
Summary: This holiday season brings joy, happiness, giving, and rejoicing to all family gatherings. This lesson describes the sadness of: "Going home without Jesus." It reveals God's blessings in a child's birth, a Son is given, and how Jesus saves His people from their sins.

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1. Going Home with Jesus

2. Going Home without Jesus

3. Going Home with Jesus

Introductory Remarks.

1. Our lesson today will discuss: "Going home without Jesus." Before noticing our theme, we will consider that this couple would go home with (carrying) Jesus. Joseph and Mary would journey to Bethlehem to register for taxes. Luke points out that: "Mary was great with child" as they journey some 80 miles from Nazareth to their hometown – Bethlehem. It will be in this city that the Saviour will be born. Many call this time of the year the "Christmas season." We are not sure that this was the time that Christ was born. But we are thankful that Christ is: "The reason for the season" and for the joy of His birth, which continues to bless all humanity. I would suggest that there are many today: "Going home without Jesus." We will confine our lesson to the text from Luke Chapter 2; and Matthew Chapter 1.

2. First, we will discuss going home with Jesus. The parents of the soon-to-be-born child; were journeying to their hometown, Bethlehem. Mary was great with child. Bethlehem was the Prophetic city where the Savior was to be born. Joseph and Mary sought a place to lodge and prepare for the birth of her "firstborn Son." There was kin folk there, but they could not seek lodging with them in Mary's condition. How do you explain her current condition – just recently becoming the wife of Joseph? She was going home to Bethlehem with (carrying) Jesus. They would find "no room in the inn on their arrival." God provided lodging for His Son's birth in a stable – not a palace. He was wrapped in swaddling clothes – not a purple robe of royalty. He would lie in a manger – not in a bed of kings. The Son of God had no royal announcement of his birth by decree – but from an angel telling shepherds nearby that a child was born – who is Christ the Lord – in Bethlehem.

3. Second, we will discuss going home without Jesus. We find the family of Jesus completing their annual visit to Jerusalem during the Passover, going home without Him. They had traveled a full day's journey only to learn that Jesus was not with them. The family had left the child behind in Jerusalem. They were going home without Jesus. We cannot imagine the worry and fear that went through Mary's heart. God had given the child to her for safekeeping – and now she has lost Him. When Mary asked of the child's whereabouts, Joseph no doubt remarked, "I thought he was with you." Just like many fathers would today, Hu? They would return to Jerusalem and find Him in the temple – sitting among the teachers and leaders, listening to them, and asking them questions.

4. Finally, we will discuss again, going home with Jesus. The family took Jesus to the city of Nazareth, where he would be raised until His manifestation and ministry to the world. Luke wrote: "Then he went down with them and came to Nazareth, and was subject to them, but His mother kept all these things in her heart. And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men," Luke 2:51-52. In Luke's account in Chapter 2, we find the conditions of Jesus' birth and early childhood history. Not much is said regarding Him, but that: "He increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men." With this brief introduction, let's consider our first point: "Going home with Jesus."



A. Caesar Augustus. Luke wrote: "And it came to pass in those days, that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus, that the entire world should be taxed. And this taxing was first made when Cyrenius was governor of Syria. And all went to be taxed, every one into his city," Luke 2:1-2. Observe,

1. Joseph's visit: "And Joseph also went up from Galilee, out of Nazareth, into Judaea, unto the city of David, which is called Bethlehem: (because he was of the house and lineage of David:)," Luke 2:3-4; Romans 1:3-4.

2. Mary was traveling along to accompany Joseph on this journey; to fulfill the scripture: "For thus it is written by the prophet, and thou Bethlehem, in the land of Juda, art not the least among the princes of Juda: for out of thee shall come a Governor, that shall rule my people Israel," Matthew 2:5-6; Micah 5:2; John 7:42.

a. Many today honor this period – as the "Christmas" holiday season.

b. We cannot be sure that this is, in fact, the time of Christ's birth.

c. We rejoice, however, that we are living in a nation; that reverence this historical event. This nation should be applauded; for its remembrance during this holiday season regarding the birth of Jesus Christ.

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