
Summary: Ain’t nobody ever gonna Love you the way that God Loves you! Somebody ought to be given God a shout up in this place! Praise God!

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Gods Not Enough "He’s way Tooo Much!"

First of all, I need to give credit to Jesse Duplantis for that sermon title, it may be a little over the top, but it certainly is true,

Kind of like saying, "my Gods not ordinary, He’s Super Extraordinary!"

And He is, in every way, shape and form, you don’t ever have to worry about wearing Him out with your needs, or running Him out of His resources trying to meet them for you.

He is more than capable of taking care of you, and He longs to, if you will only trust and let Him! Amen?

The trust issue, did you know that is a major issue for some people today, they think since everyone else in their life has let them down at some point,

That if they completely put they’re trust in Him with everything they have, He will do the same thing, therefore they hold back in some areas of their lives, never truly experiencing the fullness of Gods Blessings!

Lets look to the word this morning, that shows Gods complete commitment to His people, lets read in Exodus 3:14 MSG.

14. God said to Moses, "I Am who I Am. Tell the People of Israel, ’I Am sent me to you.’"

God wants you to know this morning and the world to know, I Am Whatever you need me to be, He is faithful and He will never let you down,

As we’ve seen on the news, government may let you down and disappoint you, your fellow man and even your family may do the same, but God remains steadfast and true, because of the Immense, Overwhelming Love that He has for you!

An Agape Love, a no matter what happens, or no matter what you do, I will still Love you kind of Love!

He is your source, to have your every need, not only met, but exceeded!

And whatever your need, and by the way, its ok to have needs, if we didn’t have any needs, we wouldn’t require any faith

and if we didn’t have any faith, we wouldn’t be able to have a relationship with God, through His Son Jesus! Amen?

Because the same faith it takes to accept Jesus as your personal Savior and become born again, is the same faith it’s takes to enjoy every other promise that has ever been made in the Bible.

promises that are yours to enjoy as an heir, simply for no other reason, only because your a child of God!

TBS. in the 23 psalm, the Lord is my Sheppard, I shall not want, God doesn’t want you to be in want, He gets no Glory from that,

There is no parent, even the poorest parent, in the most undeveloped nation, who wants there child to suffer want, or do without!

God is no different, we are His Children, we are His Creation, each one of us a one of a kind, no two finger prints the same, each one special enough to have their own identification!

If you stop and think about that, it’s amazing, states that there have been born between 100 to 110 billion people on planet earth since time began,

Each with their own unique identity, Gods Love for us, is beyond amazing, 110 billion different fingerprints and He created everyone of them to be different in the confined space of a finger tip!

Even more amazing, TBS.(the bible says) He knows the very number of the hairs, on each of those 110 billion heads of hair.

Matt. 7:11 NKJ

If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him?

This is what Clarke’s Commentary has to say,

If ye, then, being evil - who are radically and diabolically depraved, yet feel yourselves led, by natural affection, to give those things to your children which are necessary to support their lives, how much more will your Father who is in heaven, whose nature is infinite goodness, mercy, and grace, give good things -through his grace and Spirit, the Holy Ghost

Ephesians 2:10 ISV

For we are God’s masterpiece, created in the Messiah Jesus to perform good actions thatGod prepared long ago to be our way of life.

The accuser may try to tell you and convince that you don’t matter to God, and that your not worthy of the blessings that He has for you, but that’s not what the word says is it?

Not to sound redundant, but we need to be redundant when it comes to Gods word, and the word says faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God

and no matter how many times we hear this, no matter how much truth is in that spoken word from God, the devil still tries to steal it from us, each and every time that its spoken!

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