Jesus In The House
Contributed by Maurice Mccarthy on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: The number one priority of a church is to welcome, nurture, and concentrate on the presence of the living God being active among us. After we get that right everything else will flow out of it: evangelism, bible teaching and preaching, outreach etc.
Jesus in the House
Text: Mark 2:1-12
1. When Jesus is in the house stuff happens
2. When Jesus is in the house people still need to be brought to Him.
3. When Jesus is in the house it still requires work to get some people to Him.
4. When Jesus is in the house mercy is present.
1. When Jesus is in the House stuff happens.
It was noised abroad (KJV)
When it was noised abroad Jesus was in the house, the place got packed out.
There is no better reputation that a church can have, than Jesus is in the house!
There is no better church growth model than having Jesus in the house!
Some churches want it noised abroad about their facilities.
"" '' '' their wonderful programs
"" " " their great worship team and leader
"" " " their flamboyant preacher
"" " " that they are a friendly church
All these things are good but when a church is known by the presence of the Lord showing up it is better.
Better than a good worship leader or choir.
Better than a preacher whose words drip like honey.
Better than gymnasiums, education wings, and preschool areas.
The reason it is better is because Jesus will change you in ways all those other things can't.
In John 7 the Pharisees and chief priests sent officers to arrest Him. They came back empty handed saying, "Never a man spake as He spake." Can you imaging a police officer telling his sergeant that?
Mary in despair meets Him at the tomb, when her eyes are opened she cries out: "Master, rabboni!" No man can say Jesus is Lord, but by the Spirit of God. When Jesus is in the house people will surrender, they will forgive, they will change, they will repent, they will turn. Lord if I have taken anything, I will pay it back 4 fold.
The next thing that happens in Mk 2 is Matthew (here called Levi) collecting taxes, Jesus walks by and simply says follow me, and immediately he left his career and his money. Jesus in the house will change you!
John 4 - A man who told me everything I did wrong, and then told me I could have a drink of living water.
The number one priority of a church is to welcome, nurture, and concentrate on the presence of the living God being active among us. After we get that right everything else will flow out of it: evangelism, bible teaching and preaching, outreach etc.
Here is the bible verse to prove what I am saying: Mr 12:30 And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: ... to that statement Jesus added this commentary: this [is] the first commandment.
This is the first commandment as in priority. This is job no. 1, this is your most important task, all others are subservient to this one crucial thing.
2. When Jesus is in the house people still need to be brought to Him.
He will draw many personally, but he also requires us to go out and compel them to come in.
There are those who will never know Christ unless we carry the stretcher and bring them to Him.
The man in our story was completely unable to come to Christ. My commentaries say that the Greek words employed indicate he was probably a quadriplegic. He wasn't going anywhere without some help.
(The following story is cited from: Wm. R. White, Stories For The Journey (Minneapolis: Augsburg Publishing House, 1988), pp. 47-49.)
"What is your favorite Bible story, papa?" the little girl asked her father as he tucked her under the sheets.
"Let me see," he said as he sat on the edge of the bed. "There are so many that I love. The story we read tonight at supper of the four men who carried their paralyzed friend to Jesus, lowering him through the roof, is one of my favorites because it reminds me so much of how your uncle Hans was healed."
"I don't know that story," the little girl said hopefully. "Please tell it to me, papa."
"Many years ago," the father began, "Hans and his wife, Enid, escaped the war in Europe so that he could continue his life of teaching in the seminary. At first things were difficult because his English was not good, but soon he became one of our seminary's most beloved teachers. The students loved him because he was warm and gentle and when he spoke the Scriptures came alive.
"Hans and Enid were very much in love. Nearly every day they took long walks together, holding hands. It warmed the hearts of students and faculty alike to see them sitting close to each other in church.