Sermon Series
  • 1. No One Likes A Wishy, Washy God

    Contributed on Jan 27, 2014

    This difficult passage seems to suggest that God changes His mind, but a closer look reveals that God does not change His mind as men do.

    Introduction: Verses that I wish were not in the Bible, but they are and I must deal with it. • Ill: As a married men, it is often where we hear our wives say, “I have the right to change my mind at any time!” One minute the couch is perfect on that side of the room, ten more

  • 2. No One Likes An Unknowing God

    Contributed on Aug 25, 2014

    We are told that God knows everything, but what does it mean when Jesus states He does not know when He will return? A closer look reveals this verse to be a source of great encouragement and blessing, not controversy.

    Background: Ill: We get quite frustrated as human beings when we hear the following three words, “I don’t know.” “Doctor, will I need surgery?” (I don’t know) “Honey, do you know when you will be home?” (I don’t know) “Boss, am I more

  • 3. No One Likes A Pyromaniac God

    Contributed on Sep 22, 2014

    This sermon will answer the question of why there is a hell and why a loving God will sentence people to this horrible place.

    Background: Ill: Most awful of deaths is to be burned up or to find someone who has died this way. There is no peace found on a corpse that has been found burned. • Read Revelation 20:11-15. The difficulty of the subject of hell is trying to harmonize the concept of a loving gracious more

  • 4. No One Likes An Unknowing God

    Contributed on Sep 16, 2014

    Mark's records that Jesus stated that there was something he did not know. This statement should not promote fear but rather be a source of great encouragement and blessing.

    Background: Ill: We get quite frustrated as human beings when we hear the following three words, “I don’t know.” “Doctor, will I need surgery?” (I don’t know) “Honey, do you know when you will be home?” (I don’t know) “Boss, am I more

  • 5. No One Likes A Slow Working God

    Contributed on Sep 2, 2014

    Lesson: We are saved instantly, but the process of growing in our faith comes gradually.

    Background: • It is very common for man to make multiple attempts to break a record, or to complete a major feat in life. For some of you, it may have take 2,3,4….times before you passed you drivers test. No matter how good our intentions are, it usually takes man longer to more

  • 6. No One Likes A Bullying God

    Contributed on Mar 21, 2014

    This sermon addresses the question that if God is a God of love and mercy, why does the Bible seem to suggest that God is more like a bully that He is friend.

    Background: • Last week we talked about whether it is possible for God to change His mind. And we learned that God’s heart is set to move to one of two positions depending on man’s reaction….judgment for wickedness; mercy and forgiveness for more

  • 7. No One Likes An Exaggerating God

    Contributed on Apr 15, 2014

    There are some passages that seem to suggest that God might be stretching the truth with some of His promises, but the reality is the God of the Bible does not lie.

    Background: • Our difficult verse is found in Psalms 37:25 – “I have been young and now I am old, Yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken or his descendants begging bread.” Is it true that no Christians (God’s children) have ever been hungry enough more

  • 8. No One Cares For A Tabloid God

    Contributed on Apr 22, 2014

    Some would accuse God of being controversial in the way He went about asking Hosea to marry a prostitute. Does God advocate sin? Absolutely not! The real controversy in Scripture is that a holy God would want a relationship with sinful man.

    Ill: Italian restorers are using modern technology to refurbish two magnificent bronze Greek sculptures found more than twenty years ago off Italy’s shore. The two classical masterpieces were cleaned when they were first discovered. But inside, ocean salt had infiltrated the clay casting, more

  • 9. No One Likes A Hating God

    Contributed on May 5, 2014

    This sermon seeks to answer the questions, "Does God hate me?" "What does it mean for God to hate?"

    Ill: “Don’t be hating on me.” Author Anne Lamott – “You can safely assume you’ve created God in your own image when it turns out that God hates all the same people that you do.” Background: • Reading of 1 John 4:7-8 & Malachi 1:2-3. more

  • 10. No One Likes A Homophobic God

    Contributed on Jun 3, 2014

    How Jesus defined traditional marriage

    Background: • Very sensitive issue/very emotional • The critical issue of redefining marriage. Ill: Sam & Fred desperately want to be married. They seek to find a way to lead the charge to legalize marriage between people who love each other, no matter their sex. What is more

  • 11. No One Likes A Slow Working God

    Contributed on Jul 3, 2014

    Lesson: We are saved instantly, but the process of growing in our faith comes gradually

    Introduction: Verses that I wish were not in the Bible, but they are and I must deal with it. Background: • It is very common for man to make multiple attempts to break a record, or to complete a major feat in life. For some of you, it may have take 2,3,4….times before you passed more

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The Consequences Of Exploiting Others


By: Shaila Touchton

You viewed this on Friday, March 28