
Summary: On Elijah's final day on Earth, he and Elisha go on one last road trip together… and it's a journey we can all learn from

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(Note for readers: There is a short Children’s Message at the beginning, followed by the sermon for an adult audience)


Have you ever watched the Olympics on TV? When runners are in a relay race, each runner goes all the way around the track and then hands off a stick (or baton) to the next runner. Then that runner takes it on the next part of the race and hands it off again. Life in God’s kingdom is like a relay race. We are each responsible for running our part of the race, and then handing off, or passing on our faith, to the next generation of believers that follow us.

Our Bible story today is about two prophets of God… Their names are Elijah and Elisha. God worked many amazing miracles through Elijah over the years… but then it was time for Elijah to finish his part of the race… it was time for him to pass it on to the next prophet, Elisha. The two men went to a town that day, and Elijah told Elisha, “Stay here because God wants me to go another town.” It was almost like Elijah was telling him, “You don’t have to run this race… You can just stay here.” But Elisha refused to stay behind, so they went to a second town… and a second time, Elijah said, “Stay here because God wants me to go to another town.” But Elisha refused to stay behind, and so they went to a third town… and a third time, Elijah said, “Stay here… you don’t have to run this race with me.” But Elisha refused to stay behind, and so they went to the Jordan River. At the Jordan River, Elijah took off his coat, rolled it up and hit the water with it… and the water parted so they could walk across on dry land.

On the other side, Elijah said, “It’s time for me to go now.”… The Bible says, “As they were walking along and talking together, suddenly a chariot of fire and horses of fire appeared and separated the two of them, and Elijah went up to heaven in a whirlwind.” (2 Kings 2:11)

After that, Elisha picked up Elijah’s coat that had fallen to the ground… He walked back to the Jordan River, rolled up the coat, struck the water, and the water parted so he could walk back across on dry land… Like a runner in a relay race, Elijah passed the role of being God’s prophet on to Elisha. It was now Elisha’s turn to run the race for God.

God has a purpose for all of us… and He wants us to keep running the race that has been set out in front of us… Elijah finished his race… and he pleased God by finishing well… Along the way, he gave Elisha chances to quit… but Elisha refused to quit… He wanted to run the race and obey God all the way to the end just like Elijah did. God wants us to keep going… He wants us to grow in our faith… and He wants us to pass our faith on to the next generation of believers that follow us.

Let’s PRAY…

[dismiss children… ADULT MESSAGE begins here]

This morning, we’re going to dive in deeper to the story that I just shared with the children. Please turn in your Bibles to 2 Kings 2:1-11… and let’s read the story together…

1 When the Lord was about to take Elijah up to heaven in a whirlwind, Elijah and Elisha were on their way from Gilgal.

2 Elijah said to Elisha, “Stay here; the Lord has sent me to Bethel.” But Elisha said, “As surely as the Lord lives and as you live, I will not leave you.” So they went down to Bethel.

3 The company of the prophets at Bethel came out to Elisha and asked, “Do you know that the Lord is going to take your master from you today?” “Yes, I know,” Elisha replied, “so be quiet.”

4 Then Elijah said to him, “Stay here, Elisha; the Lord has sent me to Jericho.” And he replied, “As surely as the Lord lives and as you live, I will not leave you.” So they went to Jericho.

5 The company of the prophets at Jericho went up to Elisha and asked him, “Do you know that the Lord is going to take your master from you today?” “Yes, I know,” he replied, “so be quiet.”

6 Then Elijah said to him, “Stay here; the Lord has sent me to the Jordan.” And he replied, “As surely as the Lord lives and as you live, I will not leave you.” So the two of them walked on.

7 Fifty men from the company of the prophets went and stood at a distance, facing the place where Elijah and Elisha had stopped at the Jordan.

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