
Summary: When you consider the influence of Jesus Christ upon human history, he is like the tail of a comet, which darts across the night sky. His life brings inspiration to art, science, medicine, government, and education.

We begin a new series this morning in the Gospel of Luke but more on that in a few moments. For the next few moments I want to talk about our church and a personal challenge for you in 2013. That challenge is why I am and we are wearing these t-shirts today. I want us to think about the next twelve months as a church for the next few minutes. Here in the beginning of 2013, I want to speak toward the direction of our church.

1. I am Not Ashamed

I have chosen this theme I’m Not Ashamed to best describe the efforts of where God is directing our church for the next year. The phrase comes from a prominent passage from the New Testament book of Romans: “For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek” (Romans 1:16). Throughout this year, I am calling on us to be bold in sharing our faith in the DFW Metroplex in practical ways. I want to challenge and encourage you to be bold in sharing the gospel in 2013. There’s an inherent boldness to Christians: “The wicked flee when no one pursues, but the righteous are bold as a lion” (Proverbs 28:1). So here at the beginning of 2013, I want to stir you up something inside of you for boldness. If boldness were the flu virus, I want to see many of you catch this virus. And I want you to want to be bold. I don’t want to see an artificial boldness but a boldness for communicating the gospel that is authentic and natural. A boldness that emerges because of a love for God and a love for people and a humble boldness that seeks to love others and not manipulate them. So … “For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek” (Romans 1:16).

I was reading yesterday through the book of Luke and came across the words of Jesus Himself in Luke 15: “Just so, I tell you, there is joy before the angels of God over one sinner who repents” (Luke 15:10). There are again two reasons why we should be bold in sharing the gospel with others – for the love of God and the love of others. Jesus is sharing a series of three stories about objects that were lost and their owners went about searching for them in Luke 15. He tells stories about a lost coin, a lost sheep, and a lost son. After he tells the story about a lost coin, where the owner search sweeps the house, it’s right then that Jesus says: “Just so, I tell you, there is joy before the angels of God over one sinner who repents” (Luke 15:10). Notice the Bible says there is “joy before the angels of God” means that God, like the woman in the story who lost her coin, is happy when one sinner turns away from their sins to the gospel. So again, there are two reasons why we should be bold in sharing the gospel – for the love of God and for the love of others.

1.1 For the Love of God

Because of our love for God, we love to see God happy. Whatever makes Him happy, makes His followers happy. The message of the Gospel is so great that it needs to be communicated to others.

1.2 For the Love of People

Not only for the love of God, but for your love of others also. The message of the gospel demands being told to others because people are worth it. God tells the stories of the lost coin, the lost son, and the lost sheep because of these were valuable to their owners. Just like these, God finds people valuable. So I want you to be bold for the love of God and for the love of others. We need to make it hard to go to hell from the Mid Cities. “and what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men who will be able to teach others also” (2 Timothy 2:2). Take a moment and think about your unchurched friends. For just a moment, count the number of unbelieving friends you have. Probably the longer you have followed Christ, the fewer unchurched friends you have. So I am challenging and encouraging you to make friends with the unchurched. I want you to identify three unchurched friends or family members and love them. Be friends with them and show them kindness. My challenge to you is this: Invite them into your home. Take them out to lunch, breakfast, or coffee and get to know them. Share and Show them the Gospel in the coming months.

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Caught In The Act


By: Carl Willis

You viewed this on Thursday, March 27
