Summary: In this message, we focus on what is before us— the table prepared by our Shepherd. Just as the shepherd leads the sheep to the rich tablelands, we too are invited to experience the fullness of life on "Heaven's Tableland," living in the joy and abundance of God's provision.

Heaven’s Tableland!

Psalm 23:5


7 Different Positions in the Psalm:

1) Underneath me = green pastures

2) Beside me = still waters

3) With me = the Lord

4) Before me = a prepared table

5) Around me = enemies

6) Behind me = goodness & merch

7) Above me = the house of the Lord

**This morning we want to consider what is before us – the table prepared by the Shepherd.

At this point in the Psalm the sheep have come through the deep valley (v.4) … now making their way into the high mountainous country to the rich green pastures of their summer range… longing in the heart of the sheep for higher ground… to be on the mountain with the shepherd.

Place coined by Shepherds as the “tablelands.”

“Table” = to spread out – idea of a banqueting table. Interesting the Western US is dotted with high mountain plateaus that are called “mesas” = Spanish word for table.

Illust: Reminded of hymn used to sing in church when I was a young boy…

Lord lift me up and let me stand

By faith on heaven’s tableland.

A higher plane than I have found.

Lord, plant my feet on higher ground.”

Hymnist may have had this very verse in mind as he penned those word.

There ought to be a longing in the heart of the child of God for higher ground… to live on a higher plane… to by faith walk with the Shepherd on “Heaven’s Tableland!”

Share with you a lesson every Christian needs to learn. The devil wants you think negatively about your Shepherd… that God doesn’t want you to be a happy person… that when you come to the Lord your life will be a drudgery rather than a delight… have a meager table, unanointed head and an empty cup… somehow he has a better offer! Nothing could be further from the truth!

John 10:10,11 – “The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.”

The verse before us teaches us that as the Lord’s sheep we enjoy life on a higher plane… dwell on the tableland of an abundant, victorious life in Christ!

Preach: “Heaven’s Tableland!”


Cf. sheep enjoy being on the mountain with the shepherd. Thankful for those mountaintop experiences with God.

Matt.17 – Mt. Transfiguration – saw the resplendent glory of the Son of God, the Lord Jesus Christ… Peter so overwhelmed… “Lord, it’s good to be here.”

Look: v.5 – scene before us is one of intimacy – special time in the life of the as they draw close to the shepherd… shepherd giving tender care to each of his sheep.

Notice… the pronouns… “me” & “my” – denotes a personal relationship… as if this is the only sheep the shepherd had.

How David felt about his relationship to his God. David’s God is my God, your God! He is our Shepherd.

John 10 –Good Shepherd = “I know my sheep and am known of mine” – “calleth His own sheep by name…” = not just a number of with God… He knows your name… knows everything about you… loves you!!!

A. A Provided Table

See something peculiar about this table, that it is not a natural table but a prepared table.

“Prepared” = to furnish or provide – sheep were not entering a ready-made pasture… but a pasture made ready by the shepherd.

Takes hard work to turn a mountain plateau into a pasture… they must be prepared, Tablelands, David is referring to, was the work of generations of shepherds as over the centuries they labored to clear the land… rocks were removed, trees cut, brush burned… allowing the grass to sprout and grow… providing a banqueting table of tender, green, mountain grass. Imagine the satisfaction shepherd must have experienced as he watched his sheep spread out on the tableland eating their fill what he had provided for them.

Our God takes great delight in the tableland of blessings that He has provided for those who belong to Him.

Heb. 12:2 – “… who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.”

We can enjoy this mountain of (v.5) because of another mountain – Mt. Calvary!

• Ps. 23 = the Song of the Shepherd – Crook (cares of sheep)

• Ps. 22 = the Song of the Savior – Cross (died for the sheep)

1) Saying of the cross (1)

2) Shame of the cross (6-8)

3) Suffering of the cross (14-18)

4) Success of the cross (22,31)

Good Shepherd gave Himself for us… work of the cross… that we might have a relationship with Him… enjoy the tableland of His blessings!

John 10:9 – “I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture.”

1. Satisfying Pasture

Our God satisfies! No true satisfaction in this world… leave your empty and wanting more! Never satisfy the restlessness of the human heart.

Isaiah 57:20 – “But the wicked are like the troubled sea, when it cannot rest, whose waters, cast up mire and dirt.” = heart of unsaved always churning and restless.

Our restless hearts find rest in Him!

2. Safe Pasture

v.5 – “in the presence of mine enemies” = sheep feast on the mountain meadows free from fear of their enemies. Dealt with by the shepherd!

Mountain pastures were far away from populated areas… home of wild animals such as lions, bears, coyotes, jackals, etc… Clear area of places these predators use to conceal themselves as they preyed on the sheep.

Survey ground for little round holes… Inhabited by a little poisonous brown snake… as sheep would graze… slither up out of their holes and bite the sheep on the nose… injecting venom that could be deadly to the sheep.

Shepherd take his cruse of oil and pour it in a ring around the hole… as snake coil to push itself out of the ground to bite sheep… belly lose traction on oily ground… slide back down in its hole.

The Lord’s sheep have enemies too – spiritual enemies… harm us, devour lives, families, future… rob us of joy.

Interesting: Ps. 23 = only animal mentioned is a sheep.

Ps. 22 = many animals mentioned – bulls (12); lion (13,21); dogs (16); the dog (20). All of them a danger to the sheep… however, there are no wild animals in (Ps.23) – Why that is? Dealt with by the Shepherd!

Romans 8:31 – “What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us?”

B. A Plenteous Table

“Table” = to spread out; banqueting table; like eating at a King’s table.

Phil. 4:19 – “But my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.”

Notice: God did not promise to meet some of my need or many of needs or even most of my needs… all my need!

God’s storehouse, “His riches in glory by Christ Jesus,” is never is short supply!

What is your need this morning? He can meet that need!

In Jesus Christ:

• we have a life that can never be forfeited

• we have a relation that can never be abrogated

• we have righteousness that can never be tarnished

• we have an acceptance that can never be questioned

• we have a judgment that can never be repeated

• we have a title that can never be clouded

• we have a position that can never be invalidated

• we have a standing that can never be disputed

• we have a justification that can never be reversed

• we have a seal that can never be violated

• we have an inheritance that can never be alienated

• we have a wealth that can never be depleted

• we have a resource that can never be diminished

• we have a bank that can never be closed

• we have a possession that can never be measured

• we have a portion that can never be denied

• we have a peace that can never be destroyed

• we have a joy that can never be suppressed

• we have a love that can never be abated

• we have a grace that can never be arrested

• we have a strength that can never be vitiated

• we have a power that can never be exhausted

• we have a salvation that can never be annulled

• we have a forgiveness that can never be rescinded

• we have a deliverance that can never be thwarted

• we have an assurance that can never be disappointed

• we have a nature that can never be changed

• we have an access that can never be discontinued

• we have an attraction that can never be superseded

• we have a comfort that can never be lessened

• we have a service that can never be unrewarded

• we have an Intercessor who can never be disqualified

• we have a revelation that can never be destroyed

• we have a Victor who can never be vanquished

• we have a resurrection that can never be hindered

• we have a copy that can never be disappointed

• we have a glory that can never be dimmed

This is the table our Shepherd has prepared for us!!!

C. A Precious Table

This table reminds me of another table that was prepared for us… Upper Room… eve of the crucifixion.

Luke 22:15 – “And he said unto them, With desire I have desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer.”

Took elements of the Passover unleavened bread and unfermented grape juice… gave them new meaning… “the Lord’s Table”

- Bread = break it – this is my body which is given for you.

- Cup = blessed it – This is the New Testament in my blood, which is shed for you.”

A Table of…

• Appreciation = “this do”

• Contemplation = “in remembrance of me”

• Proclamation = “ye do shew the Lord’s death”

• Anticipation = “till he come.”


Look: v.5 – “thou anointest my head with oil.”

As the sheep arrive on the mountain with the shepherd… weary from travel as they made their way through the difficult terrain of the valley below… trudged up the steep passageway that opened up tablelands above…shepherd would take a cruse of oil out of his shepherd’s bag and anoint the sheep’s head… oil had a way of soothing the sheep, renewing its vitality, refreshing its spirit.

Like sheep there are times we become weary as we trudge through this world.

Customary in David’s day when guests arrived to have a pan of water and towel to wash their feet and a bottle of oil to anoint head and face… oftentimes perfume in it… refresh them.

Ps. 92:10 – “I shall be anointed with fresh oil.”

“Oil” = olive oil - symbol of Holy Spirit. As the Lord’s sheep we have been anointed with the Oil of His Spirit. This anointing is not just for a special few but for all of God’s sheep.

1John 2:20 – “unction” … same word “anointing” (v.27) = to smear; idea of anointing with oil… anointing is the presence of the indwelling Spirit. One-time event that doesn’t need repeating… “fresh oil” = fresh endowment of the Spirit’s working in our lives… “Comforts us, strengthens us, helps us, empower us… refreshes us (renews us).

2Cor. 4:16 – “For which cause we faint not; but though our outward man perish, yet the inward man is renewed day by day.”

As we yield ourselves afresh and new to the Shepherd… He renews and refreshes us day by day!

1) Oil brightens the countenance (Ps. 104:15) – “oil to make his face to shine.” = when the Spirit is at work in a person’s life; it will show!

2) Oil gladdens the heart (Ps. 45:7) – “…therefore God, thy God, hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness above thy fellows.”

Cannot be explained; only experienced as God does His refreshing work in our lives!

A. Oil for the Irritants of Life

Summertime in the high country was fly time – insects such as flies, mosquitoes, gnats that just made the sheep’s life miserable.

Illust: Nose Fly = crawl up into the nostrils of the sheep. In the wet membrane inside the Sheep’s nose it would lay its eggs producing a worm-like larvae. Larvae would burrow down inside the lining of that wet membrane and cause the sheep’s nose to be inflamed and irritated… drive sheep crazy – frantically toss its head for hours… at times even bang its head on tree or rock trying to get rid of the nose flies. Work sheep into a frenzy.

Shepherd would take olive oil, sulfur and pasty tar… mix it into a compound and apply it to the head and nose of the sheep. Killed nose fly larvae and act as an insect repellant to keep insects away. Behavior of sheep immediately change… frustration would be gone… calmness come over the sheep.

Reminds us of the little irritants of life that work us up into frenzy making our lives frustrated and frantic.

Quote: “the large portion of our problems are not lion-sized attacks, but rather the day to day swarm of frustrations, mishaps, and heartaches.”

Ex: little things losing your car keys, locking them in the car, locking yourself out of the house, leaving your wallet at home, highway 52 from King to Winston, stoplight, traffic jam, flat tire, car won’t start, those disappointments that come when things do go as planned or feel left out… need I go on????

It’s at those moments that life has gotten under our skin… irritated and distracted… flesh gets the best of us… wind up saying or doing something we regret. It is during those moments that we are flesh-controlled and not Spirit-controlled.

Grateful for the oil of the Holy Spirit soothe the irritants of life. Confess our flesh induced reactions to life… claim a fresh endowment of the Spirit’s enablement… rest in Him!!!

B. Oil for the Run-ins of Life

Times sheep get ornery… get cross ways with other sheep in the flock and they will butt heads. Rams will really go at it trying to get the attention of the Ewes in the flock… sometimes little battles can become so intense that the Shepherd will apply oil to the heads and necks of the rams so that when they butted heads… instead of taking the impact… slide off of one another.

Ever gotten cross ways and butted heads with anyone? At home, family, work, out in community, church etc… feel wronged by someone or we have wronged someone else… words, actions, etc… filled with anger, bitterness, malice… feel justified!

When get cross ways with other people… get cross ways with God. Out of fellowship… lose joy, fulfillment that comes from life’s relationships both horizontally and vertically!

Work of the Flesh! Such behavior grieves the Spirit… robbing us of His working in our lives.

Evidence not filled with the Spirit. Absence of Spirit’s Fruit = “love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, meekness, goodness, faith, temperance.”

Eph. 5:18 – surrounded by lives relationships.

Quote: “The oil of the Holy Spirit is what makes the machinery of life’s relationships run smoothly.”

C. Oil for the Sicknesses of Life

Summertime the sheep were plagued with a disease known as the “scab.” – highly contagious. Scab was caused by a parasite that would embed itself in the skin of the sheep causing inflammation and pain. Sheep tend to rub their heads and bodies against one another, and the scab would be easily passed from sheep to sheep.

Shepherd would again take olive oil, sulphur and linseed oil mix it together in water… immerse the sheep in the in the concoction that would kill the parasite and prevent the disease from spreading throughout the flock.

Times we become diseased… not with scab but with sin. Allow the parasite of sin to embed itself in our lives… sapping our spiritual life of its vitality, joy and usefulness to God.

Sick sheep wasn’t of much use to the shepherd… sick Christians aren’t of must use to God.

Ps. 51:7-13 - David’s prayer of confession!

Sin = grieves the Spirit of God and quenches His desires for us. Defeats what the Spirit seeks to accomplish in and through our lives.

For the Shepherd to apply the oil…

1) Sheep must be still. (Ps. 46:10) – “Be still and know that I am God:”

2) Sheep must lower their head. = picture of humility. (James 4:6) – “God resisteth the proud but giveth grace unto the humble.”


Look: v.5 – “my cup runneth over” = filled to overflowing.

David saying, Because of who my Shepherd is and what He does for me… I am so blessed that I am brimming full and running over.

God doesn’t just fill our cup; He floods our cup! So blessed!!!

Everything God does for us, he runs it over!

• Isa. 55:7 – doesn’t jus pardon us; He abundantly pardons.

• Rom. 5:20 – doesn’t just give us grace; it is abounding grace.

• 1Pet. 1:8 – doesn’t just give us joy; it is unspeakable joy.

• Jer. 31:3 – doesn’t just give us love; it is everlasting love.


“His love has no limit. His grace has no measure.

His power has no boundary known unto man.

For out of His infinite riches in Jesus, He giveth and giveth and giveth again.” – Annie Johnson Flint.

Q: What happens when your cup runs over? Most of us want a bigger cup! But what God wants is that when we are living on heaven’s tableland and the table is spread, the oil is being applied and the cup is running over… let someone else live in the overflow God’s blessing. Let God’s blessings spill out of your life and into the life of someone else.

Illust: Sweetest prayers I have ever read:

L girl prayed – “Lord, fill our cup. Lord, fill my cup. Lord, I can’t hold much, but I can run over lots.”


Fill my cup, Lord;

I lift it up Lord;

Come and quench this thirsting of my soul.

Bread of Heaven, feed me till I want no more.

Fill my cup, fill it up and make me whole.

And when God does our next prayer should be…

Make me a blessing,

Make me a blessing,

Out of my life

out of my life

May Jesus shine;

Make me a blessing, O savior, I pray,

I pray Thee, my Savior,

Make me a blessing to someone today.