A Faith Like Abraham Series
Contributed by Dr. Jerry N. Watts on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: When we examine Abraham’s faith, we discover a model which leads us to a relationship with God.
A Faith Like Abraham
Romans 4:13-25
* The word Faith carries many different meanings. First, it means “belief in, devotion to, or trust in somebody or something and many times without logical proof.” In fact, true faith will defy logic. Faith also denotes a ‘system of religious belief or the group of people who adhere to it.”
* For the last 5 weeks, our messages from the Romans epistle has centered on this word, “faith”.
* The crowning principle which we continually learning and know is that the Bible teaches; for by “FAITH” are we saved through grace, and not of works or of ourselves, let any man should boast.” When this truth is deeply embedded in our life then our messages become crystal clear when we read, “Abraham believed (that is, put his complete faith and trust in) God, and because of His faith a right standing before God was granted.”
* I believe a couple of things about us this morning; 1) I believe we all want to go to Heaven when this life is over. Truthfully, no one understanding the seriousness of their words has ever uttered, “I don’t to go to heaven, let me go to Hell.” 2) We want to have a full and meaningful life while here on earth. The problem comes when we chart our course for this life, by this world’s standard. Roy McNeil is the Worship Leader for Bro. Kevin Hamm at FBC, Gardendale. Their home page plays a little video where Bro. Roy is beginning the service with these words; “The Bible says ‘sin’ is fun, but it only for a season. It’ll catch up to you, want us. You know all the fun this world has to give me, I’d gladly give it up for one day in the house of the Lord.” Faith is the answer. Faith is the key. It is by faith we receive our sight. It is by faith that our souls are set free. It is all “By Faith.” This morning, let’s continue our study in God’s word.
* Turn with me to Romans 4 and let’s glean from the Life and Faith of Abraham. Follow along with me.
* Who do you want to be like when you grow up? For us older people, we can leave off the “when you grow up” part and the question still stands. What is your answer?
* If we want heaven and life, we have to chart a course.
* Our text gives to us a faith and a life well lived, pleased God, saw God do some huge miracles, and is in heaven today. Let’s learn logically from His faith. Paul sets a pattern which is easily seen. He begins with;
1. Exposing the Faith of Abraham – Since 4:1 we have read little except about Abraham, his faith, his circumcism, his works, and how God “credited to him” righteousness. Literally, Paul now recaps this stalwart faith of Paul;
a. The Beginning Point – Where exactly did Abraham’s faith begin? It began when he heard God voice. The promise came from God himself. God called, he believed and responded. But he heard God’s voice.
* The starting point for everyone of us is to hear God’s call. If you have never heard God call, maybe you’re too busy, too active, and not listening. God is still speaking today. He speaks to us when we hurt, when we need help, when we don’t think we can go on. He speaks to us when we need HIM. He speaks to us to call us from sin, selfishness, and shame to a Faith in Him. (Listen, we don’t use the word shame anymore because we live in a day of the “seared conscious.” But listen, a day is coming when you will be ashamed once again)
b. The Blessing Point - Abraham heard God’s voice, took Him at His word, trusted him, and was made righteous by faith. Don’t miss this, Abraham engaged his faith. When He did this, God engaged His promise. Most of us consider the “heritage promise” to be the big deal, BY FAITH God granted Abraham a right standing which confirmed the promise. God KNEW what was in Abraham’s heart, just like He knows what is in OUR heart. While man looks on the outside, God sees the inner person. Abraham must have impressed God.
* Please consider this; when I hear God’s voice and respond to Him by faith, my obedience opens the door of blessing which is unimaginable.
c. The Breaking Point – Verses 14-15 tell us this; if there is another way to gain a right standing before God, then this dynamic faith of Abraham is empty, vain, without meaning, and
* This would mean that no one would have to have faith in God because we could work & earn our righteousness.