Sermon Series
  • 1. Beyond Sunday (Love And Sunday Service)

    Contributed on Aug 26, 2016

    Beyond Sunday is about being a person who is after God’s own heart – a person who loves God first and foremost – who places their love relationship number one in their life – the person who does the One Thing – the greatest thing first with God/Jesus love

    Beyond Sunday pt. 1 Introduction to Beyond Sunday Series: Our new series is designed and I believe inspired by the Holy Spirit to show how Christianity is not just about going to church on Sunday morning. It’s not about doing good works to get myself into heaven, like going to church more

  • 2. Beyond Sunday Production Message

    Contributed on Sep 28, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    esus loves and cares for His people and this world way Beyond just Sunday morning service. He wants the church to care for the people around us His way!

    Beyond Sunday a CHC Production: Jesus cares about you! - Beyond Sunday! Thesis: Jesus loves and cares for His people and this world way Beyond just Sunday morning service. He wants the church to care for the people around us His way! T.S. – Scripture is filled with references to how more