
Summary: PROPOSITION: Because of Christ’s incomparable love, you must forsake spiritual adultery.

God’s Incomparable Love

Hosea 1-2

PROPOSITION: Because of Christ’s incomparable love, you must forsake spiritual adultery.

How can I forsake spiritual adultery?

I. Choose to love God! 1:1-3

A. God’s revelation (1:2)

1. Gomer will commit physical adultery.

2. Israel continued to commit spiritual adultery.

B. Hosea’s decision (1:3)

1. Reject the one he was to marry.

2. Love the one he was to marry.

II. Choose to stop grieving God! 1:4-11

A. Hosea’s marriage with Gomer soon brings him pain (1:4)!

1. His children names indicate marriage difficulty.

2. His marriage covenant is violated (2:5).

B. Our marriage with Christ often brings Him pain!

III. Choose to respond to God biblically. 2:2-23

A. God’s love chastens us for our spiritual adultery.

1. God gives verbal warnings (2-5)

2. God can take away what our affection craves (6-8)

3. God can destroy our prosperity to turn us back to Him (9-12)

B. God’s love restores us from spiritual adultery.

1. He woo’s us with loving words (14-16).

2. He causes us to know Him better (17-20).

3. He shows us love in unexpected measure (21-23)

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