
Summary: A sermon on Colossians 3:16. (Adapted from an outline by Croft Pentz.)

The Word of Christ

Colossians 3:16

Sermon for 6/9/2002


Country Music Song Titles:

1. If You Can’t Live Without Me, Why Aren’t You Dead?

2. I Went Back to My Fourth Wife for the Third Time and Gave Her a Second Chance to Make a First Class Fool Out of Me

3. You’re the Reason Our Kids are Ugly

1. I’m Ashamed to Be Here, but Not Ashamed Enough to Leave

2. If My Nose Was Running Money, Honey, I’d Blow It Al On You

3. You Were Only A Splinter As I Slid Down The Banister Of Life

4. You Ain’t Much Fun Since I Quit Drinkin’

5. I Would Kiss You Through the Screendoor but It’d Strain Our Love

6. I Wouldn’t Take Her to a Dogfight, Even if I thought She Could Win


A. Thank God that Gospel Music has such a positive and uplifting message, unlike the songs of the world. As a matter of fact, the church is a great resouce and promoter of positive music. Without the church and the Christian message, all music would be in the devil’s camp.

B. Introduction to Colossians.

1. The city of Colossae was a small city about 100 miles east of Ephasus.

2. We don’t know if Paul had actually been there. If he never was there, during his ministry at the city of Ephesus, some evangelists came to Colossae and set up the church there. Epaphras may have been its founder.

3. Paul was in prison in Rome. Epaphras had come to Rome from Colossae with the word that a dangerous heresy was making headway in the church.

4. Therefore, Paul wrote this letter in response, and sent it by Tychicus and Onesimus, who also delivered letters to the Ephesians and one to Philemon at the same time.

5. The Colossian Heresy.

a. Philosophies of men - which denied the all sufficiency and pre-eminence of Christ (2:8)

b. Judaistic ceremonialism - which attached special significance to the rite of circumcision, food regulations, and observance of special days (2:11,16-17)

c. Angel worship - which detracted from the uniqueness of Christ (2:18)

d. Asceticism - which called for harsh treatment of the body as the means to control its lusts (2:20-23)

6. The book of Colossians emphasises the Deity, Pre-eminance, and All-Sufficency of Christ. All cults attack these thoughts from the Bible. Jehovah Witnesses and Mormans. Gnostics came from these thoughts. Still alive today.

C. Chapter 3.

1. Here Paul is laying out general guidelines for the Christians to follow in their lives. This was in contrast to the strict guidelines some people were encouraging Christians to practice in Colossae.

2. Do not handle! Do not taste! Do not touch!

3. The body is evil. Therefore, deny the body as much pleasure and enjoyment as possible. Care nothing for the body.

4. Paul says that there are some things that need to be controlled. However, set our eyes upon heaven and we will know. Do not go by earthly rules and regulations. Vs. 1-15. Be guided by heavenly principles.

5. Vs. 17-4:1- Talking about general Christian principles for the family and for the slaves and for labor.

D. Colossians 3:16.

1. It will dwell in your richly as you do three things:

a. Teach.

1) Sunday school teacher know that they learn more than there students.

2) I learn more than the people in the pew.

3) Need to have as many people teaching as possible.

4) In preparation.

5) Teaching your family and friends. Be active in sharing your faith.

6) Not able to teach?

b. Admonish.

1) To reprove mildly or kindly but seriously.

2) To counsel against something; counsel to do something.

3) To point out something forgotten or disregarded.

4) Must know the Scriptures to be an adequate counselor.

5) Through encouragement and correction, steer people in the right direction.

6) With all wisdom. It takes wisdom to take someone who is going to wrong direction and get them in the right direction. Cattle and barnyard animals are easier to correct than humans.

7) A person who corrects us and we do not get defensive. I was just corrected but I didn’t realize it until later.

8) Sometimes people will get defensive no matter what we do. Later on they realize that we were right. We save them from much hurt and trouble.

c. As we sing with gratitude to God.

1) Congregational singing is one of my favorite parts of the worship service.

2) We get an opportunity to express our adoration and love to God.

3) This service is for God. All of us are involved. God is the audience. We are not here to be entertained. Express ouselves to God. One part of the service where active participation is encouraged for the glory of God.

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