
Summary: How can your resolution help you thru times of adversity and put you on a path toward revival? Daniel was caught in a world system and culture that forgot God. God repeatedly sent prophets to warn the people of but they continued to rebel and live in sin.

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Rev It Up (New Year pt. 1)

Resolutions That Lead to Revival

Daniel 1:1-14

Resolution = 1) a firm decision to do or not to do something. 2) the act of finding an answer or solution to a conflict, problem etc.

Resolute = admirably purposeful, determined and unwavering.

Resolved = firmly determined to do something

Welcome to 2016 ladies and gentlemen. I know many of us have some great hopes for this year. As we do every new year, as we turn a page in lifes timetable.

But as much as we are hoping and praying for (breakthrough, for breakout and blessing year) for a year of peace and tranquility…

Listen this year will have its adversities.

How can your resolution help you thru times of adversity and put you on a path toward revival?

Daniel was caught in a world system and culture that forgot God. God repeatedly sent prophets to warn the people of but they continued to rebel and live in sin.

Daniel 1: 1-14

In 605BC God allowed the superpower of that day, Nebuchadnezaar and his Babylonian armies to attack Jerusalem and take over the city.

…and as an insurance policy against further rebellion he took members of the royal family back to Babylon as captives. And tried to assimilate them to the Babylonian lifestyle…

Daniel was one of the youngest hostages selected. Nebuchadnezzar had plans for Daniel and his friends.

This wasn’t the game plan Daniel had for his life. At a young age, Daniel had his own dreams and aspirations that were interrupted and a new plan is forced upon him.

Have you ever had your plans interrupted and a new plan presented to you? Whether the interruption was of your own doing or someone elses. Often our dreams from childhood have been thwarted…

In a short period of time his life was turned upside down. From a carefree teenagers to a slave of a foreign king.

He may have asked, "Why did this happen to me? “Did God bring judgment on Daniel because of some sin he or his parents committed?

Daniel was caught in a culture that forgot God. When a nation forgets God, everyone suffers the righteous along with the unrighteous.

"All things work together for good to those who love the Lord and are called according to His purpose." Romans 8:28

Joseph could say to his brothers that sold him to an Egyptian official. "What you meant for evil God meant for good to save your lives and the lives of our people." Gen. 50:20

At the time Daniel probably didn’t see the hand of God at work. But God’s ultimate plan was for Daniel to influence the highest leaders of power in the ancient world. That meant relocation.

God was at work behind the scenes preparing a young man that was yielded to Him to play a key role in the preservation and restoration of His people.

Daniel couldn’t foresee that he would advance to the highest positions in the courts of Babylon and Persia.

In the later years of his life Daniel would exercise more power than any other member of the Jewish race had ever known.

He would also have the privilege of leading his nation in repentance back to God. Next weeks message Rev It Up Pt. 2

Daniel is a prime example of how it takes Resolve, how one must be resolute in order to turn adversity into opportunities.

From the life of Daniel there are at least four resolutions we can learn and apply to our lives as we enter the New Year.

1. Resolved To Not Defile Myself.

Daniel 1:8 – But Daniel resolved not to defile himself with the royal food and wine

Daniel doesn’t compromise his faith, or his faith WALK, when tempted with worldly pleasure.

He chooses to Walk right with God rather than to eat like a king at Nebuchadnezzar table…

we can either eat what the King of King places before us or eat what Nebuchadnezzar tempts us with…

By the way, Daniel is a teenager when he refuses to compromise…

Even when what’s being offered to you is the choicest of the land, if its what everyone would love to have…

:..if it goes against what God would want you to have or to do than you have to refrain.

So adversity happens to Daniel but Daniel doesn’t let that adversity dictate to him what he will allow into his body, his mind and his soul.

This year your resolution may be to go on a diet, to watch what you take into your body so you don’t gain weight, so you don’t carry added weight…

My resolution is to get healthy, mind body and soul… in order for me to do that, I must first cut out what is unhealthy, what is added weight that causes unhealthiness…

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