
Summary: In this message, we focus on what is before us— the table prepared by our Shepherd. Just as the shepherd leads the sheep to the rich tablelands, we too are invited to experience the fullness of life on "Heaven's Tableland," living in the joy and abundance of God's provision.

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Heaven’s Tableland!

Psalm 23:5


7 Different Positions in the Psalm:

1) Underneath me = green pastures

2) Beside me = still waters

3) With me = the Lord

4) Before me = a prepared table

5) Around me = enemies

6) Behind me = goodness & merch

7) Above me = the house of the Lord

**This morning we want to consider what is before us – the table prepared by the Shepherd.

At this point in the Psalm the sheep have come through the deep valley (v.4) … now making their way into the high mountainous country to the rich green pastures of their summer range… longing in the heart of the sheep for higher ground… to be on the mountain with the shepherd.

Place coined by Shepherds as the “tablelands.”

“Table” = to spread out – idea of a banqueting table. Interesting the Western US is dotted with high mountain plateaus that are called “mesas” = Spanish word for table.

Illust: Reminded of hymn used to sing in church when I was a young boy…

Lord lift me up and let me stand

By faith on heaven’s tableland.

A higher plane than I have found.

Lord, plant my feet on higher ground.”

Hymnist may have had this very verse in mind as he penned those word.

There ought to be a longing in the heart of the child of God for higher ground… to live on a higher plane… to by faith walk with the Shepherd on “Heaven’s Tableland!”

Share with you a lesson every Christian needs to learn. The devil wants you think negatively about your Shepherd… that God doesn’t want you to be a happy person… that when you come to the Lord your life will be a drudgery rather than a delight… have a meager table, unanointed head and an empty cup… somehow he has a better offer! Nothing could be further from the truth!

John 10:10,11 – “The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.”

The verse before us teaches us that as the Lord’s sheep we enjoy life on a higher plane… dwell on the tableland of an abundant, victorious life in Christ!

Preach: “Heaven’s Tableland!”


Cf. sheep enjoy being on the mountain with the shepherd. Thankful for those mountaintop experiences with God.

Matt.17 – Mt. Transfiguration – saw the resplendent glory of the Son of God, the Lord Jesus Christ… Peter so overwhelmed… “Lord, it’s good to be here.”

Look: v.5 – scene before us is one of intimacy – special time in the life of the as they draw close to the shepherd… shepherd giving tender care to each of his sheep.

Notice… the pronouns… “me” & “my” – denotes a personal relationship… as if this is the only sheep the shepherd had.

How David felt about his relationship to his God. David’s God is my God, your God! He is our Shepherd.

John 10 –Good Shepherd = “I know my sheep and am known of mine” – “calleth His own sheep by name…” = not just a number of with God… He knows your name… knows everything about you… loves you!!!

A. A Provided Table

See something peculiar about this table, that it is not a natural table but a prepared table.

“Prepared” = to furnish or provide – sheep were not entering a ready-made pasture… but a pasture made ready by the shepherd.

Takes hard work to turn a mountain plateau into a pasture… they must be prepared, Tablelands, David is referring to, was the work of generations of shepherds as over the centuries they labored to clear the land… rocks were removed, trees cut, brush burned… allowing the grass to sprout and grow… providing a banqueting table of tender, green, mountain grass. Imagine the satisfaction shepherd must have experienced as he watched his sheep spread out on the tableland eating their fill what he had provided for them.

Our God takes great delight in the tableland of blessings that He has provided for those who belong to Him.

Heb. 12:2 – “… who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.”

We can enjoy this mountain of (v.5) because of another mountain – Mt. Calvary!

• Ps. 23 = the Song of the Shepherd – Crook (cares of sheep)

• Ps. 22 = the Song of the Savior – Cross (died for the sheep)

1) Saying of the cross (1)

2) Shame of the cross (6-8)

3) Suffering of the cross (14-18)

4) Success of the cross (22,31)

Good Shepherd gave Himself for us… work of the cross… that we might have a relationship with Him… enjoy the tableland of His blessings!

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