God’s Messenger And Its Little Scroll Series
Contributed by T.j. Conwell on Sep 4, 2023 (message contributor)
Summary: This message is a bit of a parenthesis (like Ch 7 was) … a pause to understand that time and events that have happened are that are still to come. God sends a mighty angel to speak to the Earth, and with he carries an incredible message for all.
Alpha and Omega, Part 34, Revelation Part 11
God’s Messenger and its Little Scroll
Revelation 10:1-11 and Revelation 11:1-2
- Been studying together, chapter by chapter, to understand God’s plan for creation
- Last week, we saw the 5th and 6th trumpet (1st and 2nd terrors prophesied in Ch 8)
• A fierce storm and volcanic explosion - destroys industry and shipping
• A meteor that contaminates 1/3 of the fresh water supply – can’t drink it
• An eclipse that temporarily removes 1/3 of the daylight – disrupts days
• A demonic locust attack that causes unbelievable torture to the ungodly
• A second demonic army, 200M, that kills 1/3 of the ungodly on Earth
-- Why? Remember: Billions will follow the Antichrist in the end days
-- They will believe his nonsense, his lies, his promises, and his fake miracles
-- But their allegiance will be their undoing – and now we see them being judged
- Today is (again) a bit of a parenthesis (like Ch 7 was) … a pause to understand
-- Show CHART of Revelation as a reference to where we are in time
-- This is just before the 7th trumpet, or the 7th woe, is heard from Heaven
- Read Revelation 10:1-11 and 11:1-2 / Pray
- With so much doom falling upon the Earth, a natural question comes to mind:
-- “Is there any hope for mankind at this point?” The answer is, YES!
-- The triumph that is coming will settle all things - good overcoming evil!
-- For mankind, there is hope if you choose to turn to Jesus Christ!
- TR: Ch 10 shows us three things that we must understand today … First
Point 1 – John sees a mighty angel descend on the Earth
- He has come with an incredible appearance and an announcement
-- Greek (seen this before): aggelos; a messenger or an angel
- Know this: the message comes from the throne of God, from Heaven itself
• Messenger was dressed in a cloud – symbolizes a heavenly appearance
• Had a rainbow on its head – symbolizes mercy of God
• Had a face that shone as the sun – symbolizes light, wisdom, splendor
• Had feet that were pillars of fire – symbolizes purity and strength
- He held a small book – (later) v11 tells us this is what must be proclaimed
-- The message is the Word of God, it’s the declaration of God’s promises
• Set his feet on sea and earth – signifies his giant size, power and reach (v5)
• Had a voice that roared like a lion – this is the symbol of the voice of God
-- This confirms Joel 3:16, “The Lord’s voice will roar from Zion and thunder from Jerusalem, and the heavens and the earth will shake. But the Lord will be a refuge for his people, a strong fortress for the people of Israel.”
• Messenger called forth the 7 thundering voices – symbolizes voice of God
o It demonstrates the completeness / fullness of authority (power!)
-- Voice does speak to John; see how John is stopped from telling their words (v4)
- There is no way to know what was said – but in it we can find our curiosity
-- The word of God is always perfect in its timing – and it’s not for us to know yet
- Natural question: Who is the angel or messenger? (v1)
-- Some say this is one of God’s highest angels – perhaps it is Gabriel
-- Gabriel’s name actually means “mighty one”; Daniel rcvs. 2 messages from him
-- But others say that this Jesus Christ Himself (note the glorified appearance)
-- Strengthening this, he refers to “His witnesses” in Revelation 11:3
-- It is not clear, but those are two options of who this is Second …
Point 2 – John hears a declaration and an oath by the angel
- This moment is so spectacular, that we cannot help but marvel at it (v6)
-- He speaks an oath (GR: omnuó; oath) to the one who has sent Him … oath is:
• By Him who lives for ever and ever
• Who created the heavens and everything in them
• Who created the earth and everything in it
• Who created the sea and everything in it
- Now consider this … what is the great oath (or promise) that is made?
• That soon, time shall be no more
• The delay of the end shall be no more
• The culmination of all events is now at hand – be ushered by the 7th trumpet
• All the horrors of Revelation and God’s judgment will be revealed
• And then … God’s wrath will be complete