Community Based Education Series
Contributed by Alvin Hathaway, Sr. on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Community based education is moral, is meaningful, it’s mandated, and it must be administered by the people of God.
“Community Based Education”
Leviticus 10: 8-11
Focus: “teach the children of Israel all the statues”
We enter into the third phase of our Back to School Series. In our first sermon we focused upon the primary goal in education is to get wisdom. We suggested that wisdom is intergenerational. In our second message we focused upon the need for healthy children and that ultimate healing comes from a child and families relationship to God through Jesus Christ.
In our text this morning, we are confronted with a different perspective of God than the loving forgiving nature and our desire to lean upon his grace and mercy. We see God in this text without patience on those who disobey his command.
We need to remember that the fear of God or respect is the emphasis found in the Leviticus particularly in Chapter 19. The Leviticus code essentially provides for us rules for communal living and rules for the proper worship of God. Leviticus constantly reminds us that God requires of us Holiness and righteousness. It points us to us that there are serious consequences for our disobedience.
Leviticus makes us uniquely aware that God has little tolerance for disobedience to his commands.
God had given Aaron and his sons the responsibility of being the priests for the people of Israel. A priest goes to God on behalf of the people. That is different than a prophet who speaks for God to the people. While we know that the veil has been broken and we can go to God unmediated. It’s good to know that there is someone who God has anointed and ordained to present the partitions of his people to Him. It’s good to know that there is someone who God has placed the awesome responsibility to live life in such a way that when they come before God. God understands that they request is not for themselves its for someone else.
Sometimes in life, you need an advocate. Sometimes in life you need help getting your prayer through. Sometimes in life you need someone to wipe your brow, sit with you, and affirm in your spirit that everything is going to be alright. Sometimes, you need a priest who God has placed in your life to plead your case.
But that priest, that prayer warrior, that man or woman of God has an awesome responsibility. They must first be obedient to God’s word. They must have their house in order. They must understand first that it me, it me, it me, Oh Lord standing in the need of prayer.
But, the priest should be the first to omit that they are earthen vessels; that they have warts, weaknesses, and waywardness. Every priest, pastor, assistant pastor, deacon, deaconess, trustee, usher, member, saint and sinner comes to God with feet of clay. They come to God with a blood stained robe. They come to God in need of forgiveness.
God can work with you if you possess a repentant spirit. God can work with you if you understand that the very best you do is but filthy rags. God can work with you if you are willing to say, “come into my heart to stay!”
Unfortunately, you find Aaron sons attempting to take a short cut in the sacrifice that is due God. They attempt to not give God their best, they give God their mess.
In Chapter 9 God had instructed Aaron and his sons on the proper sacrifice and worship that was pleasing in his sight. He allowed them to come into the tent of presence where his spirit resided. Everyone in that day was not allowed that privilege.
After received the favor of God, Aarons sons took God’s favor for granted and presented God with a sacrifice that displeased Him.
Some of us, also take God’s favor for granted. He has allowed us to experience untold joy, unspeakable joy, and we take God for granted. God has permitted us to go to places, achieve some measure of success, acquire some symbols of status; and we take God’s favor for granted. Some of us know without a shadow of a doubt, if it had not been for the Lord of on our side where would we be. Some of us know that he picked you up, turned you around, and planted your feet on solid ground. Some of us know that it was God who made a way out of no way. And, still we take his favor for granted.
God did not tolerate this behavior from Aaron’s boys. And when they presented a sacrifice that was not pleasing to God, they where consumed in the process.
Moses steps into the scene and informs Aaron that God wants, “All who serve God must respect His holiness: God will reveal his glory to his people.”