
Summary: The reaction we have to our sin should be of sorrow, grief and mourning. Today, we are losing our sin consciousness. We need to mourn.

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The Beatitudes are like a nut. You open it and the Sermon on the Mount is on the inside. When man seeks to build a better world, he does it by trying to change conditions and circumstances. Man believes if you can change conditions then the world will be better. That is the philosophy of man. When God seeks to make a better world, He does it by changing character. There is a difference. Man thinks that changed conditions will improve character, God knows that only changed character will improve conditions. Man starts on the outside and seeks entrance to the inside. God always starts on the inside and works His way to the outside. That is also the basic difference between religion and salvation.

God is not primarily interested in conditions. Man is primarily interested in conditions. Many times, you and I will sacrifice the truth of God, compromise convictions in order to improve our circumstances and conditions. When Jesus was here there was a great moral and social evil present in the world and yet Jesus never said one word against it. That condition was slavery. He tried to change men’s hearts, their character.

Last week we studied the first beatitude: “Blessed are the poor in spirit.” The starting place. Now the second birthmark I want to talk to you about is in verse 4. Blessed means happy. The word mourn means to lament over a dead loved one, to weep over a severe painful loss. Mourning so severe it cannot be hidden. Now what is he talking about?

Remember each beatitude gives rise to the next one first, you realize you are spiritually bankrupt and your reaction to this is mourning, sorrow, grief over your spiritual poverty. This is what we need more than anything today. We are gradually losing our sin consciousness. There must be a conviction of sin and a turning from sin. Now why must we mourn over the sin in our life.

I. The Penetrating Power of Sin

1. In verses 27-28, Jesus is comparing the Old Testament law with salvation. Look at those last four words.

2. Most of us think that sin just lies on the surface of our lives and can be plucked up like lent on a blue suit. Sin is like lye soap that eats and goes to the very heart.

3. Most of us would size ourselves up as fairly good Christians because our surface life is acceptable to those around us. Proverbs 4:23.

4. Paul’s life was blameless. Philippians 3:4-6. Look at Romans 7:7-11, there was one commandment that slew him, covetousness.

5. Exodus 20, God gave the 10 commandments. Practically all of them are surface commandments, but the last one. Thou shalt not covet.

a. Covetousness has to do with desire.

b. Covetousness has to do with the heart.

6. Paul could go down the commandments and say, “I’m doing fine.” He had no real conviction of sin until he came to the last one.

a. He knew he had never committed an immoral act, but he had wanted to.

b. Had never bore false witness but had wanted to.

c. Had never stolen, never killed.

d. He said, “This commandment slew me.

7. Why! Is it because nobody ever commits the sin of covetousness? No! We just don’t recognize it as sin.

8. Most of us have a surface Christianity. We say we will be victorious if we just do certain things. There are five of them.

a. Read the bible.

b. Be faithful.

c. Tithe

d. Pray

e. Witness

9. There is more to it than that. We need something that will reach the heart. You know that activity and involvement does not make you spiritual.

10. Jesus said we need to mourn over our sin because it penetrates to the depth of our heart. That’s why a religion of just rules and regulations doesn’t do any good.

11. Many in Paul’s day thought if you just had the right rules and regulations, you could make it. look at Colossians 2:22-23.

12. the word pharisee means one who is separated. They were the most proud, egotistical people alive.

13. When I have a rule book religion it makes me proud. I am better than you because I have something you don't have.

14. There is one thing wrong, Paul says, “It doesn't have any effect when it comes to conquering what is in your heart.” You should mourn.

II. The Perverting Power of Sin

1. Verses 29-30

2. Jesus says sin is of such a nature that it can take your right hand or eye and do such a work in them that you ought to cut it off and pluck it out.

3. Now why did Jesus specify the right eye and hand? In biblical terminology the right hand is more important than the left.

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