
Summary: A foothold is often associated with rock climbing. And a foothold is where you identify a rock ledge that holds your weight and is large enough for your foot to push on it for leverage. Satan is looking for a moral foothold in your life.

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The Bible says a Christian is a changed person. A Christian is someone who puts in work on his character after the Holy Spirit has entered into their lives. God designed the Christian to be someone with a contrasting before and after story. Like HGTV and the fixer-upper homes, a Christian is to have a “before and after” in their story. Our “after” is supposed to be really different than our “before.”

First, there’s such a tendency in our therapized culture to think of ourselves almost completely as victims. The Bible forbids this kind of thinking – we are not victims. Second, the Bible teaches that there are supernatural obstacles you cannot see, but they are very real. To be a better person, you have to know you are under a supernatural power of some kind.

You either have the DNA of Jesus in you or the DNA of the devil (John 8:4). How’s that for an opening? You either have the divine nature in your heart (2 Peter 1:3), or you have dishonesty, pride, and resentment. The Bible calls the Devil the god of this world, the prince of the power of the air, and a roaring lion. In the moments to come, I want to tell you how to develop better character. To develop strong character, you have some real obstacles in front of you – one inside of you and one outside of you.

1. No Foothold Allowed

There’s an incredible word picture in verse 27: “and give no opportunity to the devil” (Ephesians 4:27). Give the devil no place to work in your life. In a moment, Paul will put his focus on lying, deceit, and falsehood. But it’s important to understand the Bible doesn’t just simply call upon you, to tell the truth. You’re facing a formidable opponent that you cannot see and many of you are have a resource that you do not realize. Paul focuses our minds on the devil.

1.1 Jesus Believed in Satan

I wonder about you, “Do you believe in a being called Satan?” If I caught you alone, away from all the church’s beliefs, and I asked you straight up, “Do you believe in the devil.” I believe in the devil because Jesus believed in the devil. Jesus talked to the devil, felt his presence, and even He commanded him to “get out of here!” Jesus even said, “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven” (Luke 10:18b). Again, I believe in Satan because Jesus believed in Satan. If you want to be successful morally and spiritually, you need to realize Satan is real. And he’s coming after you. The Bible says you are to not give the adversary a foothold in your life.

1.2 A Foothold

A foothold is often associated with rock climbing. And a foothold is where you identify a rock ledge that holds your weight and is large enough for your foot to push on it for leverage. Satan is looking for a moral foothold in your life. Say this with me: Satan is looking for a foothold in my life. Satan is looking for even the smallest area in your life to wedge his foot into for leverage.

The Bible fingers prolonged anger as an excellent foothold for the devil: “Be angry and do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger, 27 and give no opportunity to the devil” (Ephesians 4:26-27).

The Bible identifies three of Satan’s favorite weapons: lying, anger, and stinginess.

Don’t lie.

Don’t steal.

Tell the truth.

Work hard and give to the poor.

It’s really appropriate to focus on the devil here because Ephesians has more to say about spiritual warfare than just about any other book in your Bibles.

1.3 Two Wars

Keep in mind that before your conversion, you were fighting against God – this is your first fight. After your conversion, God is fighting against the evil in you and around you – this is your second fight. The first fight (before your conversion) you have to lose. You were fighting God. The DNA in the heart of the Devil is, “Don’t tell me what to do.” The DNA in the heart of Jesus Christ is, “Not my will but Thine be done.” Which one is your heart?

The moment this first war is finished, and you say “yes” to Christ, a second fight begins. Let me say that again: the very moment you become a follower of Christ, a second battle begins. The second fight is God fighting on your behalf against the forces of evil.

One of Two Wars

So you’re either caught in one of two conflicts. Which fight are you in right now: are you fighting against God, or are you fighting beside God? Now the moment you say “yes” to Christ, great joy enters into your life. The Bible becomes clearer, and prayer is sweeter.

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