Contributed by Bruce Willis on Jan 5, 2007
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In “Winnie-the-Pooh,” Pooh and Piglet take an evening walk. For a long time they walk in companionable silence. Finally, Piglet breaks the silence and asks, “When you wake up in the morning, What’s the first thing you say to yourself?” “What’s for breakfast?” answers Pooh. “And what do you say, more
Contributed by Sermon Central on Feb 14, 2007
Financially Illiterate 17% of the 5,775 high school seniors that took a 30-question financial test had taken a money management or personal finance class, yet they fared worse than their peers who had not taken such a class. Students only correctly answered 52.4% of the questions. Financially more
Contributed by Sermon Central on Feb 19, 2007
Switch to Vibrate Companies are limiting on the job cellphone use in reaction to the noisy jangle of beeps and tunes emanating from incoming personal calls. 30% of employees say cellphones ringing at work is their #1 pet peeve, according to a Randstad USA study. A Sprint survey finds 53% of workers more
Contributed by Sermon Central on Feb 20, 2007
Blogs are increasingly the way people communicate. There are some 37 million blogs in the world, with a new one created every second, reports blog track site Technorati. Blogs as a social network, doubles in size every 6 months. It is now 60 times bigger than 3 years ago, with 1.2 million new more
“Truth needs to be sought, found and expressed within the “economy” of charity, but charity in its turn needs to be understood, confirmed and practiced in the light of truth. In this way, not only do we do a service to charity enlightened by truth, but we also help give credibility to truth, more
Contributed by Timothy Darling on Apr 28, 2010
Every day over 25,000 people die of hunger. That's over 1,000 people an hour. In other words, as many people die of hunger every hour as are killed in the world's deadliest wars in a year. One person every 3 seconds ... most often, children.
If the effects of death by famine in the world today were more
Contributed by Cameron Conway on Aug 2, 2010
Today it's not about repentance; it's about our feelings.
It's not about prayer; it's about going out for coffee.
It's not about revolution; it's about the status quo.
It's not about sanctification and righteousness; it's about making money.
It's not about more
Contributed by Gordon Curley on Nov 23, 2010
A friend once asked Isidor I. Rabi, a Nobel prize winner in science, how he became a scientist. Rabi replied that every day after school his mother would talk to him about his school day. She wasn't so much interested in what he had learned that day, but she always inquired; more