
Summary: Building with a Kingdom Mindset" focuses on prioritizing God’s Kingdom above all else. This sermon emphasizes aligning our actions with His will, seeking eternal impact, and building on a solid foundation that lasts

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We live in a world that constantly pushes us to chase after success, comfort, and security. Society tells us to build our own dreams, secure our own futures, and prioritize our desires. The allure of worldly achievements can be strong—promising status, wealth, and a sense of accomplishment. But in Matthew 6:33, Jesus invites us into a different way of living: “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” This statement from Jesus is a radical call to shift our focus from the temporary to the eternal, from earthly pursuits to heavenly priorities, from self-centered goals to God-centered purposes.

To build with a Kingdom mindset is to see everything through the lens of eternity. It’s about making the Kingdom of God our primary pursuit and allowing His will to dictate every decision we make. The early church grasped this concept well—they lived, labored, and sacrificed for the sake of the Kingdom. They weren’t caught up in accumulating earthly wealth or power; they were focused on the Gospel, on reaching the lost, and on living for things that had lasting value. They invested their lives in something greater than themselves—something that would outlast them and continue long after they were gone.

Today, the call to build with a Kingdom mindset is more urgent than ever. We are surrounded by distractions that pull us away from God’s purposes. Yet, God is calling us to refocus, to realign, and to recommit ourselves to His mission. This sermon is a challenge to reexamine our values, to put God’s Kingdom above our own, and to become builders who invest in what will truly last. It’s an invitation to shift from a mindset that is centered on the temporary and move toward a mindset that values the eternal.

1. Seek God’s Kingdom Above All Else

Jesus' command in Matthew 6:33 is not a casual suggestion; it’s a directive that calls for a complete reordering of our priorities. To seek God’s Kingdom above all else means that every part of our lives is surrendered to His lordship—our time, our resources, our relationships, and our goals. It’s about choosing to put God’s desires before our own, trusting that He knows what’s best, and believing that He will provide for our needs when we prioritize His will.

In the early church, seeking God’s Kingdom was not just a theological concept; it was a way of life. They sold their possessions to support those in need, they dedicated themselves to the apostles’ teaching, and they shared everything they had. Their focus was not on building personal empires but on advancing the Kingdom of God. They trusted that if they sought God’s Kingdom, He would take care of them, and He did. God’s provision was evident in their lives, and they lacked nothing because their priority was in the right place.

Today, seeking God’s Kingdom means examining our motives, our pursuits, and our daily choices. Are we truly putting God first, or have we allowed the pressures and demands of the world to take precedence? Are we living in a way that reflects our commitment to God’s priorities, or are we chasing after things that are fleeting and temporary? To build with a Kingdom mindset requires a radical shift in our values—choosing to put God’s purposes above our own, trusting that He will handle the rest.

This doesn’t mean that we ignore our responsibilities or neglect our earthly needs. Instead, it means that we approach those responsibilities with a Kingdom perspective, understanding that our work, our relationships, and our daily routines are opportunities to glorify God and advance His Kingdom. When we seek God’s Kingdom above all else, we are no longer living for ourselves but for Him who called us out of darkness into His marvelous light.

2. Build on a Solid Foundation

A building’s strength is determined by the quality of its foundation. Without a solid foundation, even the most impressive structure will crumble when the storms come. Jesus speaks to this truth in Matthew 7:24-27, where He contrasts the wise man who built his house on the rock with the foolish man who built on the sand. The wise man’s house stood firm because it was built on a solid foundation—the teachings of Jesus. For us, building with a Kingdom mindset means establishing our lives on the unchanging, reliable foundation of Jesus Christ and His Word.

The early church was unwavering in their commitment to this foundation. They were not swayed by the opinions of the world or the changing tides of culture; they were rooted in the teachings of Jesus. Their foundation was secure because it was built on the truth of the Gospel, which they believed, preached, and lived. This allowed them to endure intense persecution, hardship, and trials without wavering. They were not concerned with how things appeared on the surface; they cared about what was underneath—their faith in Christ.

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