
Summary: 2000 years ago, a baby came into this world. This baby grew up to be an adult and changed the whole world. The world would never be the same again because of this baby. I would be delighted if you could rate this sermon and give brief feedback.

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When our daughter, Karis was born, I was excited.

Holding my daughter in my arms for the first time was such a special experience.

As long as she was in the hospital, doctors and nurses were constantly taking care of her.

But once we came home, we didn’t know how exactly to take care of a tiny baby at home!

Our life changed after Karis came into our lives.

A baby changes everything, especially in a mother’s life.

Once a woman conceives, her travel habits, food habits, and dressing habits change gradually.

Once, the baby arrives in this world, there’s a huge change as well.

Constant diaper change is a new normal.

You forget about sleep for the first few months.

Money just disappears into thin air.

Mothers forget to look at themselves in the mirror for ages.

The father can’t pursue his hobbies as he used to before the baby arrived.

A baby changes everything!

Well, more than two thousand years ago, a baby came into this world.

This baby grew up to be an adult and changed the whole world.

The world would never be the same again because of this baby.

Today’s text talks about the arrival of this baby.

Would you take God’s Word and turn your Bibles with me to MATTHEW 1:18-25 (READ)?

I have entitled today’s sermon as: “A BABY CHANGES EVERYTHING!”

CENTRAL PROPOSITION OF THE TEXT: Not needed as this is a topical sermon.

THE PURPOSE BRIDGE: To encourage members of EAGC to live changed lives in light of Christ’s advent.

FALLEN CONDITION FOCUS: Already dealt with above.

CENTRAL PROPOSITION OF THE SERMON: Gladly submit to Jesus even as He changes you.


Once you have a baby, your priorities change radically.

Your priorities change in at least 2 aspects:

A. Time.

A baby changes the way we spend our time.

After a baby comes, a lot of time is spent with the child.

Since the baby is totally dependent on the parents, they have to give time to the baby.

Before Karis was born, I used to come home from Bible College and work for 3-4 hours on my thesis, sermon preparation, classes, and other things.

However, these days, I hardly get about 30-45 minutes to work after I come back from Bible college.

Initially, it was difficult, but now I’m delighted to spend time with Karis.

Even Jesus changes the way we use our time.

Since we belong to Jesus, we need to change the way we spend our time.

Disciples of Jesus make the best use of their time: 15 Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, 16 making the best use of the time, because the days are evil (read Ephesians 5:15-16).

We need to redeem our time and use it wisely.

We need to spend time reading God’s Word (Ps. 1:2).

We need to “pray at all times” and fellowship with the Lord (Eph. 6:18).

We need to take time to fellowship with God’s people (Acts 2:42).

We need to utilize our time in serving the body of Christ according to the gifts we have received (1 Cor. 12:7).

We need to invest our time in sharing the gospel with the lost (Mk 1:38).

We need to be busy serving Jesus as we know that He is going to come back soon (refer Rev. 22:20).

We must follow the example of Christ in doing God’s work: “We must work the works of him who sent me while it is day; night is coming, when no one can work” (refer John 9:4).

B. Treasure.

A baby changes the way we spend our money.

We try and make sure that we meet the basic needs of our children.

We think less about spending on ourselves.

We forgo purchasing something for ourselves and make sure that our kids are taken care of.

Even Jesus changes the way we spend our money.

Since the Father gave His Son, Jesus as the “inexpressible gift” (2 Cor. 9:15), we need to give for the Lord’s work.

Many people spend a lot of money on Christmas.

Some people even make debts to purchase new clothes for themselves and indulge themselves in pleasure.

But this Christmas, use your money to bless others.

There are several ways to do that.

This Saturday, we have Pre-Christmas celebrations at Neredmet.

We are reaching out to several non-Christians on this day.

Invest in God’s kingdom by giving for this outreach.

Think of ways that you can bless others who are not so privileged as you are.

It is a blessing to bless others.

One gives freely, yet grows all the richer; another withholds what he should give, and only suffers want (Proverbs 11:24).

The Bible says, “Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will repay him for his deed” (Proverbs 19:17).

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