
Summary: Here is a box. Its a small one. For some people, what they think of God could fit in this box. They have few expectations and limited knowledge of who God is.

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Alba 3-19-2023


Ephesians 3:20-21

Here is a box. Its a small one. For some people, what they think of God could fit in this box. They have few expectations and limited knowledge of who God is.

Here is another box. It is a little larger. Many people would be comfortable with having a God who could fit in this box. Of course there are many things that would have to be left out. But that is satisfactory with people whose God is no bigger than this.

In this box there may be room for love and grace and mercy, but not much room for any rules or commands that interfere with the way one wants to live their life.

Here is another box. It is bigger still. In this box there is room for some love and grace and mercy as well as some of the commands that are given in scripture. Of course the only commands that fit are those the person accepts in his or her lifestyle choices.

And here is still another box. It is the biggest of all. It can hold God's love, mercy and grace as well as the commands of scripture. One can live a pretty good life with this box. But there is still something missing.

That's because our God is bigger than any box we might put Him in. He is bigger than this room, this building, this town, this state, this country, this world. By His power He created the universe.

And by that power we can live our lives in ways that otherwise would be impossible. He tells us that whatever we face, He is able!

God wants out of the box, out of any box we try to put Him in. He doesn't fit there. He will not conveniently confine Himself to our limits, our boundaries. God is bigger than our box.

Ephesians 3:20-21 give us an idea how big our God is. Let's read.

“20 Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, 21 to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen.”

A God who can do “exceedingly abundantly above” anything we may ask or think won't fit into any box, no matter how big the box may be.

Day 3 of The Easy Bible gives this version of verse twenty:

“What can you imagine? How big can you think? God thinks bigger. He plans better. He accomplishes more. Already He’s at work inside you and me—all of us. Do you want to ask Him for something? Ask big because you’re dealing with a big God.”

We serve a God who is able to do things beyond what we would think possible. The word, “able” in the Greek is the word, “Dunamis” from which we get the word, “Dynamite.” “All forms of this word have the basic meaning of “being able,” or speak of “power”.

This same word is used in Romans 16:25 where Paul said, “Now to Him who is able to establish (to strengthen, NIV) you according to my gospel and the preaching of Jesus Christ.” The way it is worded reminds us that God is continuously able. God's power is still at work today. When we face what seem to be insurmountable troubles or problems, He has what it takes to take them on. The capability, the power, the strength are His.

When Jesus came to this world and died on that cross, was buried and rose again, our God took care of the world's biggest problems: death, estrangement, alienation, big cosmic size things that governments with all their power can’t do – as well as the biggest problem we have – sin.

If God can do that, we can know that He is able to help us with whatever issues life gives to us at any time. When we are in Christ, God does not work against us. God makes His power available to us through His Spirit who lives in us.

So when we ask God for help, He can do more. When we think that there is no hope, God has reserves of power not yet seen. If we imagine that there is no way out, we haven't even begun to fully trust that as we cast our cares on Him, He will care for us.

The wonderful thing is, God is not some impersonal powerful force. Yes, He has power… Yet He is not so big and powerful that He won't get personal. He will do His work in each of us, and do more than we can ask, think or imagine.

When facing life's issues we need to remember how big our God is. And we need to think big! We need to remove all the self imposed limits that we have placed on ourselves… and trust a big God.

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