
Summary: What could be so unusual about a funeral service that it would get our attention? It is known as The Great White Throne Judgement.

There is nothing pretty about a funeral, but they are necessary.

Some people have some strange ideas about funerals.

1. Some want nothing but a graveside service.

2. Some want to be cremated and have their ashes placed in a jar. One man had his ashes flown in a plane and scattered.

3. Some want to be buried at sea.

4. While others want to be buried in a certain place, with certain things, hands placed a certain way, they want to wear certain clothes.

5. Me, I just want to be placed in the ground for I will be in Heaven.

I have conducted and attended some sad and unusual funerals.

1. Stepdad John, hurt to see and know where he was. Sad to hear a man say things that were not true.

2. Johnny is a 17-year-old boy.

3. Tonya a 12-year-old girl raped and killed, saved because of a bus route.

4. Celeste a 12-year-old girl died from blood disease that her dad died a year before.

5. Bro. Coop saved and in heaven today.

But I said I wanted to speak to you about the most unusual funeral service ever. It is known as The Great White Throne Judgment.

I want you to understand the things I will say are not some man’s dream. Not imagination, not a rumor, not man’s opinion, but they are from the very heart and mind of God.

I. Born Once Die Twice, Born Twice Die Once

1. Look at the two births.

a. The natural birth.

1) We except although we do not understand completely.

2) Some problems.

b. The spiritual birth.

1) John 3:3

2) 1 Peter 1:23

3) Romans 8:8-9

4) Flesh cannot please God.

5) 1 John 5:12, eternal life, God’s life.

2. Look at the two deaths.

a. Natural death

1) Ecclesiastes 9:5, living know they shall die.

2) James 4:14, uncertain, short.

b. Spiritual death

1) Death is separation from God.

2) Hebrews 9:27, once to die.

3) Revelation 20:6, 14; 21:8

c. I want to make it very clear that a person can and will experience only three of the four.

1) The first birth and the first death we have no control over.

2) But you and you alone will decide which of the other you will experience.

3) The 2nd birth or the 2nd death and if it is the 2nd death this is what you will find.

II. A Most Unusual Preacher, the Lord Himself.

1. Acts 17:31, John 5:22-27, Acts 10:40-42

2. It is fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God, Hebrews 10:30-31.

3. Most unusual because:

a. He is the one who gave his life that you and I might live, 2 Corinthians 5:21.

b. He is the one who has stood outside your heart’s door and wanted to come in, Revelation 3:20.

c. He is the one million who have used His name in vain, and said they would never bow and confess Him, Philippians 2:9.

d. Every knee shall bow, and every tongue shall confess.

III. A Most Unusual Crowd, Dead Small and Great

1. The rich and poor, king and the beggar, the black and the white, the young and the old, smart and the dumb. It will not matter what or who you are.

2. The thing that scares me is, some of you might stand with that crowd.

3. I want to make it very clear, verse 15, whosoever was not found written in the book of life.

a. Lambs book of life, Revelation 21:27.

b. Jesus is the Lamb, John 1:29, 1 Peter 1:18-19, Romans 8:1.

c. Tell How God will balance the books.

IV. Most Unusual Message

1. Unusual the preacher of a funeral says nice things about the deceased things that comfort the hearts of the loved ones and friends.

a. I believe all people saved and lost will be there.

b. Revelation 21:3-4

2. I say unusual because of the things written in the books. What are the books God is keeping? Or will be there.

a. The words of Jesus, the Bible, John 12:47-48.

b. Notice the things written in the book of Romans 2:2,6, 16, according to truth.

c. To his deeds and the secrets of men, Matthew 12:36-37.

V. Most Unusual Burial

1. Cast into the Lake of Fire.

2. This bible is either true or false. No ½ way about it.

3. Jesus spoke more about Hell than He did about Heaven. The one demands the other.

a. Mark 9:42-48

b. Luke 16:24-28

4. In closing, the Bible is either true or false. You must either except or reject what I have said this morning, but remember the fact says the same if you believe it or not.

5. Born Once Die Twice, Born Twice Die Once.

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