
Summary: What would you have felt if you were at Calvary? So many emotions were displayed there and today we investigate some of those and the people connected with them. Especially we will look at the emotions pertaining to the Saviour, and rely on the Old Testament for that. Place yourself there!



Crucifixion was not an unknown event. The people in the Roman Empire were familiar with this cruel means of execution. That day outside Jerusalem’s city wall when three men were crucified at Golgotha, did not raise many eyebrows, yet this was not going to be any ordinary execution. Things were not normal.

For a start a voice spoke from heaven to the astonishment of those around. Secondly it was recognised that Jesus was special, so much so that one thief repented and was saved. Thirdly, this happened – {{Matthew 27:51-54 and behold, THE VEIL OF THE TEMPLE WAS TORN in two from top to bottom, and THE EARTH SHOOK and the rocks were split, and THE TOMBS WERE OPENED and many bodies of the saints who had fallen asleep were raised, and coming out of the tombs after His resurrection they entered the holy city and appeared to many. Now the centurion and those who were with him keeping guard over Jesus, when they saw the earthquake and the things that were happening, became very frightened and said, “TRULY THIS WAS THE SON OF GOD!”}}

Indeed this was a special occasion and added more mystery for those who were interested enough to take note of the events that occurred. I want to look past all that today to hone in on THE EMOTIONS AT THE CROSS. This is a subjective study as we try to open people’s lives and feelings. Let us begin.



I called this the worst of all because the hate was intense, demonic and brutal. It was unreasonable and could only be explained by what was satanically inspired. Satan is not omnipresent and he himself can only be in one place at one time. Be very sure Satan was in Jerusalem for all the passion week. He possessed Judas and controlled the religious leaders who called for Jesus’ death.

Chief among the haters were the chief priests, elders, and scribes with their bedmates, the Pharisees. In Jesus’ ministry, on one occasion He said, {{“He who is not for Me is against me.”}} (Luke 11:23). There is no grey area. How many viewing the execution as ghouls were against Jesus? My opinion is that it included the majority including the mockers who cried, {{Matthew 27:39-40 and those passing by were hurling abuse at Him, wagging their heads, and saying, “You who are going to destroy the temple and rebuild it in three days, save Yourself! If You are the Son of God, come down from the cross.”}}

Hate is spiteful and vengeful. We see that everywhere in Islam, but it stems from Satan who hated from the beginning of his sin against God and heaven. Hate will increase in this world as mankind departs further from God. With Satan on their side, the hate of the enemies of the Lord at the cross were indescribable.


How many at Calvary that day were in confusion? They could not comprehend the events played out before them. I suppose we could ask of today’s world, “Do you understand what is happening in the world, and why it is?” People know there is evil everywhere and some care and some don’t. What the world does not appreciate is that there is a war between good and evil. The same was so at the cross.

Many in the general populace at Jerusalem accepted Jesus as a man who did good and a worker of miracles, even though they would not commit themselves to the Saviour. Some knew not why he was being killed for doing good to others.

You see, what people miss is that Jesus died for the sins of the world – MY SINS – and the transaction at Calvary made it possible to be made right (righteous) with God. Satan does not want people to have true 20-20 vision about the true condition of their lives so they can turn to God for forgiveness. Confusion reigns everywhere and Satan, the angel of light who operates in utter darkness, loves it that way. Blind, confused men can’t find God. At the cross ignorance prevailed.


Who at the cross would be sorrowful? Not too many I would assume, but I would think one or two might have been there whose eyes had been opened to spiritual realities, and who had been healed in miracles. They would not have realised the truth then of {{John 12:32-33 and I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men to Myself.” He was saying this to indicate the kind of death by which He was to die,}} but they had sorrow because the One who healed them was being crucified and they did not know why.

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By: Brad Henry

You viewed this on Wednesday, March 26
