Contributed by Stephen Wright on Oct 13, 2007
There’s a story about an old Cherokee chief sitting before a flickering fire with his grandson. The boy had broken a tribal taboo, and his grandpa wanted to help him understand what made him do it. "It’s like we have two wolves inside us," said the chief. "One is good, the other is bad. Both more
Contributed by Jason Duncan on Oct 30, 2007
We can never gain an accurate measurement of our own morality and righteousness by comparing ourselves to other people. It’s a bit like measuring out a mile with a 12 inch ruler. Chances are the mile that you think you’ve marked out with that ruler won’t really be anywhere close to an actual more
Contributed by Guy Mcgraw on Jan 21, 2008
A Gallup poll conducted some years ago revealed that 60 percent of Americans did not know what "the Holy Trinity" was. Sixty-six percent couldn’t say who delivered the Sermon on the Mount, and 79 percent were unable to name a single Old Testament prophet.
How is your Bible knowledge? Do you more
Contributed by Timothy Smith on Sep 24, 2002
based on 3 ratings
David Berkwitz of Newsweek asked the question in a web article on 12/22, “What Would Jesus Do About Bin Laden?” He asked different religious leaders their opinions but the only “Jesus” he could find that he agreed with was Jesus (hey-soos) Ayala of Brooklyn who said: “We should kill him and more
Christian Church
Contributed by Rick Stacy on Jan 19, 2004
I heard an interview by Brett Favre this past week. He talked about his father and football. The reporter asked, “How has your father’s death affected you and the others on the team?” (It was something like that.) Brett responded that he had always said that there is more to life than football. more
Christian/Church Of Christ
Contributed by Rodney Buchanan on Jan 16, 2005
based on 2 ratings
What is repentance? Gordon MacDonald helps us to understand with these sobering words: “Repentance is not necessarily repentance for what I have done although it may necessitate that. Repentance is for, more significantly, what is in me as a sinner. I suggest to you that the Bible is teaching more
Contributed by Bruce Willis on Dec 14, 2006
based on 3 ratings
The noted Chinese Christian, Watchmen Nee, had this to say about knowing truth: “The normal Christian life must begin with a very definite ‘knowing,’ which is not just knowing something about the truth nor understanding some important doctrine. It’s not an intellectual knowledge at all, but an more
Contributed by Sermon Central on Feb 26, 2007
(Illustration) In his book One Crowded Hour, Tim Bowden describes an incident in Borneo in 1964. Nepalese fighters known as Gurkhas were asked if they would be willing to jump from airplanes into combat against the Indonesians. The Gurkhas did not clearly understand what was involved, but they more
Contributed by Bill Butsko on Dec 10, 2009
“No Money- No Learning – But Joy”
A prayer meeting was being held at a mission chapel. A poor worker came and kneeled at the altar. He could not understand even the simple Gospel message. While others were rejoicing, he kept on saying, “Jesus! Jesus! Jesus” which was all the prayer he more
Christian Church
Contributed by Dale Pilgrim on Mar 28, 2010
Mercy is a fascinating thing. Let's try to understand it better.
I want you to remember a time when a friend or someone close to you avoided you, shrugged you off for some reason. Now imagine that person being in all kinds of trouble or having a lot of problems because of a bad choice that included more
Salvation Army
Contributed by Perry Greene on Dec 2, 2013
based on 1 rating
"A part of me loved war. Now, please understand, I am a peaceful man, fond of children and animals. And I believe that war should have no place in the affairs of men. But, the comradeship our platoon experienced in that war provides a moving and enduring memory in me. A comrade in war is more
Christian/Church Of Christ