
Summary: The cloven tongues, like flames of fire, that rested upon the disciples symbolize the transformative power of the Holy Spirit. This power is available to every child of God, empowering us to live victorious lives. Are you ready for it today?


Greetings in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ! Today message is not just a ritual but a word from the father. Shall we pray?

Today, the theme under consideration is Cloven Tongues, a term that came to being on the day of Pentecost according to the book of Acts 2: 1 – 3. The cloven tongues, like flames of fire, that rested upon the disciples symbolize the transformative power of the Holy Spirit. This power is available to every child of God, empowering us to live victorious lives. Are you ready for it today? We shall be discussing this in five folds: the promise of power, the preparation for the gift of power, the coming of this power, as he came and lastly the implication for us as a church today. May we all encounter God in Jesus Name.

I. The Promise of Power - Acts 1:8, Luke 24:49

i. Jesus promised the Holy Spirit would empower believers.

ii. This power would equip them to witness and serve.

Sirs and Mas, the Baptism of the Holy Spirit is the promise of the father to all his children and if you are a child it is for you.

II. The preparation for the Gift of Power.

i. The ascension. Christ had taught that His going away was essential to the Spirit's coming – John 16: 17.

ii. The attitude of the disciples – Acts 2: 1.

Here we can see: (1) Patient waiting (2) Union (3) Prayer and (4) Fellowship with the risen Christ.

III. The Coming of this Power. The elements of nature were now, as so often, symbolical of spiritual realities – Acts 2: 2 & 3.

i. The sound like wind – indicating the immediacy, secrecy and swiftness of the Divine action.

ii. The Cloven Tongues like fire – symbolising warming, quickening, cleansing.

IV. As He Came– Acts 2: 3, 14 & 41

i. The apostles were empowered to speak with other tongues, which was a sign of Divine energy; signifying the ability to say, stay with the truth.

ii. Preaching was made powerful to the conversion of many; enemies of Christ became friends – Our lack of power has empowered our enemies so much in this ages. You also the baptism of the Holy Spirit.

iii. The Church was established upon a sure and lasting foundation – not by experience, education, good sound System, big building alone but by the out pouring of the Holy Spirit

iv. They became effective worker. Worker that will not be pushed or pulled to the work of their Father.

V. The implication for us as a Church today

We have listened to the formation, growth and development of this House of God, our founding fathers has given us a good and godly heritage, how can we preserve it?

i. We cannot be effective in our duties without being Baptized in the Holy Spirit – Acts 1: 8

ii. Our worker a activist in the Church will only be powered by our emotion without Him – John 15: 4

iii. The Wrong will be Good to us and the Right will be our Bad

iv. Earthly things will be our priority if we do not receive his touch. Clothing, hairdo, beauty, position, and other earthly things will take top place in our soul while personal prayer, Bible Study, fasting and other Spiritual activities will be the last things to remember.

v. Keeping malice will be very comfortable and good without being touch by the cloven tongues – Gal 5: 19 - 21

vi. He will Guide us into all Truth – John 16:13


We can now all see it, if we really want to manifest all we have being hearing in your Sunday school this year, be effectives & powerful Christian, and keep our Assembly from going into extinction, then we need the touch of the Holy Spirit has he did at the Upper Room and he is here to divide himself and sat upon as many of us that are ready, let us be on our feet…

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