As I am writing this now, (early August 2023) there is a Congressional hearing in the United States called by the White House, into UFOs which are now called Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP). This hearing is chaired by a Mr Grothman.
For many years there has been unbelievable speculation about space visitors, and the novel by H G Wells, “War of the Worlds” written between 1895 and 1897, set the ball rolling. Since then there have been countess movies (such as the Star Wars series) and Television Series (such as Star Trek), all slowly indoctrinating people’s minds to accept the strong possibility of aliens from space. ET – The Extra Terrestrial was a runaway success as was Close Encounters of the Third Kind. Just a tiny selection of other famous movies are Aliens, Avatar, The Man Who Fell to Earth. There are literally hundred of movies and Television series.
Americans know (well a number of them do) about the Roswell Incident, which still won’t die away. I want to examine this subject from a Christian viewpoint. I am not going to knock space movies providing we get them into the right perspective and understand them for what they are.
I was quite impressed with the number in attendance and the high profile this has in the News, and on Day 1, the highlight was three persons of seemingly good credibility who testified as to their own experiences. One was a former navy pilot (Ryan Graves); one was associated with the aircraft carrier Nimetz, a retired Navy Commander named David Fravor; and the third one was a whistleblower from within a government department that has been investigating these UFO sightings and he is David Grusch. One man who had been working in intelligence into UFOs said quite categorically in answer to a question that the Government or a government agency actually has remains from crashed vehicles (space vehicles) that are not human.
I am not here to decide on anything but have two ears though one is not as it should be, and I listen and think about it all. In the world today there is so much distortion of the truth and misconceptions that, as Christians, we must be very careful and examine things properly. {{Matthew 10:16 “Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves. Therefore BE SHREWD as serpents and innocent as doves.” Philippians 1:9 “and this I pray, that your love may abound still more and more in real knowledge and all DISCERNMENT”}}
The possibility of alien existence may be a dilemma for some Christians while others will dismiss all this as a hoax. (Have you ever wondered why God made the human mind so diverse?). I suppose all this raises the possibility of life on other planets, certainly not in our galaxy because of the planets we have, but some say life exists in other galaxies, and the speculation will not go away but will increase. How is a Christian meant to understand all this? Of course there will be many different opinions and some people would be very adamant about their position. It is always amazing how some are so adamant with so little information, and that applies to any topic where evidence is so circumstantial.
It does seem strange to me why the United States Congress would set up a significant hearing to look into all these alleged sightings and findings and conspiracies.
When we try to put all this together I have come up with five possibilities to explain what many have put on record. These are the five possibilities I have arrived at but other people may have more (not counting hoaxes of which there could be many) –
1. DELUSIONS, OR UNEXPLAINED DATA. Optical illusions play a part in the way we can sometimes interpret things, and so can imagination. Sometimes the brain wants to interpret what it can’t readily explain or identify. I seriously believe a lot of these alleged sightings are unexplained data, but not every one of them.
2. HUMAN INTERVENTIONS FROM AN UNKNOWN SOURCE. This could be either Government or private individuals or even from a certain nations though the latter possibility is quite remote because credible people testifying to all these sightings at Congress mention aspects that no human intervention or invention has so far mastered.
3. ALIENS OR SOMETHING VISITING FROM SPACE. I recently saw a science fiction movie from the early 1950s called “Cosmic Man” the earlier term for what we would now call Aliens. In that decade many Sci-fi movies were produced and some of them featured aliens coming to earth to explain the great danger to the Universe of the earth’s atomic testing. This was the “flying saucer and atomic age”. Hundreds upon hundreds of space movies and cataclysmic and apocalyptic subjects are everywhere today. Quite a lot of these movies have alien craft crashing to earth, and that would be almost unbelievable because if real, these spaceships have travelled many light years of space and all the dangers, only to crash on earth.
4. UNEXPLAINABLE PHENOMENA FROM NATURE. We do not understand some of our natural world and must not jump to conclusions if there is something that defies explanation. People like to walk the road of extreme speculation. Atmospheric phenomena are not always understood.
5. DEMONIC ACTIVITY AND SIGNS IN THE ATMOSPHERE. Satan is the prince and power of the air and demons are powerful beings. They reside in the world’s atmosphere. Satan’s activity is explained here – {{Ephesians 2:2 “in which you formerly walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, of the spirit that is now working in the sons of disobedience.” Paul later on said this - Ephesians 6:12 “for our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, [demonic powers] against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.”}} It seems Satan’s realm with his demons is the earth’s atmosphere.
Many questions arise from each of those possibilities and it is not my purpose at this time to try to explain them in detail. Of those five possibilities the one that I would dismiss is number three because I do not think myself that God has placed life, certainly not intelligent life, in any other place in the universe. The heavens show the glory of God and his magnificent handiwork, and I think He allows us to see that from the earthly perspective. I do not believe there is intelligent life on other planets for then, in the definition of God’s creation, we must attributed souls and possibly spirits to that creation. I know that people like to speculate; even those in churches do that, but I feel sure that earth is the only place where God has placed created life. I would go as far as to say ANY form of life, even microbial or primitive is not found elsewhere in the universe.
The explanations that I would favour, if all the recorded data is genuine, would be that of demonic activity (5) or unexplained data from Nature (natural sources) (4 and 1). I am not being fanciful in proposing demonic activity but we are right at the end of the Church age and many evil things are afoot. The demonic activity in my own nation is now like a skyrocket, getting worse by the day. This nation is adopting the spiritism and Satanism of the aborigines at an intense pace, all promoted by the Federal and State governments and being pushed onto us. Satan’s power is increasing rapidly because people are pursuing wickedness, satanic activities, occult practices, a denial of God, and the hatred towards God. Homosexuality is determining policies in Australia and is hostile to Christians and to Christian workers. This is now influencing many more nations. Demonic activity played out in oppression, and possession, and influence, is very powerful now even in the top heads of nations and organisations of governments.
Satan is the prince and power of the air, and the atmosphere is his realm, so it is not surprising that here at the very end before the Rapture - and we know that in the Tribulation - there are going to be such lying wonders and delusions with the greatest display of Satanism this world has ever known – that we might be seeing some of these lying wonders even in our own age to deceive further an repentant earth. It is little wonder that we might now be seeing strange things happening and an increasing account of what the world is now calling Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena. Satan is the master of deceptions and lying wonders and these will be so strong in the Tribulation, so it would not be a surprise if some of these lying wonders are around in our day.
In the 1800s and 1900s up until about 1960, Christian belief was a whole lot stronger and schools opened with prayer and bible reading and the “Christian ethic” was adopted in Parliaments and in society. People living then were contented and governments functioned relatively honestly, but today there is so much corruption and criminal activity from Presidents and Parliaments. They are under demonic power, and as people turn from God and adopt homosexuality and abortion and satanic music and Satanism and other things, then Satan’s power is becoming more manifest.
I think it is sad that many in churches won’t believe in a Rapture. Covenant Theology is partly responsible for this but there are other factors such as church ministers who reject biblical prophecy and don’t teach thoroughly on books like Thessalonians, and church people themselves who don’t read and study their bibles. However all that will not prevent the Rapture that a lot of us believe is very close. I want to remind us of one of the Rapture passages –
{{1Thessalonians 4:14-18 “If we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so God will bring with Him those who have fallen asleep in Jesus, for this we say to you by the word of the Lord, that we who are alive and remain until the coming of the Lord, shall not precede those who have fallen asleep, for the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a SHOUT, with the VOICE of the archangel, and with the TRUMPET of God, and the dead in Christ shall rise first. Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and thus we shall always be with the Lord. Therefore comfort one another with these words.”}}
The two books of Thessalonians focus on the prophetic events of the future and Paul clearly tells the Christians there that the appearing of Antichrist can not happen until the departure comes first (departure is the correct word, not apostasy in 2 Thessalonians 2:3, where he outlines the Day of the Lord (which is tied in with Antichrist). The departure is the departure of the Church = the Rapture.
I think it is interesting that when the Rapture occurs there will be three audible sounds for the ears of the Christians, not for the world, for the world will hear none of them. Jesus is coming to take His people – it is for them not for the world. We are told the Lord descends with a SHOUT, and I think that shout will be the words of Revelation chapter 4 verse one – “Come up here!” Then we have the sound of the TRUMPET and that is the rallying call for all the believers since the time of Adam to rise to meet Christ and to receive their new bodies. Then the third sound we read of is the VOICE of the Archangel, and we do not know what it is that Michael will say. However this is just my thought, that Michael’s voice will silence into impotence the demonic hordes that inhabit the atmosphere of this world as the saints rise and pass through Satan’s realm to the very presence of their blessed Saviour.
It will not surprise me at all if we get more and more reports of signs in the atmosphere around the world. I have searched quite thoroughly for science fiction movies that are available on YouTube and I am surprised at how many there are stretching right back to the 1940s and coming out with increasing rapidity in these last few years. Many of them feature Alien invasion from spaceships, and apocalyptic events such as meteorites hitting the earth causing great destruction, and the sun heating up and extreme catastrophes. I happened to watch one of these recently and it was putting me right in the middle of Revelations 16. I doubt that the writers of these stories had any idea of the events in Revelation. What’s more, so many of them are churning this stuff out as if the world is being prepared for what is ahead.
In fact the world is being prepared. The World Health Organisation, the World Economic Forum, the Secretary of the UN, are all promoting demonic policies along with WOKEISM to bring the world together under a dictatorial control of globalism. They are working through very evil men and women in government and that is no surprise. In outlining conditions in the last days (of the Church age), Paul penned – {{2Timothy 3:13 “Evil men and impostors will proceed from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived.”}}
This Congressional hearing in the United States may reveal some very surprising facts and events. I don’t dismiss them, that is, not all of them, and as I have said, I put them down to POSSIBLE demonic signs and activity, or maybe, unknown signs in nature. At one stage I would have dismissed any notion of UFOs (flying saucers), but something is happening and I am not sure what.
There are things we cannot explain and must not jump to conclusions. Some years ago I left home about 5 o’clock in the morning in my boat that had no lights on, heading out to the Great Barrier Reef to do some reef fishing. I was a few miles offshore with just enough light to see, and on my left about a half mile away, I saw a green light, a lovely glowing green. It had nothing to do with my boat or any light onshore (this was a sparsely populated area) but this light travelled in a straight line probably no more than 100 yards above the ocean at a very rapid speed that I would estimate was somewhere around 100 metres a second. It went straight along parallel to the water and when it was some distance in front of me, took a turn almost fully vertical and quickly disappeared from view. I am not a looney (not the full quit, deranged) and I don’t know what it was I saw, but I am certain it was not alien and that it was not demonic. Some things we just can’t explain.
Just to finish with this – Some weeks back I did watch one of these 1950 Sci-fi movies called “The 27th Day” (1957). Here is the story briefly I took from an Internet site - An alien from a dying planet brings five average people from England, Germany, China, the Soviet Union and the United States onto its spacecraft. Each person is given a case containing vials that can destroy all life within a 3000-mile radius. They're told that the Earth will be spared complete destruction if all five can keep their respective governments from using the capsules for 27 days, but escalating Cold War tensions between the Americans and the Russians make that a difficult promise. If they failed the earth would be destroyed.
Well, the 5 of them did succeed through some great ordeals and the moral that ended the movie was that the world can cooperate (through the UN) to map out a bright future for mankind. They were the days when the UN was considered to be a body for world peace and advancement.
Today Christians recognise the UN, especially the WHO, is one of the greatest forces of evil in the world.
There is a hymn/song that I can’t say I know but it looks really good, written by Thomas Nelson and called “Glories of Christ”. Here is one stanza from it –
I’m Worn With Constant Warring,
Where Fiery Darts Still Fly;
My Weary Soul Is Longing
To Soar To Realms On High,
For I Long To See Christ Come
And Take All His Ransomed Home,
To The House Of Many Mansions,
There To Rest In Peace At Home.
Yes, it will be very soon that WE WILL SOAR TO REALMS ON HIGH, through Satan’s domain. It will be from this world to the Lord in the twinkling of an eye (1 Corinthians 15:52). In a very “loose sense” we will be “spacemen”, from the earth to the Lord’s presence. COME, LORD JESUS, COME.
Things in this world are declining fast and the coming of the Lord is close. If you are unsaved, you have no hope, no wonderful inheritance. In the last days difficult times will come (they are here now) and you truly need a Saviour. Repent of your sin and give your life over to the Lord without reserve. He will be your Guide and your Way, the Truth to you, and your Life.