The Raising Of Jairus’ Daughter Series
Contributed by David Moore on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: To show how the Lord met the needs of a child and her parents.
The Raising of Jairus’ Daughter
Text: Mark 5:21-43
Introduction: This section of Mark’s Gospel is filled with impossible cases. It has been called the Home Of The Hopeless. There are four impossible, hopeless situations recounted in Mark 4:35-5:43. There is the Troubled Sea, the Tormented Sinner, the Traumatised Sufferer, and the Tragedy of the Schoolgirl. We see how the Lord overcame the depths, the demons, disease and death.
Each case is beyond help! The disciples thought they were going to die in the storm, Mark 4:38, but Jesus was able to calm the storm with a simple command. No one could tame the demoniac, but Jesus set him free from his bondage with a simple command.
As we move through the rest of the events in this chapter we will soon discover that Jesus is more than adequate for every situation. There are no incurables with Him. There are no hopeless situations with the Lord! Your situation is not hopeless! Your loved ones are not hopeless!
Now come with me as we encounter Jairus:
I. A Man of Renown – vss 21-22
A. Having been urged to depart Gadara, Jesus odes just that, he leaves its shore behind and makes His way back across Galilee, back to the shores of Capernaum.
1. If He was unwanted in Gadara, he was more than welcome in Capernaum; there a crowd was gathered waiting on Him.
2. Here He was a hero, one who preached with authority – they liked that, One who healed the sick – they licked that even more, and One who challenged the religious status quo. He was a folk hero, the most popular preacher for miles, and so there was a sizeable landing party waiting for Him as he stepped foot upon the shore.
B. Among their number was this man Jairus.
1. Just as Jesus had to cross the sea to heal the demoniac, so too He must return, for He a Divine appointment with the ruler of the synagogue.
2. Now make no mistake about it, Jairus was a figure of respect in this town.
3. His role was to oversee the worship of God and to supervise the affairs of the synagogue. As such he was the head of that local community, a position he held by means of election, so he was a man who had earned the trust and respect of the people.
4. On the Sabbath days it was Jairus who read the Scriptures and led the prayers, it was Jairus who invited speakers to the pulpit, to hold this office was a matter of high honour.
5. In many ways he was the judge, counselor, lawyer and general confidante of the people of Capernaum, - he was without a doubt a figure of renown in that place.
C. He is as eager as anyone for Jesus to return, in fact he more eager than most, you see his daughter is dying.
1. And so when Jesus breaks shore Jairus pushes his way through the crowds, and with big tear filled eyes “he fell at His feet.”
2. You see He knew Jesus was a healer, in all likelihood he had already witnessed His power with his own eyes – Luke 7:1-10.
a. Was Jairus one of those elders? It seems very likely.
b. As guardian of the synagogue he would greatly appreciative of the centurion’s generosity, but as a guardian of the faith he would have been suspicious of Jesus.
c. Oh he would have been happy enough that He should bless Gentiles, but by the same token he would have been as threatened as any other Jewish leader of the time by the things the Lord Jesus said and taught.
3. So for him, of all people, to come to the Lord in broad daylight took quite a bit of courage, and yet what other option had he? His daughter was dying.
II. A Major Request – vss 23-24
A. I am going to tell you something, and you had best take note of it, tragedy, distress, disease and death are no respecter of persons.
1. Jairus’ position could not by pass his problem.
2. Though he was a devout man, though he carried authority and commanded respect, still the angel of death had come knocking on his door.
3. How many there are who think because they are young, or because they are healthy, or because they have means, or because they have faith that some how death and dying is just going to pass them by – what folly!
a. Listen to me, bereavement and death comes to us all.
b. The Bible says, “For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away.” (Jas 4:14)
c. The first death in Scripture was not an old man, but a young man, not a father, but a son, not a natural death, but a tragic death.