Jacob - The Exile Years Series
Contributed by Roshelle Brenneise on Nov 29, 2024 (message contributor)
Summary: Yahweh had promised to go with Jacob and He had also promised to bring him back to the land of Abraham and Isaac.
November 30, 2024
When we left Jacob last week, he had arrived in the land of his mother’s people - Mesopotamia. Yahweh had promised to go with him and he had also promised to bring him back to the land of Abraham and Isaac.
And so, the exile years begin.
Not knowing where he was, Jacob went to the local well and asked the shepherds where they were from. “Haran,” they replied.
“Do you know Laban, Nahor’s grandson?”
“Is he well?”
“Yes, he is well and here comes his daughter now with her sheep. Her name is Rachel.”
Normally the shepherds would wait until all the sheep had gathered before rolling the stone from the mouth of the well, but Jacob couldn’t wait. He rolled the stone away to allow Rachel’s sheep to be watered. He was so overwhelmed with emotion that he kissed her and wept loudly. He told her who he was and she ran all the way home to tell her father. No doubt remembering the wealth that had accompanied the last person who came from Abraham’s family, Laban hurried to the well to meet Jacob. He embraced and kissed him and took him home.
Jacob had been at uncle Laban’s for a month - working for no pay. Laban, in a moment of generosity, stated that it was not right for Jacob to work for free, “even though he was family.”
“Name your wage,” he said.
Laban had two daughters; Leah – the older – had weak eyes. Rachel – the younger – was beautiful. Jacob was in love with Rachel and said, "I'll work for you 7 years in return for your daughter Rachel."
Normally, a “Bride-price” was paid to the father of the bride. However, allowances were made for those with no financial means – they were allowed to work for the father of bride. If the groom was industrious and proved worthy, he was allowed to marry. So, this arrangement between Jacob and Laban was not out of the ordinary culturally.
Laban agreed to Jacob’s terms.
When Jacob’s 7 years of service came to an end, he went to Laban.
“The 7 years are up. Give me my wife I want to lie with her.”
The community came together to celebrate the wedding feast. When evening came Laban took Leah and gave her to Jacob instead – and he lay with her. As a wedding present, Leah was given Zilpah to be her maidservant.
In the morning, Jacob looked over and there lay Leah! Wait, what?! Out the tent he went.
“What have you done and why have you deceived me?! I served you 7 years for Rachel!
“Listen, it is not our custom to marry off the younger daughter before the older daughter. It’s no big deal…. Finish out the week with Leah then you can have Rachel ---- for another 7 years of service.”
Laban had seen the value in Jacob’s service. If He had been allowed to marry Rachel, he would have returned home. Laban’s greed and desire to exploit Jacob were at the forefront of his decision to deceive Jacob into marrying Leah. The fact that she was yet unmarried was only the excuse. Laban got what he wanted – 7 more years of service.
Jacob was placed in a position that caused him great pain. He loved Rachel but could not send Leah away because of the disgrace it would bring to the family. He was stuck.
What should he have done?
Well, he didn’t do that. He married Rachel and she was given Bilhah to be her maidservant.
He now has 2 wives. One he loves and one he does not love. His preference for Rachel will lead to years of envy and jealousy and strife between the women and will eventually lead to a coat of many colors and a caravan bound for Egypt.
Even though Jacob did not love Leah, it did not stop him from sleeping with her. She became pregnant and named the child, Reuben, “Yahweh has seen my misery. Surely my husband will love me now."
She got pregnant again and named the child, Simeon, "Yahweh has heard that I am not loved, he gave me this son too."
She got pregnant again and named the child, Levi, "At last my husband will become attached to me, because I have borne him three sons."
She got pregnant again and named the child, Judah. "This time I will praise the LORD," she said.
When Rachel saw that she was barren, she became jealous and went to Jacob, “Give me children or I’ll die!”
“What do you want me to do about it? I am not God!”
“Here is my maidservant, Bilhah. Sleep with her. She can bear children for me so that I too can have a family.”