall before me? No no. Before God. Yes. And as far as giving him your life, only you can make that call.

Roman: I wouldn’t even know where to start.

Gabriel: (turns as if he see the bus coming) Start by joining me at tonight’s service.

The Widowed Pastor

**Sitting at desk going over sermon for evening service – youth pastor comes in**

Nathaniel (youth pastor): Knock, knock.

Phoebe: {Looks up} Hey, Nate. Come on in. What’s going on?

Nathaniel: Hey Phoebe. Just wanted to check in with you. I saw you struggling a little bit during this morning’s service.

Phoebe:{Gives a small smile} I’m fine, Nate. Thanks for thinking of me.

Nathaniel: How long has it been? Since Joshua passed away.

Phoebe: It’s been seven years.

Nathaniel: I’m sorry, Phoebe.

Phoebe: Nothing to be sorry about. Josh is in heaven. Probably shooting hoops with his dad and laughing at all the crazy antics you guys like to get into around here. {chuckles}

Nathaniel: {Laughing} Probably. Josh loved a good joke. Well, I’ll leave you to it. See you out there. {Gets up and exits office}

Phoebe: {sighs} Oh, Josh. It’s hard to believe you’ve been gone for seven years now. I miss you every day. Some days I still question why God would take you away from me. Like He doesn’t have enough angels up there. {chuckles} But you always have a plan don’t you Lord? We may not understand, but you always have a plan. I wanted so badly to scream and rage at you for taking him away from me so violently. So soon. But I couldn’t. In my heart, even while it was breaking, I knew that this was a part of your plan.

**Song: First verse and chorus of Let Them See You**

Nathaniel: {knocks on the door, peeks head in} Just about time Pastor P.

Phoebe: {smiles slightly} On my way. {Leaves office and comes before the congregation}

Phoebe: Good evening everyone. It’s always wonderful to see so many of you here in the house of the Lord. Some of you are back for more. Apparently I said something right this morning. {congregation chuckles} Or, maybe, it was God’s plan to have you come back tonight. How many of us, even after years of going to church and people speaking about God’s purpose, still question Him? Show of hands {many of the congregation raise their hands} Can I tell you something? I do too. Even with Jeremiah 10:23 as my favorite verse, you know “Lord, I know that a man does not control his own life. He doesn’t direct his own steps.” Even with that verse in my heart, I still sometimes have questions about His plan.

Like for instance, this morning trying to get my kids ready for church. Any of you with children know that getting them ready for leaving the house is almost like preparing for battle. You have to mentally prepare before you even approach them. Let’s face it, you never really know what mood your child is in until you actually have to talk to them. You approach them almost like you would approach a sleeping bear. I find that in my house, I always approach with food in hand. Once they are up, the true battle begins. Get dressed, brush your teeth, don’t antagonize your sister, stop tattling on your brother…I’m sure you parents have all said this a million times. Well, today, my kids thought it best to argue about who was going out of the door first. {Pause for chuckles} I’m standing at the door, bags and keys in hand, and I look up and say “Lord, was this part of your plan too? To make me insanely crazed before this mornings sermon?” {More chuckles} Finally, after an eternity, or ten seconds, I reach between them, open the door and threaten to make them walk to church if they don’t get in the car, silently, and behave.

So, now we have managed to get in the car, and in my already irritated state, I grumble to myself, “this would be so much easier if Josh were still here.” Many of you know, my husband was taken from me seven years ago in a car accident. It took a lot of adjusting for everyone in my house. The kids could no longer run to dad when I was being the mean mom and making them be nice to each other. I couldn’t turn and say “your turn” when it sounded like they were reenacting the second world war. But in that moment, in the car today, I questioned God’s plan again. (Phoebe freezes)

Hannah: (stands suddenly) God’s plan? (scoffs) I’m sure it was His grand design to make my parents negligent and have to living in my broken down palace of a car! And I’ll just bet He wanted to make sure I worked for the worse people on the planet making pennies and practically starving on a daily basis!

Once we’d made it to the church, I sent the kids ahead inside. They were happy to not be in my presence anyway. After all, what kind of mom makes siblings be nice to one another? {chuckles from congregation} I sat there, in my car, trying to gather my wits. I knew what I had to do. I looked up and said, “Father, forgive me. I’m only human. Flesh and blood. I know that each step I take, no matter how great or small, is directed by You.” And just like that, a peace just washed over me. All the irritation with my kids, the sadness of missing Josh, just melted away. Do any of you know that feeling I’m talking about? That feeling like you’ve just been enveloped in a warm hug from your mom after you apologize for being a pain? That’s the feeling I got this morning. (Phoebe freezes)

Amber: Ha! If only it were that easy! God can’t possibly forgive me for being a jerk to my stepmom just like that! I don’t even think she’s forgiven me so how could he! I haven’t even forgiven myself for being so harsh with her! Surely he makes you work for it!

Forgiveness is divine. We’ve all heard this right? Forgiveness is divine. At some point, I know we have all asked someone for forgiveness. But, what about God? When was the last time you asked Him to forgive you? Of anything? Maybe you haven’t been faithful in your prayers? Or not as giving of your time and resources as you may have been called to be? In a way it’s like disobeying a parent. He is after all our Father. I’m sure we’ve all had to apologize to our earthly parents for a great many things. But, do you apologize to your heavenly Father the same way? If you haven’t, why not? Are you afraid He won’t forgive you? First John, chapter one verse nine says "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness." Or how about, Acts, chapter three verse nineteen, "Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord.”

Roman: {stands, clearly agitated, shouts}: Do really think God forgives everyone?

Phoebe: Yes. I do. You don’t? {Comes closer to Roman}

Roman: No. I don’t. How could he? I’ve done horrible things in my life. I killed my best friend…{breaks down}

Phoebe: {closes the distance, hand on Roman’s arm} Roman? Do you think God holds a grudge?

Roman: {looks up, shocked Phoebe knows who he is} You know who I am? How can you be so close to me? Aren’t you angry?

Phoebe: I watched you every day in that courtroom as the attorneys battled to condemn you for your part in the death of your best friend and my husband. I was angry at you. Furious. And at God. You took my husband and best friend from me. Changed the course of my life forever. But, once I stopped living in the hurt and anger, and prayed, really prayed, I knew that God had a plan and I had to ask him to forgive my human heart.

Roman: God won’t forgive me. I don’t forgive me {very high emotions here – falls to his knees}

Phoebe: {Beginnings of Tell Your Heart to Beat Again}

You're shattered

Like you've never been before

The life you knew

In a thousand pieces on the floor

And words fall short in times like these

When this world drives you to your knees

You think you're never gonna get back

To the you that used to be

Tell your heart to beat again

Close your eyes and breathe it in

Let the shadows fall away

Step into the light of grace

Yesterday's a closing door

You don't live there anymore

Say goodbye to where you've been

And tell your heart to beat again

Roman: My heart…I’ve wrecked so many lives.

Phoebe: Roman, you can move on from this. Instead of running back to church, you ran away. I see your sister all the time. She’s told me how you feel like God has abandoned you. Maybe you need to hear it from someone else, but God will never leave you. He will never forsake you. He loves us. He loves you, Roman. Through our best times and our worse times, He loves us. God isn’t punishing you. He is waiting for you. He is waiting for you to turn back to Him. To ask His forgiveness. To let Him back into your life. Into your heart.

Roman: I’m so sorry, Phoebe….{tears}

Phoebe: {Wraps arms around Roman} I forgave you a long time ago, Roman. But you need to forgive yourself. And you need to seek God’s forgiveness. And His love. It’s right where it’s always been.

(Instrumental of Oh Come to the Altar)

Phoebe: {Returns to the stage} When Jesus died up on the cross, he did it to free us from our sins. He didn’t expect us to carry them around like weights. Jesus wanted us to be free to live life for him. If anyone in this room ever felt, even for a minute, that they couldn’t come to church, come to Jesus because they felt their sin was too great, then they missed his whole message. I open up the altar right now, to anyone and everyone, who is ready to lay their sin down at Jesus’ feet. Bring all your pain, all your suffering, everything, right here to the foot of the cross. Lay it down before him. Ask Jesus back into your heart, into your life. It is never too late to seek his love and forgiveness.

{Each of the character comes forward to the altar and members of the congregation come place hands on them and begin offering up prayers}

*Song – Oh Come to the Altar*

Notes: Rochele doing altar call in drama – people in skit come forward to the altar! I come up a few minutes during the altar call to do actual altar call when Beth stops singing the song.

Altar Call:

*Some of you are looking at the characters in this production and you saw yourself in these situations.

When they responded to the altar call you wanted to come yourself! Jesus wants you to know He has been with you Beyond Sunday and He is with you every moment of your life as you call out to Him. If you desire to respond and ask for help from Jesus then come forward at this time and join the others in prayer around the altar!

*Some of you know of people who are facing these very scenarios or situations.

Some of you have a person in mind from the drama that you know needs a spiritual solution to their problems. If this description, is you then come forward to the altar to meet with Jesus and the Holy Spirit and do it on their behalf. So come to the altar and pray for them to find and meet Jesus -- so they can find real peace and healing!

After 5 minutes:

Jesus cares for all of us Beyond Sunday – He cares for you – for those at the altar and for those who have been placed in your mind today – so let’s continue to pray for them – to pray to Jesus for help – if any of you need prayer today for anything else come forward and lets us pray for you!

The rest of you are dismissed to go – I pray you experience His peace as you go -- but please leave quietly in respect for those at the altar – please no talking or visiting in the sanctuary so they can continue to meet with the Lord +--- please visit in the foyer. Thank You!