No One Likes A Homophobic God Series
Contributed by Troy Luttrell on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: How Jesus defined traditional marriage
• Very sensitive issue/very emotional
• The critical issue of redefining marriage. Ill: Sam & Fred desperately want to be married. They seek to find a way to lead the
charge to legalize marriage between people who love each other, no matter their sex. What is wrong with marrying the one you
love? Who does it hurt if two committed adults come together in holy marriage, like Sam and Fred and marry Jennifer? (Where
do you stop the redefining of marriage?)
• The rapid pace of social change has seemed to run over anyone in its path. In 1996 The Defense of Marriage Act was passed
overwhelming by both House and Senate and signed by President Clinton on the grounds that the defense of marriage was a
moral issue. Less than twenty years later, the majority of Americans (not in TN) seem to be for gay marriage.
• This morning’s message is not directed to the world, but rather directed to those who call themselves followers of Christ and thus
followers of God’s Word. It is safe to say that the redefining of marriage is here to stay; but the question this morning is where is a
Christian to stand, and how to we respond?
• It was no different in Jesus’ day. (How people say Jesus did not condemn homosexuality and or gay marriage, and yet they fail to
look closely and ignore Matthew 19). Read 19:3-12
I. The World Attempts to Re-define Marriage. (19:3,7)
• Notice, the Pharisees seek to trap Jesus in either being a marriage crasher or anti-Moses. And sure enough, when Jesus
takes one side, the Pharisees are quick to fling “OT/Moses command for granting divorce”. Ill: No difference today when the
world throws in our face polygamy in the Bible.
• Deception is always at the foundation of a redefining of marriage. The word “love” is thrown around like a cheap pair of sock;
in reality Jesus nails the heart of the matter – “a sinful culture breaks down marriage” (vs. 8)
• This proposed change is from “true traditional marriage” (true monogamy = one man & one woman for all time; to serial
monogamy = one man and one woman at a time)
II. The Word Affirms True Marriage. (19:4-6;8-9)
1. How Jesus could have answered:
• Financial reasons: Divorce is quit costly; two incomes are better than one
• Social justice: By divorcing you force a woman into instant poverty, that is not right. What about the rights of a woman?
• Family concerns: Think about the children, and how hard divorce has on them. Think about all the stress and worry you
will create.
• Love concerns: It is not good being in a loveless marriage; as long as he loves you it is ok to divorce and remarry.
2. How Jesus answered: Jesus goes back to creation for His argument not culture!
• Jesus affirms marriage as God intended! “From the beginning”
a. Jesus affirms the sexes: male & female
b. Jesus affirms the number: two Some say what about David, Solomon Jacob? How did that work for them?
c. Jesus affirms the duration of marriage: till death do they part. Jesus takes on marriage directly by putting himself
above the Law – “I say that the only reason for divorce is not because you are out of love but it one spouse proves
to be unfaithful with another person.”
- This passage doesn’t make gay people uncomfortable as much as divorced people.
- All groups of people are under God’s grace. We are all sexually broken people in every relationship possible.
- We cannot expect to be blessed and go against God’s Word.
III. The Witnesses Ambition to Pursue Holiness. (19:10-12)
1. Marriage is hard work. “Maybe it is better to be single”
• Some are born not to marry. (Naturally, mentally, physically can’t marry. This does not make them any less of a human
• Some can’t marry because of what others have done to them. (society, environment, abuse)
• Some chose to be different and thus take themselves out of marriage.
2. Holiness is hard work. (monogamous marriage is not the standard, holiness is)
• Marriage is not for everyone, but holiness is (Christian).
• Singleness was never meant for a person to live for themselves, but to give themselves away in the service of Christ. (
1 Corinthians 7)
• Those who struggle with same sex attraction must pursue holiness just as a those who struggle with sexual addiction or
lust, or extra-marital affairs. One is not more sinful than another!
• Homosexuality is one of many things that we must lay at the foot of the cross and surrender. To follow the King is more
important than living whatever lifestyle makes us feel comfortable.