The New Jerusalem: Its Citizens And Provisions Series
Contributed by Jerry Cosper on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: The Scripture shows us the citizens and the provisions of the great city of God. So this is yet another beautiful passage of assurance of what we can expect as Christians
Tonight’s lesson adds to the lesson from last time. The last few lessons have dealt with the fact that the new heaven and earth will have a capital city. This city is called the New Jerusalem. The city is being prepared in heaven and is beautiful beyond description.
Last week we looked at some of the finite details of this beautiful New Jerusalem. Tonight, the Scripture shows us the citizens and the provisions of the great city of God. So this is yet another beautiful passage of assurance of what we can expect as Christians. PRAYER.
Verses 24-27 speak of the citizens of the New Jerusalem. READ. There are six things said about the citizens that we will note tonight.
1. The citizens are from earthly nations it says in verse 24. They are the saved from all the nations of the earth. This shows us, again, that the gospel is universal. Anyone from any nation can be saved. God doesn’t discriminate between people nor show partiality to any person.
2. The citizens walk in the light of the city. Remember, there is no need for manmade light. There will be no need for the sun or moon to provide any light. In the New Jerusalem we will walk in the light of the glory of God. We will walk in the knowledge of God. We will walk in the light of perfection.
3. The citizens are kings who bring their glory and honor into the city. This says two things.
a. Believers will rule and reign with Christ. They will reign as kings for Him. Believers will rule and reign with Christ and serve Him in responsible positions as kings.
b. Believers will bring their glory and honor into the heavenly city and give all their glory and honor to the Lord who bestowed it upon them. Believers owe everything they are to God and Christ. So they are going to acknowledge and praise God for giving them so great a salvation. They will bring this glory and honor into the city.
What this seems to say is that the believers will be serving as kings of nations outside the city. It also seems to say that there will be special occasions when believers will gather in the heavenly city to bring the glory and honor of their nations to God. I don’t fully understand it, but that is how it appears.
4. The fourth thing said about the citizens is that they will have constant unbroken access to God. (v. 25) The gates are never closed and there is no night in the spiritual world. There is always perfect access into the presence of God, and there is no need for sleep or rest. We will have perfect bodies with perfect strength.
In addition to that, the Holy Spirit will fill us to the fullest. The Holy Spirit will give us a perfect knowledge and consciousness of God’s presence. He will focus our hearts and minds on God in a constant, unbroken worship.
Here’s a thought on that. In the new heavens and earth, no matter what work and service we may be doing for Christ, our minds and hearts will be conscious of God’s presence. Every thought of our mind will be a righteous and pure thought, a thought that is either on God or on something that has to do with our daily lives, a thought that will please God.
5. The fifth thing about the citizens is that the believers will bring the glory and honor of their nations into the city. This is a continuation of what was said earlier. This shows that the believers are the kings being spoken about. Again the picture seems to be periodic celebrations of great worship. There will certainly be times when all believers come together from all corners of heaven in a great celebration of worship.
A few chapters earlier, we mentioned that there will be times when we are all called together to the Wedding Supper of the Lamb. And from this, it seems to say that will not be the only times we come together.
6. The sixth thing about the citizens is that believers will be guaranteed a perfect life and service. Believers never have to worry about heaven being imperfect or defiled. God is not going to let an imperfect person into heaven, no matter who he is. He is not going to let heaven become contaminated with a single sin.
Heaven will always be heaven—perfect, absolutely perfect. The only person accepted into heaven is he whose name is written in the Lamb’s book of life. How do you get into that book—by accepting the sacrifice of the Lamb, the Lord Jesus Christ.
So these are some things about the citizens of the New Jerusalem. Now, verses 1-5 in chapter 22 speak of the provisions of the city. READ.