If we set ourselves up as the Judge of who is and is not righteous, we’ll get it wrong as often as we’ll get it right.
Through the years I’ve had numerous occasions when folks warned me to watch out for other people in a church. The amazing thing is that --- in almost every case --- the people I
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Christian/Church Of Christ
Contributed by Tony Abram on Jan 30, 2008
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C. We must position ourselves to be a prophetic voice to our generation.
D. We may not know the future but we know who holds the future.
E. On a
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Jill Rigby stated, “Respect for ourselves guides our morals; respect for others guides our manners” (Raising Respectful Children in a Disrespectful World, page 11).
Rigby makes this observation about our society today: “When I was growing up, people weren’t perfect, but society was certainly more
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Contributed by Dale Pilgrim on Aug 12, 2008
One source says, that denying ourselves “means in every moment of life to say no to self and yes to God.” It is, he continues, “a life lived in the constant hourly awareness of the demands of God and the need of others.”
Dr. Warren Wiersbe, pastor, author and theologian: “To deny self does not
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Salvation Army
Contributed by Johnny Wilson on Jun 27, 2009
I want to give you a silly illustration of one way this can work. When I was a teenager and just starting to enjoy coffee, I liked to take a cup of coffee with me wherever I went. Of course, those of you who’ve seen me play softball are well aware that I have trouble walking and talking at the same
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Contributed by Todd Catteau on Oct 31, 2005
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When Christians fail to trust God, demanding assurance when God, in fact, has already spoken, they lose out on the opportunity to be used by him to the fullest extent…We lose out on his good gifts. And worse, we may find ourselves expending all kinds of
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Christian/Church Of Christ
Contributed by Sermon Central on Jan 10, 2006
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Trust Counts: 13% of employees distrust their employers to be fair and honest. Virtually no combination of perks and benefits counts for much, unless the worker can feels he can trust his employer. Dennis and Michelle Reina, authors of Trust & Betrayal in the Workplace, say it’s the small gestures
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