For God Took Him
Contributed by Rodney Johnson Sr., on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: This sermon is dedicated in memory of Mrs. Annie Pierre. It reminds every believer that at the end of his earthly pilgrimage, God will take him home.
In our text today, we are introduced to a man who’s unique-ness was unrivaled. He was not Moses, the lawgiver. He was not Elijah, the King of the prophets. He was not David, the most notorious of the Kings. He was not Abraham, the Father of the Jewish nation. He was not Nimrod, the father of Babylon. He was not Solomon, the wisest man in the biblical account. Enoch was a man described in only 12 words. The bible says, Enoch walked with God, and he was not; for God took him. He met the Lord after 65 years and for 300 years, God and Enoch walked together. It seems that the birth of his son (Methusaleh) was pivitol in his decision to walk with God. The Methusaleh meant; when he is dead, it shall happen. Thus, the name of his son may have awakened him to the prophetic warning of divine judgement. Walking with God is the best preparation for impending judgement. Nothing in this world could separate them. His contemporaries knew that he was different. For he had a testimony that please the Lord. He had faith in God for 3 centuries and God took him. No more meaningful words in the Holy writ than this; "For God took him." Enoch did not see death. Death saw him, but was not permitted to touch him. God took him. Death saw him, but was not permitted to touch him. God took him. The Lord took him without consultation. Unlike his peers, he did not die. God took Enoch from life to life. For 300 years the pale horse traverse in his proximity but could not touch Enoch. The grim reaper cannot reap where God doesn’t allow. What a great conclusion to an earthly pilgrimage. He didn’t leave in a hospital bed. He didn’t leave in a coffin. God took him. None could keep him when God decided to take him. Yet none could take him, while God kept him. The words, God took him denotes the force of the Divine will. He took him excluding all others. God took Enoch at His own appointed time. He couldn’t leave no earlier nor could he stay any longer then God permitted. God took Enoch when He got ready. God took him to teach us that life in Him has no end. In Enoch, there was translation without expiration. In Enoch, there was removal without death and corruption. In Enoch there was ascent without decent. On earth he would walk with God for 300 years but in heaven he would walk with God for eternity. The poor man Lazarus was carried by the angels. Elijah left by the might of a world-wind. Jesus left by the Divine power of Ascendency. But Enoch left walking with God. God has power to move and remove whom He wills. In Enoch, the Lord showed that He has poer over death. When this life is over, God will take us to. The under-taker will take our body but God will take us. Death is a two-fold deposit. Our bodies are deposited into the earth but our spirits are commended into the hands of God. But Enoch’s body was not buried nor was his spirit commended; he was simply taken by God. He was translated for heaven, transferred from earth into the very presence of God. The living Enoch passed directly from time to eternity. Death is the ordinary departure of the soul from this life. But Enoch’s departure was chosen by God to be an extra-ordinary occurrence. The event of his departure could not die because Enoch did not die. His life was different. His exit was different. He along with Elijah, by passed the valley of the shadow of death and took another road to bright glory. He left this world without dying. Enoch left without a corner report. Enoch left without a death certficate. He left without a medical report. He went up without a wake or a funeral. He left a testimony without a tomb. God took him up, and left earth with only honorary pall-bearers. When Goo took Enoch, he was missing. The text says; "For he was not." Those who looked for him could not find him. He left like a vapor that vanishes away. They checked with family members but Enoch was not found. The family declared, we don’t know where he is but we know that he left with God. No missing report or amber alert could locate Enoch. Today, if anybody ask fro Sis. Pierre; tell them the Lord took her. Those who walk with will be greatly missed. The rebellious will miss thier warning. The children will miss thier parent. The husband will miss his wife. The neighbor will miss thier neigbor. Enoch’s removal left a testimony with every living juror. His removal sophena the human conscious. The sick will miss their hospital visits. When God removed his servant, earth is impoverished and Heaven is enrichened. When God removes his servants, sin is increased and service is decreased. When God took Enoch, he took the whole man. The spirit, soul and body, all belong to God. Enoch walked with God for 300 ears and God took him. Sis. Pierre walked with God for many years and God took her.