
Summary: The wages of sin is always death. Whenever you sin, look at your life and realize that death is coming to something in it. Anger sins often bring death to relationships. They can bring death to trust, to jobs, to friendships, you name it.

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So today I want to talk to you about anger, specifically the kind of anger that causes outbursts, especially if those outbursts are way out of proportion to the situation at hand.

The reason we are talking about this NOW is a lot of folks have been struggling with this and I think it could be an attack against the Body of Christ to discredit our witness.

We’re going to talk about what unrighteous anger is, how it got there and how we can eliminate it from our lives. I’m going to be sharing some scriptures you can confess to rid yourself of it, and we’re also going to pray a prayer to break any Generational Curse of Anger off of you so you can be free of the Spirit of Anger.

There are two types of anger for us to look at. One is righteous anger. Righteous anger is NOT a bad thing.

Let me give you an example of Righteous Anger.

Let’s say you are talking to someone and they begin saying degrading things about Jesus, or His death on the Cross. Ridiculing, or mocking or just being disparaging to Him. If you feel anger rise up in you over what is being said about HIM, that is an example of Righteous anger. And we SHOULD feel righteous anger when anyone mocks our Lord, but especially those 9 hours of agony He suffered for us as He died.

Righteous anger is a good thing. Righteous Anger is what Jesus felt when He overturned the money changers tables:

Matthew 21:12 KJV

And Jesus went into the temple of God, and cast out all them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the moneychangers, and the seats of them that sold doves,

Matthew 21:13 KJV

And said unto them, It is written, My house shall be called the house of prayer; but ye have made it a den of thieves.

What is Unrighteous Anger

Unrighteous Anger is a temptation with an assignment to bring destruction somewhere in your life through the emotion of anger. Unrighteous anger is when someone says something about You or Me and we get upset. It is when someone mocks US, NOT HIM. Do you see the difference? Unrighteous anger is fleshly anger that has to do with US, RIGHTEOUS anger has to do with the Lord our God.

Okay…I just wanted to be sure we covered that before we go on lest anyone think righteous anger is not okay. Righteous anger, anger that has to do with someone mocking or blaspheming or insulting our GOD, NOT US, is a GOOD THING.

Someone once said “Anger is one letter short of DANGER.” Let me prove that to you by telling you a story I heard decades ago.

Decades ago I knew this one guy who if I remember correctly, he had JUST turned 21 years of age when he decided to go to New Orleans, Louisiana for a week to party with some friends. I think he lived in NJ. He and his friends wanted to see the Big Easy and experience what the South had to offer. I don’t know the details of how it happened, but somehow he got into a fight I believe when they were in a bar and when the fight had ended, he had accidentally killed the young man he was fighting. That young man he was fighting never went home from the bar that night, but neither did he. He was taken to jail and sentenced to life w/o. He will spend the rest of his natural life in the infamous Angola prison in Louisiana for ONE INSTANCE of anger. JUST ONE. Unrighteous anger showed up with an assignment to bring destruction into his life and the young man’s life and succeeded.

Romans 6:23 KJV

For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

The wages of sin is always death. Whenever you sin, look at your life and realize that death is coming to something in it. Anger sins often bring death to relationships. They can bring death to trust, to jobs, to friendships, you name it.

The devil knows how to bring destruction into your life and your family’s life. He just needs ONE CHANCE. JUST ONE. A bad temper or anger problem is just one example of a train wreck of destruction looking for a place to happen in your life.

So if you know you have a problem with anger, let’s talk about how you can get free before it destroys something beautiful in YOUR life that you can never recover. Because I can tell you that happened to me many years ago and I wish it had not. And I have witnessed it destroying relationships in others lives close to me and it is tragic to see, just tragic. It will cost you jobs, friends, positions and privileges and when it does, just remember it is YOUR fault because YOU knew it was there and YOU knew you should deal with it.

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