The Battle Of Armageddon Series
Contributed by Grant Adams on Oct 9, 2021 (message contributor)
Summary: What will happen when Jesus returns to the earth in glory?
What will happen when Jesus returns to the earth in glory? So far in our study we have seen what will happen when Jesus comes in the air. What will happen in Heaven after his coming in the air, and what will happen on earth for the next approximately seven years?
At the end of the Tribulation period, the antichrist will so have the upper hand that he will think he can defeat God and set himself up here Heaven and Earth. Revelation 19:9
Christ will then come to the earth in glory with His saints.
1. This is the second phase of His coming.
2. Revelation 1:7, 1st phase, only the saints will see Him. Not everyone.
3. Revelation 19:11, Matthew 24:29-39, notice the contrast between His 1st coming in Bethlehem’s manger and now.
4. Isaiah 26:21, now he comes to judge, not to be judges. Acts 17:31.
5. Revelation 19:12, eyes a flame of fire no longer the tenderness as at the grave of Lazarus or over Jerusalem.
6. “Many crown” on earth, a crown of thorns, new many crowns. Complete authority, King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
7. Verse, raiment dipped in blood and called the word of God. Notice no longer called Jesus which meant Savior the time of salvation is over; the time of a Savior is past.
8. He will come with great armies. Jude-
9. Zechariah: this time His feet will touchdown on Earth. When He came for His saints, He came in the air. Now His feet will touch down on the Mount of Olives form whence He ascended.
I. The Time of the Battle
1. As to the time of the conflict, it will take pace at the close of the tribulation when Christ returns with His saints. All true believers in the Lord Jesus Christ will have been translated at Christ’s return for His saints. 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17. The preparation for Armageddon is described in Revelation 16:13-16.
2. The consummation of the battle is set forth in Revelation 19:11
3. Armageddon will be the fulfillment of the smiting stone of prophecy of Daniel 2:35, 44, 45.
4. The prophecies of Isaiah 10:20-34; 34:1-8; 63:1-4; Zechariah 10:10, 12; 13:8; 14:9
5. While it is true that the armies of men will be marshaled by Salat, it is by divine appointment, nevertheless. The Satan inspired Beast of the ten-kingdom Western Empire will call his armed forces for the battle.
II. The Place of the Battle
1. The “Valley of Megiddo” is situated in central Palestine on the edge of the great plains of Jezreel, and it is named at least twelve times in scripture.
2. Look at a map and you will see that it lies between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan river, a strategic location between Asa Minor and Egypt.
3. As far back as the time of Napoleon, the great leader pronounced it “the most natural battleground of the whole earth.”
III. The Purpose of the Battle
1. Armageddon is the divinely appointed event through which God will settle finally His dealings with the unbelieving Gentile nations of the world.
a. They will be inspired by the Devil and his desire for war.
b. They will reject God’s plan of salvation and have allied themselves with the Antichrist to make war against Jerusalem.
c. Armageddon cannot be averted as long as Satan controls the hearts of unregenerated men.
d. The Jew will be in his land at that time and in control of the world’s wealth.
2. The armies of millions of men will be gathered, but before Hell breaks loose, Heaven intervenes, and a one-sided victory by the Lord Jesus Christ over the hordes of Hell will be inevitable.
a. Joel 3:2; Zephaniah 3:8
b. Zechariah 12:3; 14:2-3
3. The nations will gather, not alone for the wealth of Palestine, but with the evil determination to wipe out God’s earthly people.
4. All nations of the earth will be bitten by the virus of anti-Semitism, and while they will not know of it at that time it is clearly taught in God’s Word. They will only be positioning themselves for the stroke of divine wrath and judgment.
IV. Conclusion
1. 2 Thessalonians 1:7-9
2. Revelation 16:8-9; 16:18-20
3. Zechariah 14:12
4. If you examine a map, you will find that from the northern part of Palestine to the southern part of Palestine is approximately 200 miles.
5. John in Revelation 14:20, is gathering together these scriptures to which we have just looked and has shown us that the land of Palestine is to be give a blood bath of unprecedented proportions, which will flow from the land of Edom.
6. It will wash over all Judea and the city of Jerusalem.
7. John looks at this scene of carnage and he describes it as blood flowing to the depths of the horses’ bridles. It is beyond human imagination to see a lake that size that has been drained form the veins of those who have followed the purpose of Satan to try to exterminate God’s chosen people in order to prevent Jesus Christ from coming to reign.