
Summary: We are aliens and pilgrims in this strange land just passing through on our way to our inheritance. Paul says we are citizens of Heaven waiting for our Savior! That is why the phrase “after this” is so important. It gives us a proper perspective for the days ahead.

Hebrews 9:22-28 (NKJV)


October 19, 2024

The Hebrew writer said “after this, the judgement” in verse 27. This statement reminds us that this life we have is fleeting. The Bible writers describe the briefness of our lives in various ways. James says it is like “a vapor that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away,” (4:14). Job said life was like “the wind.” (7:7). David penned a Psalm that God would help him to “Remember how short his time is,” (89:47). And Peter said our days are as “the grass,” which “withereth and the flower thereof falleth away,” (1:24). These are all vivid images of the brevity of this life we now live. They remind us that we will not live in this world forever. We are aliens and pilgrims in this strange land just passing through this foreign country on our way to our inheritance. Paul says we are citizens of Heaven waiting for our Savior! That is why the phrase “after this” is so important. It gives us a proper perspective for the days ahead. We are careful not to put too much value of earthly things. Colossians 3:2 says, “Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth. For you died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ who is our life appears, then you also will appear with Him in glory.” Because after this is our reward and we are the ones that eagerly wait for Him!

1. A Heavenly Thing

The text speaks of Holy Places not made with hands. The Hebrew writer is talking about the Temple, the Tabernacle, the Tables and the Tents; he is talking about the Showbread, the Candelabra, the Alter, the Veil of the Holy of Holies and the Ark of the Covenant. Those things were only “copies of heavenly things!” The writer of Hebrews is telling his readers that Jesus Christ is a “better” sacrifice. He wants them to know that the salvation Jesus purchased when He died on the cross is pure, powerful and perfect. Jesus is better than the Law with all its sacrifices. His blood is better than all the blood of all the sacrifices offered since the dawn of time. The day Solomon’s Temple was dedicated, so many animals were sacrificed that they could not be numbered, 2 Chronicles 5:6. Solomon himself sacrificed 22,000 oxen and 120,000 sheep. The precious blood of Jesus is better than all those sacrifices. Under the Old Testament Law, a man had to bring a perfect sacrifice. It was to be without spot or blemish. It was to be perfect. Now, when that man brought that sacrifice, he himself might be blind, deaf, crippled, or deformed. It did not matter! The Lord received that sacrifice in that sinner’s place and God no longer looked at that sinner, He looked at the sacrifice. Now Jesus took the place of the sinner once for all because He is a “better sacrifice!” Once we realize that because of Jesus, the Heavenly things are better we gain the proper perspective of the days ahead.

2. A Great High Priest

But as it is, Jesus appeared once for all to put away sin by sacrificing himself! Hebrews 4:14 Seeing then that we have a great high priest, that is passed into the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our profession. The writer wants his readers to know that Jesus did not have to offer Himself “often,” v. 25. But, just as men die “once,” v. 27, Jesus died “once,” and in that one death, He purchased eternal redemption for all those who will believe in Him. The Old Testament priest and the worshippers under that old system offered many millions of animals over the years that could “never take away sins,” 10:11. When Jesus died, He “offered one sacrifice for sins forever,” and “sat down on the right hand of God,” 10:12, having forever finished the work of salvation. He is “the Lamb of God which taketh away the sin of the world,” John 1:29. When Jesus died, He died to “bear the sins of many.” The sins of His people were laid on Him and He took them away through His agony on the cross, Isaiah 53. He took our place and was judged by God as our substitute, 2 Corinthians 5. Now, because of His death, sinners like us can be redeemed from our sins, 1 Peter 1. We can be saved by grace according to Romans 10:9 and all of our sins can be forgiven according to Colossians 2:13. Though we were dead in our trespasses and sins we’re now alive in Jesus.

3. An Appointed Home

The word “appointed” in verse 27 means “to fix a point or to prepare.” We know it as “a meeting arranged ahead of time.” We go to the doctor, swallow their pills, and try to take care of these bodies of clay but there is an appointed time. No matter what we do, the day will come when we will keep our appointment. “It is appointed unto man once to DIE” - There are only two places where spirits live on after we leave this old world. One of those places is Heaven, and the other place is Hell. Those who receive Jesus Christ as their Savior and are saved by the grace of God will go to Heaven, John 14 says He is in glory right now to prepare a place for us. In Heaven the saints of God will enjoy the presence of God and eternal joy in that perfect place, Revelation 21:4. Those who reject Jesus will go to Hell, where they will endure an eternity of torment and suffering because of their sins, 2 Thessalonians 1:8. The Bible clearly says, “but AFTER THIS the judgment.” We will all face God with the deeds done in this life. Redeemed saints will face Him according to 2 Corinthians 5, at the Judgement Seat of Christ. Lost sinners will face Him according to Revelation 20, at the Great White Throne Judgement. We will all stand before the Lord and face the lives we have lived and the choices we have made, John 5:29. The saints of God will be judged according to their works, and they will receive rewards 1 Corinthians 3:14. The lost will be judged according to their sins and will be cast into the lake of fire, Revelation 20:14. That is why the writer of Hebrews says, “It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God,” (10:31). “After this,” “He shall appear” “unto them that look for Him.” Right now the heart of the child of God longs to see the Lord Who loved them and died to save them. One day that desire will be fulfilled, and we will look upon His face. The writer says that he shall “appear the second time without sin unto salvation.” This means that when the Lord comes again, He is coming without reference to sin. In other words, when He died on that cross, He did everything that was necessary to deal with sin forever. When He comes again, there will be no cross to bear. When He comes for His people the second time, He is not coming for sinners, but He is coming for His saints. The Bible says that He “chose us in [Himself] before the foundation of the world,” (Ephesians 1:4). He died that we might be set free, and He is coming back to keep His promise that where He is, we will be also! Let not your heart be troubled, but only place your trust in Jesus.

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