
Summary: Jesus ushered in the Kingdom of God and revealed the deep truths about the same. As we allow God’s Kingdom to rule and reign within us, we will see tremendous growth and transformation in our lives.

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We read in Mark 4:30, "What shall we say the Kingdom of God is like?" asked Jesus. "What parable shall we use to explain it? (GNB)

In this series of messages, we are studying in detail some of the questions that Jesus asked. While Jesus lived here on earth, though He is omniscient, He asked several questions, so that we could understand those deeper truths that were hidden from us.

If one were to summarize all of the teaching of Jesus as recorded in the New Testament, the essence of it, is all about the Kingdom of God. Therefore, the question that Jesus asked in Mark 4:30 was what should one compare the Kingdom of God with? If we were to compare the rule of God with the rule of men this is how it would look like. When one party comes to rule, they bring in certain policies and schemes, which when some other party takes over will totally discard. However, when God rules, His rule is consistent, and He is able to overrule every situation and hardship that we encounter in this life.

When Jesus commenced His ministry here on earth, this is what He declared.

We read in Mark 1:15 He said, "The time has come, and the kingdom of God is near. Change the way you think and act, and believe the Good News." (GW)

For hundreds of generations, the people of Israel were seeking and awaiting the arrival of the Kingdom of God. When Jesus came down to the earth, he proclaimed to the people that what they sought after, and were unable to change all through these years, was now going to be transformed, only because the time had come, and the Kingdom of God was close at hand.

To explain what Jesus was saying let me illustrate with something that we are familiar with. For those who live on the hills in Ooty, it is a general practice for many to go down to Coimbatore to purchase certain commodities, only because they are priced cheaper. Often, we might have noticed that when a new store opens up in Ooty, they usually advertise saying, that there would be no need for people to travel to Coimbatore anymore, as their store could provide the same product for a much better price.

In other words, Jesus was exhorting them that there was no more reason for them to go seeking after the Kingdom of God, for the Kingdom of God was now near to them. The question therefore is what should one do to become a citizen of the Kingdom of God? Jesus gave the answer very simply that all one needed to do was to repent, and believe in Him.

When challenged with difficulties, and people seek counsel from others, many will direct them to various sacred places where they could find relief from their distress. There are even believers who believe that a trip to the holy land of Israel would be a solution to their many woes, which is not true. The message of the gospel is so simple, and the call of the Lord to everyone who wishes to enter the Kingdom of God is plain, that they need to repent of their sins, and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, and all that He has done for us on the cross of Calvary. Sadly, many find this far too elementary, and therefore are unwilling to accept this amazing invitation.

Let me illustrate this with an everyday example. When a person gets ill, he goes to a physician who gives him a simple tablet for his sickness, and charges a nominal fee. However, the person is not satisfied, and therefore decides to go to a renowned hospital. He is made to pay and register himself, goes through a whole list of tests that the doctor dictates, and finally is prescribed the same tablet that the first physician gave, and now the person is totally satisfied. The reason for this is that the mind of man is so distorted, that he finds it easy to accept the complicated, and hard to accept that which is simple.

The blessing of being in the Kingdom of God

1. There’s healing in the Kingdom of God

There was a woman who was suffering with an issue of blood for twelve years. She had spent all her money and possessions on physicians, to no avail. She finally decided to stop her pursuit of doctors, resolved to believe in Jesus instead, and with faith touched the hem of His garment. Instantly, she was healed of her predicament which had distressed her for twelve long years.

There is healing for every for every sickness in the Kingdom of God. Certain diseases are from various germs and infections, but oftentimes people suffer from certain ailments, because of oppression from the evil one. You may have observed that when a person is peaceful their blood pressure will be normal, and the same will shoot up when they are agitated about something.

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