Alien Visitors To Earth – Congress Listens – July August 2023 Series
Contributed by Ron Ferguson on Aug 24, 2023 (message contributor)
Summary: The world is more focussed than ever on sci-fi movies and alien life, so much so, that a hearing was convened by the United States Congress into Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UFOs). What is the Christian perspective on this?
As I am writing this now, (early August 2023) there is a Congressional hearing in the United States called by the White House, into UFOs which are now called Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP). This hearing is chaired by a Mr Grothman.
For many years there has been unbelievable speculation about space visitors, and the novel by H G Wells, “War of the Worlds” written between 1895 and 1897, set the ball rolling. Since then there have been countess movies (such as the Star Wars series) and Television Series (such as Star Trek), all slowly indoctrinating people’s minds to accept the strong possibility of aliens from space. ET – The Extra Terrestrial was a runaway success as was Close Encounters of the Third Kind. Just a tiny selection of other famous movies are Aliens, Avatar, The Man Who Fell to Earth. There are literally hundred of movies and Television series.
Americans know (well a number of them do) about the Roswell Incident, which still won’t die away. I want to examine this subject from a Christian viewpoint. I am not going to knock space movies providing we get them into the right perspective and understand them for what they are.
I was quite impressed with the number in attendance and the high profile this has in the News, and on Day 1, the highlight was three persons of seemingly good credibility who testified as to their own experiences. One was a former navy pilot (Ryan Graves); one was associated with the aircraft carrier Nimetz, a retired Navy Commander named David Fravor; and the third one was a whistleblower from within a government department that has been investigating these UFO sightings and he is David Grusch. One man who had been working in intelligence into UFOs said quite categorically in answer to a question that the Government or a government agency actually has remains from crashed vehicles (space vehicles) that are not human.
I am not here to decide on anything but have two ears though one is not as it should be, and I listen and think about it all. In the world today there is so much distortion of the truth and misconceptions that, as Christians, we must be very careful and examine things properly. {{Matthew 10:16 “Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves. Therefore BE SHREWD as serpents and innocent as doves.” Philippians 1:9 “and this I pray, that your love may abound still more and more in real knowledge and all DISCERNMENT”}}
The possibility of alien existence may be a dilemma for some Christians while others will dismiss all this as a hoax. (Have you ever wondered why God made the human mind so diverse?). I suppose all this raises the possibility of life on other planets, certainly not in our galaxy because of the planets we have, but some say life exists in other galaxies, and the speculation will not go away but will increase. How is a Christian meant to understand all this? Of course there will be many different opinions and some people would be very adamant about their position. It is always amazing how some are so adamant with so little information, and that applies to any topic where evidence is so circumstantial.
It does seem strange to me why the United States Congress would set up a significant hearing to look into all these alleged sightings and findings and conspiracies.
When we try to put all this together I have come up with five possibilities to explain what many have put on record. These are the five possibilities I have arrived at but other people may have more (not counting hoaxes of which there could be many) –
1. DELUSIONS, OR UNEXPLAINED DATA. Optical illusions play a part in the way we can sometimes interpret things, and so can imagination. Sometimes the brain wants to interpret what it can’t readily explain or identify. I seriously believe a lot of these alleged sightings are unexplained data, but not every one of them.
2. HUMAN INTERVENTIONS FROM AN UNKNOWN SOURCE. This could be either Government or private individuals or even from a certain nations though the latter possibility is quite remote because credible people testifying to all these sightings at Congress mention aspects that no human intervention or invention has so far mastered.
3. ALIENS OR SOMETHING VISITING FROM SPACE. I recently saw a science fiction movie from the early 1950s called “Cosmic Man” the earlier term for what we would now call Aliens. In that decade many Sci-fi movies were produced and some of them featured aliens coming to earth to explain the great danger to the Universe of the earth’s atomic testing. This was the “flying saucer and atomic age”. Hundreds upon hundreds of space movies and cataclysmic and apocalyptic subjects are everywhere today. Quite a lot of these movies have alien craft crashing to earth, and that would be almost unbelievable because if real, these spaceships have travelled many light years of space and all the dangers, only to crash on earth.