The Lord’s Supper (Luke, Part 11) Series
Contributed by T.j. Conwell on Apr 4, 2022 (message contributor)
Summary: The communion, the covenant, the denial, the sifting, the charge, all of these things pointed to Jesus fulfilling His ultimate purpose (to die for us), and the focus of the disciples was still on earthly things. Will we see the lesson Jesus was teaching and apply it to our lives?
The Lord’s Supper (Luke, Part 11)
Luke 22:1-38
Introduction / Recap
- Last week, we discussed the teachings of Jesus surrounding His return
- Bottom line: We DO NOT fear His return, but we can’t misunderstand it either
-- We should know the signs behind His coming, and be ready to explain them
-- In that knowledge we gain strength and courage for what’s ahead of us
-- We are to live as servants who expect the Master to return at any moment
- This is our calling: to be fully prepared for His arrival
-- We should not be afraid of it – but welcome Him because we are ready!
- Today we are going to examine the events surrounding His final Passover
-- This is traditionally referred to as the Last Supper (or communion to some)
-- A well-known painting by Leonardo DaVinci memorializes this (PHOTO)
-- From L to R: Bartholomew, James (son of Alpheus), Andrew, Judas, Peter, John, Jesus, Thomas, James (son of Zebedee, John’s brother)), Philip, Matthew, Thaddeus, and Simon
- IMP of this event: It is really the final time Jesus will be with all His disciples
-- Because of that, His words of urgency/preparation are very relevant to us
- Read Luke 22:1-38 / Pray
Point 1 – The plot against Jesus unfolds
- The Passover is supposed to be a joyous feast and a festive occasion (v1)
-- Purpose: Celebration of God’s people remembering their deliverance
-- To remember their escape from slavery in Israel (under Pharoah)
- But we can’t miss the juxtaposition of events:
-- One on hand, there is a celebration of divine deliverance from captivity
-- And on the other, there is the plotting to take the life of God’s Deliverer (v2)
- Many ask why the religious were so opposed to Jesus, here it is:
-- They feared losing control over the people they lorded their power over
-- If an uprising could occur, and they would follow Jesus, they’d lose
- No different than today: if you don’t have enough votes, you lose an election
-- Or, if enough people take a stand against something - it gets defeated
-- The religious knew this … and they are desperate to remain in power
- In conjunction with the religious, Satan was also in opposition (v3)
-- His purpose is simple: Destroy the relationship between God and man
-- So, he is seen entering Judas, stirring in him to make a deal against Jesus
- Chat: If Satan could destroy Jesus - mankind could never be saved
-- If he could prevent Jesus from his fulfilling His mission, we’d be doomed
-- But that is his problem: He doesn’t know Jesus must die to save man!
- It is a true revelation for of Satan’s limits (don’t miss this):
• He is NOT omniscient
• He does not know God’s plans
• His knowledge of what is to come is on a limited scope
- LESSON: We need to remember this when we come against him today!
- Next, we see Judas, a covetous man who valued worldly offerings
-- Judas was one of the original 12 disciples, called by Jesus to follow
-- He knew Jesus, walked with him daily, saw the miracles & heard the teaching
-- He knew the message of and the importance of repenting from sin
-- But he was NOT a genuine believer who gave his life to Christ
- HUGE WARNING TODAY: Even we can know the stories & not be following!
- He was also a man who coveted the world and what it could offer him
-- Matthew 26:15, “and asked, “How much will you pay me to betray Jesus to you?” And they gave him thirty pieces of silver.”
- The disciples knew him to be a thief, he was a man after earthly rewards
-- Take a look at a familiar story and look at his focus vs. what is happening
-- Display John 12:1-6, discuss events: worship of Mary vs. greed of Judas
- Judas filled his heart for the lust of the world, it meant more than godly things
-- Since Jesus did not overthrow Rome after the triumphant entry, he was bitter
-- His heart hardened even more, and he became part of those plotting
-- Re: Satan was now dwelling in him, and suggesting that he continue to sin
- So, he makes a covenant with the world (v4) to betray Jesus
-- APP: It is a great warning to you and me: Be careful who you follow
-- More than that: Be sure you are serving God for the right reasons
-- Heed the warning: If one of the twelve can be deceived, so can we!
- TR: With this warning before us, let’s answer a key question …