
Summary: “Conflict, tension, faith and finally, reconciliation are key themes in Jacob’s story.... The son of the blessing experienced numerous mountaintops and valleys as he grew into the man who would become Israel.”

November 23, 2024

Last week we were introduced to Jacob and Esau - the sons of Isaac and Rebekah. While Esau will play a bit part, the remainder of Genesis will be devoted to Jacob and his children.

“Conflict, tension, faith and finally, reconciliation are key themes in Jacob’s story. Caught between a father committed to following tradition and a mother, who had heard God’s voice and schemed to help God along, the son of the blessing experienced numerous mountaintops and valleys as he grew into the man who would become Israel.” (ABC 172)

As we noted, Esau was not suited to receive the birthright because it was tied directly the continuation of the covenant God made with Abraham, and yet Isaac was determined that he should have it.

Isaac was now old and blind and he was concerned that his death was imminent (in truth he’d live another 40 years), so he called Esau to his side, but excluded Rebekah and Jacob:

“My son, I am now an old man and I might die soon. Get your weapons and go out into the fields and bring back some wild game. Prepare a savory meal for me and I will give you the birthright blessing before I die.”

Rebekah overheard the conversation between Isaac and his favorite son and immediately put into motion her own plan for her favorite son……

Esau headed out on his hunt and Rebekah called Jacob over:

“Look son, I overheard your father’s conversation with Esau. He is about to bestow the birthright blessing on him, so listen carefully. Go out to the flock and bring me 2 young goats. I will prepare some tasty food for your father, just the way he likes it. You take the food to your father so that he will give you the birthright blessing.”

“But mother, Esau is hairy ---- I am not. What if father wants to touch me? He will know I’m not Esau and he’ll think I am trying to trick him. That will bring a curse on me rather than a blessing”

“Great observation, son, but don’t worry about it, just do as I tell you. Let the curse fall on me.”

Jacob did as he was told.

Meanwhile, Rebekah got some of Esau’s best clothes out of the laundry. When the meal was ready, she put those clothes on Jacob and then covered the exposed bits with goatskin. “Esau” was now ready to go into Isaac.


“Yes, who’s there?”

“It’s me, Esau. I have brought your favorite meal. Please come and sit down and eat and give me your blessing.”

“I am surprised you’re back so soon.”

“Yahweh gave me success.”

“Come here so I can touch you, so that I can know for sure that you are Esau.”

Jacob went to Isaac and he touched him.

“You sound like Jacob, but you are hairy like Esau. Are you really Esau?”

“Yes, father, I am.”

Genesis 27:27-29 - So Jacob came close and kissed Isaac; and when he smelled the smell of his garments, he blessed him and said, "See, the smell of my son is like the smell of a field which Yahweh has blessed; now may God give you of the dew of heaven, and of the fatness of the earth, and an abundance of grain and new wine; may peoples serve you, and nations bow down to you; be master of your brothers, and may your mother's sons bow down to you. Cursed be those who curse you, and blessed be those who bless you."

And so, Jacob received the birthright blessing.

He had barely left Isaac’s tent, when Esau came in from his hunt. He also prepared a tasty meal and took it to Isaac.

“Father, I am back. Sit up now and eat the meal I have prepared for you and give me your blessing.”

“Who are you?”

“I am Esau, your firstborn son.”

“Who was it then that brought me a tasty meal just now? I ate it before you came in and I blessed him – and he will surely receive the blessing.”

With a bitter cry Esau exclaimed, “Bless me too, father!”

“Your brother deceived me and took your blessing.”

“Boy you named him correctly – that heel grabber! He has deceived me twice. He took the birthright and now he has taken the blessing! Haven’t you got an extra blessing for me?”

"I have made him lord over you and the rest of the family. I have nothing for you."

“Please, father, bless me too…. just one little blessing!”

What he received was an “anti-blessing” of sorts.

“You will live away from the fertility of the earth, away from the dew of heaven. By your sword you will live and you will serve your brother. But when you grow restless, you will throw his yoke from off your neck." (see 2 kings 8:20, 22)

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