The Tribulation Series
Contributed by Grant Adams on Oct 9, 2021 (message contributor)
Summary: After the rapture of the church (key); There will be a brief period (seven years) which the bible calls the tribulation period.
At the close of that time the Lord Jesus will return which is called the second advent and the battle of Armageddon will be fought. At the close of that time there will be a thousand-year period when He will rule and reign with a rod of iron known as the millennial kingdom.
What we went to center our thoughts on today for the message is the Tribulation Period. Is there really a time like that described in the bible? Please listen to the words of the Lord Jesus. There is a time coming like this world has never known before.
I. The Period of the Tribulation
1. It is a significant time. A seven-year era that will be divided into equal parts of three- and one-half years. Daniel 9:27
a. Also referred to as the time of Jacob’s trouble. Jeremiah 30:4-7
b. Daniel 12:1; a time of trouble
c. Isaiah 26:20; the indignation.
d. Matthew 24:15-22; the great tribulation.
2. it is a time of suffering.
a. It is known as a time as the vials full of the wrath of God. Hebrews 10:30-31
b. Keep in mind that at the rapture it will not be the end of the world.
c. It will only be the end of the church age.
1) Revelation 20:5; dead unbelievers will be left in their graves.
2) Living unbelievers will be left behind.
3. This suffering is seen in part, in the description of the seven seals.
a. Revelation 6:1-2; the first seal, the White Horse rider is the Antichrist. He comes offering peace. He is wearing a crown showing world reception.
b. Revelation 6:4; the second seal, the red horse. This writer is probably the same as the first, but now he reveals his true identity and nature. He brings war.
c. Revelation 6:5-6; the third seal, the Black Horse. Following the war will be famine and pestilence as the world has never known.
d. Revelation 6:7-8; the 4th seal, the pale horse. This last horseman is far worse than the other three. He brings death and death brings hell for the unsaved.
e. Revelation 6:9-11; the 5th seal, The martyred remnant. Souls who were saved and killed for their faith.
f. Revelation 6:12-17; the 6th seal, fearful convulsions of nature.
II. The Parenthesis
1. A pause between the 6th and 7th seals.
2. The pause is for the ceiling of two groups of God's people.
a. The 7th seal will usher in judgments so great and terrible that except these days are short and no flesh will be saved.
b. Matthew 24:22
3. revelation 7:4-8; the sealing of the 144,000. Gods’ missionaries during the tribulation.
a. Their message will be the gospel of the Kingdom.
b. Matthew 24:14
4. revelation 7:9-14; the saved multitude.
a. These are the gentiles who receive the message of the 144,000.
b. not a second chance at salvation. 2 Thessalonians 2:11-12, proverbs 1:24-29.
c. this will be those who have never heard the gospel. There is no chance for those who have heard and rejected.
III. The Purpose
1. Why does God allowed the tribulation?
2. There are three reasons why such a period of time is necessary.
a. Number one: God has a score to settle with the nation of Israel.
1) God called the nation of Israel apart to protect them and provide for them.
2) They rejected his son Jesus. The nation of Israel must be brought to an acceptance of their Messiah.
b. The second reason is God's judgment upon the gentile nations for their treatment of Israel. Matthew 25:31-ff
c. the third reason will be to climax the age long struggle between Satan and the Savior.
3. How is God going to bring about the tribulation?
4. With the 7th seal, or the 7th trumpet judgment.
a. Revelation 8:1; the great silence. The calm before the storm. Now God steps from mercy to judgment.
b. The troubles we have seen in the first six seals have been the cause of the Antichrist and man's own sinful nature. Now it's God's judgment.
5. Revelation 8:2; 7 angels given seven trumpets. The seven trumpets will sound the warning of approaching judgments. Man will know that they come from God.
a. Revelation 8:7; the first trumpet, judgment upon the land, earth, trees, and grass.
b. Revelation 8:8-9; The second trumpet, judgment upon the sea, 1/3 of everything in and on the sea will be destroyed.
c. revelation 8:10-11; the third trumpet, judgment upon the rivers and fountains of water.
d. Revelation 8:12; the 4th trumpet, judgment on the sun and heavenly bodies.
6. Revelation 8:13; the three woes. The three remaining trumpet judgments are so terrible that they're called the three woes.
a. The 5th trumpet, the first woe; hellish locust plague. 9:1-12
b. The 6th trumpet, the second woe; hellish horsemen. 9:13-21
c. the 7th trumpet, The Battle of Armageddon. Revelation 11:15