
Summary: Just as the prophet Elijah challenged the people of Israel to make up their minds as whether to serve God or Ba'al, the same question needs to be brought before America today. The time has come to settle the issue and accept the consequences.

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This nation is at the cliff, and all it will take is one more step to go over and regulate America to the dustbin of history. For almost sixty years since prayer and Bible reading were thrown out of the public schools by a poor interpretation of the First Amendment by a liberal Supreme Court and a zealous atheist, this country has gone from what had been referred to as a "Shining city on a hill", to where we are satisfied with a broken conscience on a dunghill. My generation, born at the start of the turbulent 1960's, watched college students across the nation burn draft cards, sing protest songs, call the police every name in the book, and endure cries from leftists who had read and digested Saul Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals", along with the bilge of Marxism to overthrow and burn everything to the ground. Well, there really is nothing new under the sun in 2023 (Ecclesiastes 1:9-11) as I see the same thing happening with young people today who somehow believe that it is a crime to think for oneself and everything that we faced a generation ago is nothing novel, new, or unique.

Godlessness has escalated to heights that I knew were predicted in the Scriptures (Matthew 24; Mark 13, Luke 21; 2 Timothy 3:1-8; 2 Peter 3), but I did not expect them to arrive this quickly. I have lived long enough to see men and women gleefully going to the local abortion mills, cursing and mocking at the pastors and Christians who are begging them to reconsider their decisions to kill their unborn child. I saw the signs at "women's rallies" that read, "If Mary had gotten an abortion, we wouldn't be in this mess.". I have heard blasphemies uttered by skeptics who claim that God "raped" Mary, forcing her to carry Jesus in her womb. I have heard "comedy routines" of pathetic late-night hosts who gleefully applaud "guests" appearing on their programs, ridiculing the name of Jesus Christ, the Gospel, and the existence of God overall. I look with both disgust and sorrow at so-called "Christian" programs and the Colgate Boy preachers who do everything but open the Bible and proclaim the fact that it is only through Jesus Christ and Him alone that we have any hope of peace, mercy, grace, and salvation. Instead, they brazenly flaunt their wealth, their "status", and then have the nerve to lament that they don't have the latest toys for their so-called "ministry functions", while other pastors worldwide are facing martyrdom for their stand for Jesus Christ. I weep for the real men of God who stand behind pulpits around the world and preach the Gospel to smaller and more indifferent audiences who find that games on their cell phones are more worthy of attention that the state of their eternal souls.

The adulation of Satan, demons, and all things wicked is rapidly rising, as is the worship of evil in government, schools, and the "churches" that are attempting to keep much of the world blind to their repulsiveness or mock those who are investigating such heinous deeds, calling them names such as "conspiracy theorists", covering up their deeds if they are fixing to be exposed for the cockroaches they are and then smile with arrogant glee figuring that they will be able to get away with their crimes and evil deeds. We all know of the rampant human trafficking, satanic rituals, interstate kidnapping, the work of the drug cartels who never seem to get caught (a bribe or threat tends to shut up cops and Congress), and the obvious destruction of this nation by ruthless politicians yet feel that we are powerless to do anything.

The few Americans who say that they believe in "God" stand by and either dust their hands of it or have brief times of "prayer and intercession". Some gather to "cast out demonic strongholds", and attempt other ventures that sound noble, but more have figured that since Jesus is returning as He promised, then there is really nothing we can do except wait for Him to take us home. It seems that the time for the devil to have his due has arrived and to let evil run its course. The scenario I have presented is happening in this country, but I must add that this type of vacillating between God and Ba'al was present in ancient Israel under the rule of godless king Ahab and his demonic wife Jezebel as they imposed the worship of the fertility deity Ba'al upon the land of Israel and the horrid practices that came with it such as child sacrifice and bloodshed. The prophets of God who had stood against this evil were being hunted down and executed at the orders of Jezebel, her fanatical priests, and the army of Israel. This spiritual poison was spreading unchecked, with both Ahab and Jezebel figuring that they could get away with it, eliminating anyone who stood in the way. It is at this dark time when God's prophet Elijah appeared from nowhere (1 Kings 17) and declared that no rain would fall on the land according to the Word of the Lord. Rest assured God will never allow evil to have the upper hand. He always has the final word.

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