God’s Action Plan
Contributed by Jeff Strite on Dec 10, 2007 (message contributor)
1. Christmas - A Time Of Lights
Contributed on Dec 10, 2007
John was the witness to the Light. What was that light, and what does John’s testimony tell us about our role in Christmas?
OPEN: A Nashville grandfather took his four-year old grandson out in the woods to select a Christmas tree. They tramped all over, but the boy couldn’t find a tree that suited him. Finally, it began to get dark and cold, and the grandfather shook his head and said: "We’ll HAVE to take the next ...read more
2. "Merry Christmas" Or "Happy Holidays"
Contributed on Dec 19, 2007
Uses a video "Feliz Navitoss" as a springboard to talk about why the term "Christmas" upsets some folks.
OPEN: “Feliz Navitoss” (a video from Focus on the Family talking about "tossing" advertising and catalogues from companies that don’t want to mention Christmas. It can be seen at http://www.citizenlink.org/content/A000005834.cfm) APPLY: It’s become something of an annual cultural battle – ...read more